Zhang Yi was not shocked, but rather a little delighted.

Because, in the Apocalypse World, when players are appraising equipment, there is a small chance that an advanced appraisal will be triggered. For equipment of the same value, the cost of an advanced appraisal is 10-50 times that of an ordinary appraisal. An advanced appraisal is equivalent to a gamble. There is a certain chance that the quality of the equipment can be improved, but there is also a certain chance that the quality of the equipment will be reduced.

Zhang Yi thought, no matter how bad a 1-star piece of equipment is, it is impossible for it to drop to 0 stars.

So, without hesitation, he spent 50 silver coins on an advanced appraisal.

The owner of the appraisal center stretched out his hand and waved it over the black pants, and suddenly a golden light flashed.——

"Ding~ Appraisal successful, congratulations on the upgrade of your 1-star equipment [Magician Pants] to 2 stars!"

What a good luck! I was reborn and successfully upgraded the star the first time I triggered the advanced appraisal in this life!

Because Zhang Yi also knows this.

When players appraise equipment, there is only a 10% chance of triggering the advanced appraisal, and in the case of advanced appraisal, there is only a 10% chance that the attributes and quality of the equipment can be improved again, and there is another 40% chance that it remains unchanged, and there is a high chance of 50% that the quality of the equipment will be reduced!

This time, he was really lucky!

He got two 2-star equipment at once, and this surprise came too suddenly.

Looking at the backpack, through the task rewards, the gains from killing monsters, and the 100 reinforcement stones from the Storm Angel, at this moment, the number of level 1 reinforcement stones on Zhang Yi has reached as many as 390!

With a synthesis rate of 2:1, nearly 200 level 2 reinforcement stones can be obtained, which is enough to strengthen a set of 2-star equipment to the top 25! It is more than enough to strengthen the newly obtained [Eternal Chain] and [Magician Pants].

At the moment, even if Zhang Yi wanted to strengthen his whole body, he did not have the capital, because including these two pieces of equipment, there were only 3 2-star quality equipment in the seven parts of Zhang Yi's body.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi, who was desperately short of reinforcement stones in his previous life, had so many of these things in this life that he could not use them all...

So, Zhang Yi came to the blacksmith shop.

This is also a troublesome thing. Players must come to the blacksmith shop if they want to synthesize reinforcement stones.

In the blacksmith shop, the right Yi Er, who was holding his arm, was still using his left hand to make equipment with all his heart. The crisp sound of clangs could be heard clearly, and his daughter Lingling was around him. The father and daughter had happy smiles on their faces.

And it can be seen that the equipment Yi Er was making was a metal staff that Yun Nuo wanted to tailor for Zhang Yi!

It didn't look like a common item.

Although Zhang Yi had saved Yi Er's life before through a hidden mission, this did not affect the fee he charged Zhang Yi for synthesizing the strengthening stone here.

However, because the intimacy level between Zhang Yi and the owner of the blacksmith shop had reached level 1, any consumption in the blacksmith shop would receive a 95% discount.

1-star equipment has entered the phase of elimination, and the 2-star era will soon be ushered in. For Zhang Yi, he can enter the 2-star era earlier than ordinary players, so next, he no longer needs level 1 reinforcement stones.

Therefore, Zhang Yi simply synthesized all 390 level 1 reinforcement stones and obtained 195 level 2 reinforcement stones!

With a synthesis price of 5 copper coins, the original cost was 975 copper coins. After a 5% discount, Zhang Yi paid Yi 926 copper coins...

Zhang Yi, who obtained enough level 2 reinforcement stones, couldn't wait to strengthen the [Eternal Chain] and [Magician Pants] that had not yet been equipped in his bag.

Infinitely trigger [God-level Reinforcement】

"Ding~ Enhancement successful, congratulations, your equipment [Eternal Chain] has reached enhancement level 8……"

"Ding~ Enhancement successful, congratulations, your equipment [Eternal Chain] has reached enhancement level 15……"

"Ding~ Enhancement successful, congratulations! Your equipment [Eternal Chain] has reached enhancement level 25, unlocking the exclusive talent [Skill Enhancement】!"



"Ding~ Enhancement successful, congratulations! Your equipment [Magician Pants] has reached enhancement level 25, unlocking the exclusive talent [Damage Reduction】!"

The Eternal Chain at level 25, the basic energy attribute is increased from 60 points to 210 points, and the additional intelligence is also increased from 6 points to 21 points!

Equivalent to Zhang Yi's 14-star intelligence growth, 21 points of intelligence can also bring an additional 29 points of attack power and 35 points of energy bonus.

This is secondary. The most important thing is the exclusive talent [Skill Enhancement] unlocked at level 25, Invincible-

Skill Enhancement: It can increase the wearer's skill damage by 20% (group skill damage bonus is halved).

This talent just makes up for the shortcoming of the low skill damage of the Beastmaster profession. After having this talent, Zhang Yi's [Fireball] damage coefficient has reached 130%, which is 5% higher than the magician's [Fireball] damage coefficient!

As for the magician's pants, the attributes after the top-level enhancement are also amazing.——

【Magician Pants】( 25):

Quality: 2 stars

Level: 14

Physical Defense: 70 (50)

Magical Defense: 56 (40)

Additional Attributes: Stamina 21 (15)

Talent: Damage Reduction (Each time the wearer receives damage, the damage is reduced by 25 points)

Occupational Restriction: 70 points of defense common to all magic occupations. The attribute of this pair of pants alone is higher than Zhang Yi's current total defense of 67 points!

Add 25 points of damage reduction, and he is simply invincible. After equipping this pair of pants, who can beat Zhang Yi!

It's a pity that Zhang Yi, who is only level 13 at the moment, can't use this level 14 pants, so he temporarily puts it in his backpack and equips the [Eternal Chain] on his body. The maximum energy value soars to 482, almost catching up with Zhang Yi's 504 health. After the equipment issue was resolved, Zhang Yi turned his attention to Yi'er, who was forging equipment with all his strength, triggering a dialogue

"How long will it take to make my staff?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yier suddenly put down the hammer, picked up the silver staff on the forging table, and said to Zhang Yi:"It's done."

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment:"Is it so hasty?……"

Yi Er looked at the staff in his hand, which seemed to be missing something, and said with some regret:"It's good, but it's not perfect yet."

"If you want it now, I can give it to you right away.���If you can find me an energy crystal, I can make it more perfect!" Does this mean there will be follow-up improvements?

Zhang Yi was delighted:"No problem, I can help you find an energy crystal, and please continue to forge this weapon for me to be more perfect."

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