For Zhang Yi, although it was a hidden mission of ordinary level, the difficulty coefficient of [Collect Blueprints] was 1050 points, and the enemy he needed to deal with was a super goblin of level 35!

However, compared to the level 40 werewolf warriors in the Demon Suppression Tower, the goblins, who were 4 levels higher than Zhang Yi, were definitely not that difficult to deal with.

So, after arriving at the [Goblin Station] filled with countless green goblins, Zhang Yi took the Undead Wand, summoned the Dragon Blood Knight, and went in alone before Xue'er and the others caught up.

At this moment, there were also many players hunting goblins and collecting blueprints at the Goblin Station. Because of the team setting of the task of collecting blueprints, all the players who brushed blueprints here were in groups of three or five.

These level 35 goblins were fierce, and many players who were just at level 31 or 32 were not even their opponents. There were screams all around, and white light would light up from time to time.

Because their levels were more than 3 levels higher than Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi could not view the data of these goblins, only���Go straight ahead.

The Undead Wand flicked its fingers.

Boom boom boom!

Freeze, Fireball, and Aurora combined to launch a three-hit combo against a Goblin Archer in the effective attack range on the track ahead.——


-1278 critical hits!


After three skills, only one third of the Goblin Archer's health was destroyed, because the Goblin Archer's high-quality [Spell Damage Reduction] talent can reduce the magic damage received by the Goblin Archer by 30%!

The Goblin let out a strange cry, pulled the rusty bow in his hand, and a burning arrow flew towards Zhang Yi.

Whoosh - the Dragon Blood Knight guarded in front of Zhang Yi with a shield, blocking the Goblin Archer's attack for Zhang Yi.——

-1029! -206! (burning)

-1079! (Dragon Blood Body)

The Goblin Archer's damage is not low, but for the Dragon Blood Knight with 12,000 HP, it is not a big deal.

The counterattack from the Dragon Blood Body is even higher than the Goblin Archer's damage.

Then, Zhang Yi quickly swung his staff, and several general attack magic balls bombarded the Goblin Archer one after another, with a single general attack damage of more than 400 points, continuously consuming its HP.

With the dual blessing of [Dragon King Body Protection] and [Dragon Blood Shield], the Dragon Blood Knight rushed to the Goblin Archer who was shooting at him crazily, and stabbed with a gun with 2,260 damage, directly clearing the remaining HP bar above its head.

"Ding~ Your team has killed a level 35 Goblin Archer, 600 experience points!"

The girls in the Hall of Fame who had just entered the Goblin Station were stunned when they heard this battle prompt...

Other players could barely fight against Goblins in a team, but Zhang Yi was actually fighting a level 35 Goblin alone!

"This guy is...too abnormal!"

Compared to the 5600 experience points of the Werewolf Warrior, the 600 experience points of the Goblin Archer after being shared equally by his teammates made Zhang Yi feel quite dissatisfied.

Following closely, several girls from the Hall of Fame also joined the battle.

However, in front of Zhang Yi and the Dragonblood Knight, their presence was very low.

With Zhang Yi's strength and the cooperation with the Dragonblood Knight, it was no pressure to challenge the level 35 Goblin by jumping 4 levels. With the assistance of several girls from the Hall of Fame, it was even easier to kill the Goblin, which stunned many players around who were killing Goblins on the same map.

"They must be cheating! How can they kill goblins so quickly?"

"This, the guy in their team is a beastmaster?……"

With Xue'er and the others' assistance, and with the full treatment of the priest Rourou, Zhang Yi used the Dragon Blood Knight to launch a taunt, directly attracting three goblins at once!

With the strong counter-injury of the Dragon Blood Knight, the goblins were crippled by the counter-injury while attacking the Dragon Blood Knight. Zhang Yi and the archer Xue'er bombarded with fierce artillery fire in the back formation, and Yingtao and Shasha harvested at close range. With the joint efforts of the five people, they bombarded the goblins one by one into experience and equipment blueprints.

Equipment blueprints are things that players have a chance to explode when they swipe monsters in the wild after level 30. They can be used to make equipment in the blacksmith shop. The number of stars of the blueprints can make the number of stars of equipment.

Ordinary monsters over level 30 generally have a higher probability of dropping 1-star blueprints, and a small probability of dropping 2-star blueprints, but the probability of dropping blueprints is very low!

Even for players who have received the task, it is estimated that one blueprint will explode every three goblins killed.

Zhang Yi received a 10x drop rate bonus from the mission. Every time he killed a goblin, a bound 2-star equipment blueprint would definitely drop out.

Zhang Yi's mission required the collection of 500 blueprints. Together with Xue'er and the other four in the team, they had to kill 1,200 goblins before all five of them could complete the mission.

So, from the morning until after four in the afternoon, the five of them finally collected enough [2-star equipment blueprints]!

Looking at the full bag of blueprints in the mission-exclusive backpack, Zhang Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The experience gained from a day of grinding could have allowed Zhang Yi to level up to level 32, but Zhang Yi used that experience to raise the Dragon Blood Knight back to level 30. If a beastmaster wants to level up, he has to work twice as hard as an ordinary person.

Zhang Yi's plan: I'll go back and submit the mission later, and let Laura help the Dragon Blood Knight make the equipment. Tonight, I should be able to challenge the first floor of the Demon Suppression Tower.

So, when Hall of Fame, Xue'er and the others were still overwhelmed by the boss's powerful strength, they only heard a team reminder coming down.——

"Ding~ Your teammates【**】I have already left the team!"

After a day of grinding and not having eaten lunch, Zhang Yi was so hungry that he rubbed his stomach and planned to use the Return to City Scroll to return to the city.

Zhang Yi's purpose could not be too obvious. He just wanted to use this opportunity to get to know several core players in the Hall of Fame. If he wanted to continue to deepen their friendship, there would be many opportunities in the future. He could take his time.

So, just as Zhang Yi was about to use the Return to City Scroll, a series of message reminders suddenly rang.

Zhang Yi casually opened the message interface and seemed to have seen something incredible, so he immediately closed the message.

"Ladies, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying hello, Zhang Yi left in a hurry.

The girls in the Hall of Fame were left behind, each looking at Zhang Yi's gradually leaving back with admiration.

"If this happened before, he would at least be a district overlord level expert, right?"

"He is indeed a big shot.……"

"Wait, are we forgetting something… We don’t even know his name!"

"He hasn't gone far yet, there's still time, add him as a friend!"

So, Zhang Yi

"Ding~ Player [Hall of Fame, Cherry] applied to add you as a friend through nearby people!"

"Ding~ Player [Hall of Fame, Rourou] applied to add you as a friend through nearby people!"


Four people all added Zhang Yi as their friend!

Zhang Yi rejected all of them without hesitation!

On this side, Xue'er and the others who thought that the other party would definitely agree to the friend request and were confident in themselves were all surprised after receiving the friend rejection notification from the system.

Rourou:"He actually rejected me... This little brother is so cold!"

Yingtao:"Damn it, I was rejected too. Is it because I am not charming enough that I can't even attract his attention?……"

Shasha:"We are not charming enough, what about Sister Xueer? Sister Xueer was once the campus beauty of our university! She had countless suitors, he would definitely not reject Sister Xueer!"

Xueer frowned slightly:"I was rejected by him too……"

The four of them exclaimed in unison:"Is this the charm of the great god?"

Zhang Yi also had his own ideas.

Although the Hall of Fame is indeed the future great god team of Moonlight City, they are still in the growth stage. Zhang Yi cannot have too much contact with them now, otherwise it will easily change the historical progress of this life, causing the Hall of Fame of this life to be unable to grow into a top team like Junlin and Sky.

Now Zhang Yi has established a good impression in front of them. When the Hall of Fame grows up in the future, Zhang Yi will rely on his face to get closer to the Hall of Fame!

So, deliberately not using the scroll to return to the city, while walking back to the city, Zhang Yi opened the chat channel, and then read the message he just saw.——

【Xiaojiji] (Male, Level 31 Second-level Archer):"Brothers and sisters, a BOSS has spawned in G City! Everyone, go and fight the BOSS!"

【The Law of the End of the World] (Male, Level 31 Second-level Assassin):"Is this true? When did this happen? How come I didn't know about it!"

【Qingfeng Piaoxue] (Female, Level 30 Second-turn Magician):"It's true! I just happened to pass by G City, and I heard that it seemed that a big team completed a map mission in G City, and then the hidden BOSS of that map suddenly refreshed!"

【Snow in the breeze】:"I'm still in G City. Many players are fighting BOSS. It's very lively here now! If you don't believe me, I'll start a live broadcast for everyone. Remember to reward me!"

Seeing these messages in the chat interface, Zhang Yi casually opened the live broadcast interface, and sure enough, he saw a live broadcast room named [Qingfeng Piaoxue] was broadcasting live!

So, Zhang Yi clicked into the live broadcast room.

Through the live broadcast interface, the first-person perspective of the girl Qingfeng Piaoxue could see that, as expected, in an abandoned city not far in front of her, countless players were besieging a huge black spider with one leg at least seven or eight meters high!

Above the head of the big spider, there was a row of red IDs that were clearly visible from a hundred meters away -

Lv30 Violent Spider King (Physical Department·2-star BOSS)!

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