Seeing Zhang Yi approaching with murderous intent, Zhan Tianxia frowned and asked,"Where did this human mage come from?" As soon as he finished speaking, a younger brother beside Zhan Tianxia reminded him,"Boss, I just saw that the beastmaster seemed to be with someone from the Hall of Fame. They should be teammates!"

"Aren't all the Hall of Fame girls? What, you finally can't stand the loneliness and want to have sex?" Zhan Tianxia smiled and looked at the beautiful archer girl Xue'er lying in front of him, and said,"If you are lonely, uncle can satisfy you. Why do you have to look for that useless human beastmaster?"

At this time, Xue'er, who knew she was going to die, was too lazy to argue with Zhan Tianxia, and hurriedly shouted to Zhang Yi who was approaching from behind,"Brother, why are you still here? Go away!"

Obviously, these girls in the Hall of Fame still have a chance to revive.

So at this moment, Xue'er was thinking that since she had no way to escape, she couldn't let this human race boss who she had finally met be in danger because of her. If she offended the boss because of this incident, he would not cooperate with the Hall of Fame in the future, and the loss of the Hall of Fame would be huge!

So subconsciously, in Xue'er's opinion, Zhang Yi coming here was just to die.

Not only did the girls in the Hall of Fame think so, but no one among the players who wanted to stop the war with war, and the surrounding onlookers, was optimistic about Zhang Yi..

Let’s not talk about race, because the human race does not have any negative effects such as attribute suppression in the territory of other races.

Just in terms of his profession, a beastmaster with the lowest attribute growth among the seven professions of Apocalypse may not even be able to beat a priest in a single fight!

In addition, the equipment of this human beastmaster is all dull, because the enhancement level is too low and he is afraid of being embarrassed, so he dare not show the special effects of the equipment. It is hard to imagine how rubbish his equipment is!

Therefore, Zhan Tianxia did not take this rubbish human beastmaster seriously at all:"Why, kid, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty?"

Zhang Yi paused and suddenly said with a smile:"They are my teammates who I have worked hard to form a team with. Brother, give them face and let them go this time!" Zhan

Tianxia sneered:"Who do you think you are? In my eyes, you are not worth a fart, and you dare to talk nonsense in front of me?"

This guy is actually begging for mercy for me?

Although they were somewhat moved, Xue'er and several girls from the surrounding Hall of Fame felt more desperate.

This human mage didn't understand the concept of stopping war with war.

According to Zhan Tianxia's style, the more Zhang Yi begged for mercy, the uglier the other party would die!

However, with the appearance of Zhang Yi, Zhan Tianxia was not so anxious to deal with the people from the Hall of Fame, but instead locked his hatred on Zhang Yi.

Because now, he couldn't wait to let the people in the Hall of Fame see how ugly the man who wanted to protect them would die in the hands of Zhan Tianxia!

So, Zhan Tianxia waved his hand and gave an order:"Blast that human garbage mage!" As soon as the words fell, eight or nine players of Zhan Tianxia behind him rushed towards Zhang Yi with swords drawn.

At the same time, the surrounding onlookers started a discussion about Zhang Yi, the"dying man".

Passerby A:"This kid has lost his brain, and he dares to be a hero alone!"

Passerby B:"Yeah, and he's a rubbish beastmaster. If he wants to be a hero and save the beauty, he has to consider his own strength. Isn't he just asking for death?"

Passerby C:"It's over, they're all going to die!"

Zhang Yi, who ignored the discussions of the players around him and planned to solve the problem through discussion, looked at the players who were approaching quickly in front of him with the intention of stopping the war with war. The murderous intent that had just dissipated in his eyes suddenly became wild:"I've given you a chance."

Zhan Tianxia couldn't stop laughing:"S, you're giving us a chance? I don't think you even know how you died!""

The girls in the Hall of Fame also blamed themselves, secretly thinking: It was themselves who harmed this human leader...

In Zhang Yi's sight, seeing the people rushing over, they all fell into gloom because of the previous attack on the Hall of Fame.

As soon as they stepped into the effective range of 50 meters, the Undead Wand was filled with blue light.

Lightning chain! Fireball!


With super fast attack speed, the three skills were released in an instant, blooming among the players who wanted to stop the war with war, triggering the talent [Splash Attack], bringing a series of super high damage from their heads.——


-2168 critical hit!

-2096 critical hits!





In the blink of an eye, all eight of the other players were crippled.

Immediately afterwards, before they could react, Zhang Yi waved his staff and released a purple storm of undead.


When the purple barrier formed around the eight players of Yizhan Zhizhan, countless skulls appeared and madly attacked the eight people in the storm of undead, causing 500-700 points of damage to float over their heads.

Accompanied by screams, when the undead storm that lasted for 3 seconds stopped, eight white lights lit up at the same time. The eight full-blooded players of Yizhan Zhizhan were all killed within 3 seconds!

The field suddenly fell into a deathly silence, and everyone was stunned.

Only Zhang Yi, who had killed eight people in a row, continued to hold the undead staff and approached Zhan Tianxia.

Zhan Tianxia was so scared that he opened his mouth wide:"You... who are you!"

"As you can see, it's just a trash mage of the human race."Zhang Yi smiled faintly, opened the status bar, and turned on all the special effects of his equipment.


Zhang Yi's whole body of equipment turned on the golden flash mode.

All the equipment was enhanced to level 25!

At this moment, those who were invisible just now���The Terran mage player was even more stunned.

Zhang Yi used a flash to move directly in front of Zhan Tianxia, and in front of Zhan Tianxia, he killed the three remaining players who were fighting to stop the war with just the high damage from his normal attacks!

In an instant, Zhan Tianxia was the only one left on the field.

"How do you want to die?" Zhang Yi's eyes were calmly fixed on Zhan Tianxia.

"I……"Before Zhan Tianxia could finish his words, Zhang Yi waved his hand and cast a fireball spell that had just finished cooling down, dealing a 2638-point critical damage, knocking off half of Zhan Tianxia's health. He then used two normal attacks to take him away.

"I've made the decision for you, just die like this."


As the twelfth white light lit up on the field, Zhang Yi, who had wiped out twelve players of Yizhanzhizhan by himself, put his staff back into his bag as if nothing had happened, and then looked at the stunned Xue'er and others:"It's getting late, let's go to the Goblin Station to collect the blueprints."

As Zhang Yi turned off the special effects of his equipment as if nothing had happened, and continued to set off for the Goblin Station, Xue'er and the others immediately followed him.

The girls didn't even have the courage to walk side by side with Zhang Yi, and followed behind from a distance, whispering.

Rourou:"Oh my God, Sister Xue'er really guessed it right, he is actually a big shot!"

Shasha:"A fireball spell has a damage of nearly 3,000, and he wiped out Yizhanzhizhan by himself. Is he really a beastmaster?……"

Cherry:"It's so scary……"

Xue Er:"Hurry up and hold on to my thighs, ugh! Hurry up and catch up with the boss!"


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