It was around noon, lunch time, and at this moment, there were many other players eating lunch in the restaurant.

The restaurant in Hope Town had all kinds of food, from the steak that Zhang Yi was eating for 50 silver coins, to the steamed buns that only cost 10 copper coins.

At this stage, the players didn't have much money, so most people ate fried rice and fried noodles for 1 silver coin a bowl.

Relatively speaking, fried noodles have the best cost-effectiveness, are cheap, and can restore hunger.

A bowl of fried noodles can restore 10% of hunger, while steak can restore 50% of hunger. Apart from that, the difference in taste is indescribable.

When seeing Zhang Yi sitting there alone eating steak and drinking red wine, the players who were eating fried rice and steamed buns around him cast envious glances at Zhang Yi.

"What the hell, this guy is actually eating a steak that costs 50 silver coins? He is so arrogant!"

"Stop looking at it and go eat your fried rice. They are rich, which is something we cannot envy. After dinner, go out and kill more monsters in the afternoon.���Come up with some money so we can have something good tonight!"

Zhang Yi ignored the pointing and groaning of the players around him. While eating steak, he looked through the regional chat channel of Safe Zone 886. When he saw the chat records that were being refreshed frantically, Zhang Yi almost spit out a mouthful of red wine.——

【King of Glory] (Male, Level 10 Archer):"You dogs of the Storm Family, I'm going to kill half of my people today. I'll remember this. Just wait, I will make sure that you, the Storm Family, don't survive more than three days in Area 886!"

【Storm Dragon King (Male, Level 11 Warrior):"You are only good at talking. What else can you do besides speaking harshly? You ran faster than a wild horse in the Goblin Forest today. If you have the guts, don't run. Coward!"

【Honor of Kings】:"Damn it, if it wasn’t for Yinuo Qingcheng helping you, and if he hadn’t given my Silver Moon Bow to your boss Feng Bao, a piece of shit, how could you, a bunch of trash, defeat us, King of the World?"

【Storm Angel】:"By the way, didn't you threaten to kill Yinuo Qingcheng several times before? Why do I feel like you act like a rat seeing a cat every time you see him recently?"

【Honor of Kings】:"I*****"

The people of these two teams really have a lot of leisure time. But it's good that way. With the help of the people of the Storm Family, it will be easier for Zhang Yi to destroy the King's World Team.

Invisibly, Zhang Yi also used the Storm Family to change the course of history, because at this time in the previous life, the people of the King's World had already begun to oppress the individual players in the safe zone, and in this life, they are currently focusing on Zhang Yi and the people of the Storm Family. They have no time to target the individual players and implement the plan to occupy the Hope Town.

Close the chat interface, and Zhang Yi has just finished lunch. Both hunger and fatigue have reached saturation.

Next, go out to do a task to practice leveling, spend the afternoon time, and then wait until the evening to find Yi Er to get weapons, and after another strength rise, go to meet the bigger challenge that will come tomorrow.

In memory, it should be the third day of the opening of the server. Every community in all the major regions of the entire Apocalypse World will usher in a disaster. If you can overcome this disaster, the players can get a chance to rise in overall strength. On the contrary, the safe zone will be destroyed, and all players belonging to the same safe zone will die.

So before that, Zhang Yi had to work hard to improve his strength and prepare for tomorrow.

In Zhang Yi's opinion, the magic wand that Yi'er was forging was a two-star weapon. A two-star weapon above level 10 plus a level 25 enhancement could directly double Zhang Yi's strength!

As a reborn person, in Zhang Yi's memory, there were still opportunities in or around the 886 safe zone, but many of them required reaching the level standard or reaching the strength standard. With Zhang Yi's current strength as a level 10 first-turn beastmaster, many opportunities that were in front of him could not be used for the time being.

So in the afternoon, Zhang Yi honestly received a 120-point difficulty coefficient from the boss of the appraisal institute in the safe zone, about hunting [mutated octopus] and collecting 200 [octopus illustrations]. After completing a large amount of red and blue potion supplies in the store, Zhang Yi followed the map instructions and came to the outside of the safe zone, near a closed middle school built in the suburbs.

This middle school is the habitat of the octopus bugs. According to the description of the task: After the apocalyptic crisis broke out, countless infected and mutated octopus bugs ran down from the back hill of the school, invaded the school, killed all the students and teachers inside, and fed on their corpses, living in this school for a long time.

Taking out the flame staff from the bag, Zhang Yi just stepped into the campus, and a pungent smell of blood came to him.

Accompanied by a series of low hums and roars, looking around, some octopus bugs between levels 12-15 can be seen everywhere in the huge campus, gnawing on some seriously rotten, stinking human corpses wearing student uniforms.

12-15 level monsters, it seems that Zhang Yi, who is currently only level 10, can not only perform the task of [Collecting Octopus Bug Illustrations] by hunting these octopus bugs, but also perform the survival task of [Unlimited Hunting] at the same time.

With Zhang Yi's current attributes, it was no problem for him to fight a level 12 octopus by jumping 2 levels, and it was no problem for him to kill a level 13 octopus by jumping 3 levels. However, in order to maximize the benefits of the skill [Lightning Chain], which only had an 80% damage coefficient, Zhang Yi chose the lowest level 12 octopus as his starting target. A level 12 octopus has 120 attack power, 50 magic resistance, and 350 health.

Locking the three level 12 octopuses closest to him, Zhang Yi waved his staff and threw a [Lightning Chain] at one of them.


The purple lightning hit the octopus, ricocheting it, and attacked the three level 12 octopuses at the same time, bringing a 125 damage number on each of their heads, and triggering the [Burning] talent, which would cause them 39 points of burning damage every second.

The next moment, the three attacked octopuses screamed and crawled towards Zhang Yi at a rapid speed.

Zhang Yi stood there calmly, waving his staff lightly,"biubiubiu" three purple magic balls representing normal attacks were thrown towards the three octopuses respectively.——


-234! (Lucky Hit)


The octopus that triggered the [Lucky Hit] in the middle died gloriously, and the other two died under the continuous burning damage of [Burn] before they even got close.

On average, a level 12 octopus brings 50 experience points, and three octopus bring a total of 150 experience points to Zhang Yi.

He walked to the corpses of several octopus to pick up the spoils, and found that three octopus actually exploded a [Octopus Illustration]!

It seems that there will be a protracted battle next.

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