Zhang Yi then discovered that all the [Collect Blueprints] received from Lola, whether hidden or ordinary, were team tasks!

When receiving the task, you can receive it alone or with multiple people, but when executing the task, you must have 3-5 people, and everyone in the team must have the task of collecting blueprints. Only when hunting goblins in the task map Goblin Station will the equipment blueprints drop.

In addition, according to the difficulty of the task obtained by the contribution, the average player can collect between 100 and 200 blueprints. Only Zhang Yi, who received the hidden task, needs to collect 500 blueprints.

Of course, other players do not have the exclusive privilege that Zhang Yi can enjoy: the blueprint drop rate is increased by 10 times.

It can be seen that many players who received this task from the blacksmith shop owner Lola, after discovering that this is a team task, each began to call for a team.

A red-armored warrior uncle with a big hammer on his shoulder said,"Those who are brushing blueprints are here, we are short of one team, we need milk and meat, just one back-row output, we will start the car!"

A cute priest girl holding a pancake in her hand said,"A level 32 priest please take me, plenty of milk, definitely not a vase~~"

Zhang Yi also shouted with an attitude of giving it a try, and sure enough, with his identity as a human beastmaster, he was disliked by countless players around him.

No one was willing to team up with Zhang Yi, even a level 30 little mage, he still looked down on Zhang Yi... until a while later, a few female players suddenly walked towards Zhang Yi who had not given up hope.

""Little brother, shall we team up to brush the blueprint?"

Looking around, he saw four young and beautiful female players coming towards him. The one who greeted Zhang Yi was a level 32 archer girl with a high ponytail and a green leather armor suit, which showed off her graceful figure to the fullest!

The ID above her head was called [Hall of Fame, Xue'er]!

The other three girls behind the girl, a knight, an assassin, and a priest, were all girls in their early twenties, and all of them had the same ID prefix"Hall of Fame".

The levels of the four people were all as high as 32!

Hall of Fame, this name evoked a memory of Zhang Yi.

According to the introduction of the"Scavenger", the Hall of Fame was a well-known team in Moonlight City in the previous life!

And it was rumored that all the players in the Hall of Fame were girls, without a single man!

But they were behind... It has grown up slowly over a long period of time. According to the scavenger, the Hall of Fame was just a small team of dozens of people at the beginning. It is completely incomparable with the two major teams [King's Landing] and [Sky] which started with thousands of people.

Later, they slowly recruited people and strengthened themselves, and gradually developed [Hall of Fame] into one of the top teams in Moonlight City that is on par with King's Landing and Sky!

Zhang Yi was a little confused, as if he didn't expect how these girls from the future top teams in Moonlight City would fall in love with him, a human beastmaster.

That's right, the Hall of Fame is still an unknown third-rate team, and they are not so ambitious at the moment.

Just as Zhang Yi was staring at a few people with a touch of curiosity, the Hall of Fame and Xue'er had already walked in front of Zhang Yi, smiled charmingly at him and said,"Don't look at me, little brother! Are you teaming up to brush the map?"

Zhang Yi immediately retracted his gaze and said,"Team up!""

"But why did you team up with me?"Zhang Yi then expressed his doubts.

At this time, next to the archer Xue'er, another short-haired knight girl in armor [Hall of Fame, Sakura] smiled and said:"The NPC said that our team has too much yin energy and lacks yang energy. We need a good-looking little brother to replenish our yang energy!"

"So that's it!" Zhang Yi admitted that she was somewhat pretty, and then said:"But I'm very green, aren't you afraid that I will hold you back?"

"It doesn't matter." The curly-haired priest girl [Hall of Fame, Rourou] said,"We'll take you!"

It must be said that the girls in the Hall of Fame are really pretty, especially Xue'er, who is so beautiful that she can make fish sink to the bottom of the water, geese fall to the ground, and the moon hide in shame... Zhang Yi couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said,"Then let's go to the Goblin Station now."

So, Hall of Fame and Xue'er pulled Zhang Yi into the team, but the system prompt he got was——

"Player** has joined the team!"

""Why do you hide your ID?" Xue'er asked in confusion.

Zhang Yi said,"A tall tree attracts the wind."

Hall of Fame, Rourou smiled with her hands covering her mouth:"Are you afraid of being remembered by others as a small beastmaster?"

"No, no, I am just a leaf at best."

"" Puff~"

As the voices rang out, a team of five people followed the instructions on the map and rushed towards the direction of [Goblin Station].

Only a large group of individual players with envious faces were left at the door of the blacksmith shop.

Player A:"How come this Beastmaster is so lucky? The ladies in the Hall of Fame like this rubbish Beastmaster of the Terran race and look down on me?"

Player B:"Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself? Although his profession is useless, he is at least a standard pretty boy. At least he is pleasing to the eye in the team. You will really affect the team appearance if you go in!""

"I TM……"


Here, Zhang Yi and his companions were on their way to the Goblin Station.

The assassin girl, Hall of Fame, Sasha, looked back at Zhang Yi who was walking behind her, and whispered to Hall of Fame, Xueer,"Sister Xueer, why do we want to team up with him? He is from the human race, and he is also a beastmaster.……"

"Don't understand?" Hall of Fame, Xue'er looked like she saw through everything and whispered:"What does it mean that a human player can come to our alien race? It means that this person must be a very important boss in their human race! Otherwise, he would not have so much reputation or gold coins to meet the conditions of crossing races to come to our alien race."

"So we have to have a good relationship with the big guy. Maybe when we go to the second-level main city or the first-level main city in the future and the races merge, he can bring us a powerful human ally!"

"Sogasne~" Sasha nodded thoughtfully:"Sister Xueer is so thoughtful! I will go and make friends with the boss now!"

As she said that, Sasha ran to Zhang Yi, looked at him with a pair of beautiful big eyes, and said:"Little brother, do you want to date?"


Xue'er held her forehead with her hand, looking helpless.

The girls in the Hall of Fame are all cheerful, so the journey was not too boring. Zhang Yi chatted with them casually.

Zhang Yi naturally had his own plans.

Although the Hall of Fame is not yet famous and has no strength or influence, they are potential stocks after all, and one of the three top teams in Moonlight City in the future!

When the Hall of Fame becomes famous in the future, it will be difficult to get closer to them, so now is the best time to get along with them. When you are out, it is naturally better to have one more friend than one more enemy.

So, Zhang Yi followed the girls in the Hall of Fame and continued to rush to the Goblin Station.

When they were halfway there, they saw a group of players coming towards them!

Seeing the vigorous team of young male players, the girls in the Hall of Fame stopped involuntarily, and each of them had a sad face.

"Oops, how could I run into them?……"

Zhang Yi asked in confusion,"Who are they?"

The pastor bit her lip softly and frowned,"During the previous energy dispute, our neighboring district was the victim.……"

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