"Ding~ The transaction was successful. Congratulations! You have obtained 30 gold coins, 100 level 1 strengthening stones, and the skill book [Lightning Chain] 1!"

After completing the transaction, Storm Angel couldn't wait to equip the Silver Moon Bow, turned around and shot a [Fire Arrow] at the first level 11 warrior among the several King's World players who chased out of the woods.】

-376 critical hits!

The warrior's attack and defense were balanced. This 348 points of damage did not kill the warrior instantly, but it instantly reduced his health to less than one-fifth! In addition, the archer's fire arrow has continuous burning damage, which has the same effect as Zhang Yi's burning talent of the flame staff. It will cause 10% of the original damage per second to the King's World warrior, which is 35 points of burning damage, for 5 seconds.

As a result, the King's World warrior player who was not killed instantly by the Storm Angel's arrow was burned to death before he had time to take medicine!

Looking at the damage he just dealt, the Storm Angel couldn't believe his eyes:"Oh my god! This damage is too terrible!"

After all, before this, the Storm Angel could only deal 70 to 80 points of damage at most. After changing to the Silver Moon Bow, the damage was directly doubled!

This damage is indeed very high, so high that Zhang Yi regretted selling this bow to the Storm Angel.

The Storm Angel, who was in an excited state, was holding the Silver Moon Bow with a 35-point armor-piercing talent effect, and was shooting wildly at the King's World players in the forest!

At this moment, looking at all the players in the King's World, no one could withstand the damage of the Storm Angel. Basically, one arrow could cripple a full-blooded player, and then another arrow could kill him. If a critical hit was made, it could be killed instantly!

With a 35-point armor-piercing effect, even the knight was a fragile skin in front of the Storm Angel!

After all, the Storm Angel was originally the number one on the 886 area level list, and he was also the captain of the Storm Family. He possessed outstanding strength. After getting this Silver Moon Bow, which was considered a magic weapon in the early stage, he was like a tiger with wings!

And Zhang Yi, after getting [Lightning Chain], immediately learned

"Ding~ Congratulations on mastering the new skill [Lightning Chain】!"

Green skills consume 2 skill slots, and players gain a skill slot every 3 levels. Now Zhang Yi is level 11, with 3 skill slots. In addition to the one occupied by [Fireball], he has 2 skill slots that are just right for learning [Lightning Chain].

Having mastered the new skills, Zhang Yi couldn't wait to try them out.

Selecting a King of Glory Knight player in front of him who was within his attack range, Zhang Yi swung his staff and released Lightning Chain.


A purple lightning bolt struck down and hit the Knight player directly. Then, the lightning bounced off the Knight and attacked the other two King of Glory players around him. A high damage wave jumped over the heads of the three players one after another.——





Two consecutive white lights lit up on the field. In addition to the first knight who was attacked, the two remaining health magicians and archers who were ejected by the lightning chain were instantly killed!

This group attack skill, combined with Zhang Yi's super high attack power, is simply awesome to use!

So, Storm Angel used the Silver Moon Bow to turn the tide, and with Zhang Yi's help, he actually began to lead the players of the Storm Family to gradually turn the situation around!

Just two people can change the fate of a group battle of hundreds of people. This sounds like a fantasy, but in fact, in the early stage of the game, with top-level equipment, it can really be done with two people!

As an archer, Storm Angel is now like a mobile output turret. Basically, two or three arrows can kill a person directly, and under the close protection of more than a dozen Storm Family high-level knight players, the players of King's World can't get close to Storm Angel at all.

When the Storm Family and King's World were fighting fiercely, Zhang Yi quietly withdrew from the battlefield.

Compared to fighting this meaningless team battle, Zhang Yi has something important to do. The people of King's World can be handed over directly to the Storm Family. I believe that the Storm Angels, who have been assisted by the power of the Silver Moon Bow, will not let the players of King's World go so easily.

After leaving the Goblin Forest, Zhang Yi followed the map and spent a full half-hour journey to a cemetery full of graves in the south of Hope Town!

Looking around, even during the day, the cemetery is gloomy, just like night.

Regarding this cemetery, there are no obvious level and name signs on the game map of Apocalypse like other places. The reason why Zhang Yi can find it here is naturally based on the memory of the previous life.

After eight years, I can still remember it so clearly because this cemetery is very special. There is a hidden copy of the Dragon Clan buried here!

In the world of Apocalypse, copies can be divided into ordinary copies and hidden copies like tasks. The rarity of hidden copies is the same as that of hidden tasks. If players pass the hidden copies, they can get extremely generous rewards.

Zhang Yi remembered that the players who found and cleared the Dragon Clan hidden copy in the previous life were not from the safe zone 886, but from a powerful team from the neighboring zone 885. This was because the location of this cemetery was right in the middle of zones 885 and 886.

It was said that the players who cleared this hidden copy in the previous life not only got a super rare monster, but also got a lot of top-quality equipment, items, and countless money. Zhang

Yi didn't care about the other things. What he cared about most was the monster.

So in this life, Zhang Yi had to get ahead of the team in zone 885 and take down this hidden copy. The super monster rewarded in the copy was especially important to Zhang Yi, a beastmaster.

Of course, Zhang Yi was not planning to take down this copy right now.���Because I vaguely remember the team that cleared the dungeon in the previous life saying that they were a group of 100 people who entered the dungeon, and in the end only less than 10 people died, and they barely passed the dungeon!

And Zhang Yi did not intend to share the reward of this hidden task with others, he wanted to take all the rewards of this hidden dungeon by himself!

Therefore, Zhang Yi must make a perfect plan in advance. The purpose of this trip here is to preliminarily explore what level this dungeon belongs to, so as to make a targeted plan.

Zhang Yi had just stepped into the cemetery when a cold system prompt sound came from the air.——

"Ding~ The system reminds you that you have entered the high-risk map [Dragon Emperor's Tomb]. The threat of death to you from this map exceeds 1000%. The system recommends that you leave [Dragon Emperor's Tomb] immediately and wait until your level is greatly increased before exploring again!"

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