Zhang Yi knew that this kind of system reminder would only appear when the player was in real danger of death from the game world of [Apocalypse], just like a level 50 player entering a level 100 wild area map.

However, Zhang Yi ignored the system reminder and continued to go deeper into the Dragon Emperor's Tomb. After opening the map, he found that after entering the Dragon Emperor's Tomb, an introduction to the [Dragon Emperor's Tomb] appeared at the bottom of the map.

【[Dragon Emperor Tomb] (Unknown Level):

Description: The dragon race is a powerful race that has survived on Earth for billions of years. Its strength is superior to that of the three major races of humans, demons, and aliens, and it is also an extremely mysterious race. It is said that a top dragon emperor is sleeping in this cemetery, so it is called the Dragon Emperor Tomb. The day when the dragon emperor revives will be the day when the three major races will perish...

Because he survived in the Apocalypse World for eight years in his previous life, Zhang Yi has more or less some understanding of the mysterious dragon race in the future.

The leader of the dragon race is called"Emperor". Each dragon emperor is the most powerful existence of the dragon race. Before Zhang Yi died in his previous life, he spent a year with Muchen Linruo and more than a hundred top players to collect the [Dragon Blood Scroll], which was obtained by hunting down nine god-level dragon emperors of the dragon race.

After entering the map, Zhang Yi was not attacked by any monsters, because he knew that in addition to the hidden copy, there was only one monster in this cemetery, and that was the guardian of the hidden copy.

Going deep into the Dragon Emperor Tomb, Zhang Yi indeed found the copy entrance between two huge graves: a white light curtain!

Zhang Yi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. You know, he had survived in the Apocalypse world for eight years in his previous life, but he had never encountered a hidden copy in person! And now, it was only the second day of the Apocalypse server opening...

After the excitement, fear followed, because Zhang Yi knew that it was not so easy to pass through this light curtain to enter the hidden copy. Before that, the player must kill the guardian of the hidden copy [Dragon Emperor Tomb]. In the previous life, in order to kill the guardian, the team in District 885 spent several weeks and tried more than a dozen times, using up all the three resurrection opportunities obtained from the survival mission every week, and finally succeeded.

This was also said by the players in District 885 in the cross-district chat channel to show off.

The purpose of Zhang Yi's trip was to check the data of the guardian. Only by mastering its data can he know what level of strength he needs to reach in order to kill it and enter the Dragon Emperor Tomb copy.

So, Zhang Yi took out the [Exploration Scroll] that he had bought for 1 gold coin from his bag, and holding the scroll, he approached the entrance of the Dragon King's Tomb.

Just as Zhang Yi was getting closer and closer to the light curtain, he suddenly heard a low and hoarse roar.——

"Anyone who trespasses into the Dragon Emperor's Tomb shall die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yi saw a red light flying out of one of the two graves in front of him, and he immediately crushed the exploration scroll in his hand. The next moment, the red light flew back into the grave, and a strong red light wave burst out from the grave. Zhang Yi was caught off guard and was blown away by the light wave. He fell heavily to the ground, and his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

"Ding~ You were attacked by [Dragon Emperor Guardian·Dragon Blood Swordsman], and lost 1538 health points. You are dead!"

Turning his sight, Zhang Yi found himself in the resurrection fountain of Hope Town.

Because of death, he was punished with a level drop from level 11 to level 10. Zhang Yi couldn't help but uttered:"Damn it!"

Zhang Yi wanted to evacuate the Dragon Emperor's Tomb immediately after getting the data of the guardian, but he didn't expect to be killed instantly!

The first time after rebirth, he was killed like this.

He hurriedly checked his whole body. Fortunately, because he was a white name, Zhang Yi did not drop any equipment after his death. He only dropped a dozen silver coins and a few strengthening stones. The biggest loss was that the chance of resurrection was reduced by 1.

Shocked, Zhang Yi opened the memory saving interface and took a look. Fortunately, he found that he had got what he wanted most before he died.——

【Dragon Emperor Guardian·Dragon Blood Swordsman] (Physical Lord Monster):

Level: 30

Talent: Bloodsucking (Dragon Blood Swordsman is born with 25% bloodsucking ability, which can convert 25% of all damage caused by attacks into his own blood)

Physical Attack: 1055

Physical Defense: 790

Magic Defense: 650

HP: 55600

Skills: Dragon Emperor Slash, Dragon Blood Slash, Dragon Shadow Kill, Dragon Destroying Secret, Dragon Emperor Bloodline

Description: The guard of the Dragon Emperor [Greedy Dragon Emperor·Gurra], the immortal Dragon Blood Swordsman has sworn to guard Gurra for hundreds of millions of years. Anyone who tries to approach the Dragon Emperor's Tomb will be killed by the Dragon Blood Swordsman... The exploration scroll is effective!

It seems that this wave of death is not a loss, at least the data of the Dragon Emperor's Tomb Guardian is obtained. Next, Zhang Yi can formulate a plan to conquer the hidden copy [Dragon Emperor's Tomb] based on the data of the Dragon Blood Swordsman.

As you can imagine, as the guardian of the Dragon Emperor's Tomb, the strength of the Dragon Blood Swordsman basically represents the overall strength of this dungeon. The dungeon monsters in the Dragon Emperor's Tomb must be level 30. Except for the dungeon guarding BOSS, the strength of other ordinary or elite monsters must be weaker than the Dragon Blood Swordsman.

In other words, as long as Zhang Yi improves his strength to exceed the Dragon Blood Swordsman and can beat the Dragon Blood Swordsman, he can basically pass this dungeon!

The attack power of the Dragon Blood Swordsman has reached four digits, and at least he must have a four-digit attack power to compete with it.

It is not easy to increase the attack power to four digits. It seems that you have to work harder. After all, Zhang Yi's current attack power is only 206 points, which is still a long way from this goal.

Looking at the time, it was already more than 11:50 in the afternoon. Zhang Yi touched his rumbling stomach and walked into a restaurant in Hope Town.

In addition to fatigue, the hidden attribute of the player also has a hunger degree. People can be exhausted to death, and they can also starve to death.

Similar to fatigue, the player's hunger level is in the best state when it reaches 100%. When it drops to 0%, the player will face the danger of death, but the rate of decline of hunger is only half of fatigue. Fatigue decreases by 1% every 10 minutes, while hunger only decreases by 1% every 20 minutes. It has been almost 16 hours since the server was opened at 8 o'clock last night, and Zhang Yi's current hunger level is still 52%.

Hunger can be restored by eating. The more expensive the food, the better the taste, and the more hunger it restores.

As a wealthy man with 31 gold coins, Zhang Yi came to the restaurant and directly spent 50 silver coins to order a steak and another 50 silver coins for a bottle of red wine.

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