Energy crystals are a very rare forging item in the world of Apocalypse. When used in equipment forging, they can make the forged equipment of higher quality.

However, energy crystals are extremely rare and difficult for ordinary players to obtain.

Since Yi'er said so, it means that this staff can still be upgraded, and he knows where to get energy crystals. Then Zhang Yi can't be impatient, and would rather spend some time and energy to let Yi'er make it more perfect! So

, Yi'er nodded and said to Zhang Yi,"Okay, then you go to the [City of the Dead] to help me find a first-level energy crystal. I only know that there are a lot of energy crystals buried there, but I don't know where they are exactly."

"The City of the Dead?"

Zhang Yi opened the map and found the City of the Dead by searching the name. He discovered that it was a level 15-30 map!

The map introduction said that the City of the Dead was divided into three layers, and the monsters corresponding to each layer were of different levels. The first layer, the lowest layer, had monsters at levels 15-20!

It seemed that it was not easy to find an energy crystal.

However, Zhang Yi in his previous life had also heard of the place called the City of the Dead.

In his impression, although this map was very dangerous and the level of the undead monsters in it was high and their combat power was stronger than that of ordinary monsters, it was heard that there were countless treasures hidden there, and it was called the Treasure City in the Novice Zone by the players in the previous life.

In addition to high-star treasure chests, the monsters in the City of the Dead also had a chance to drop extremely rare sets of equipment!

Countless players had died there, and some had made a fortune from it.

Zhang Yi said to Yier,"Okay, then you wait for me, and I'll give it to you when I get the energy crystal back."

At this time, Yil suddenly said:"Warrior, since you are planning to go to the City of the Dead, I have something to ask of you."

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment. This was the rhythm of triggering a hidden task! Because Yil said this, it was obvious that there was a task that could be entrusted to the player, but there was no question mark above his head!

So, Zhang Yi asked:"What's the matter?"

"The undead in the City of the Dead have a lot of materials that can be used to forge equipment. Can you go to the City of the Dead to hunt those undead and help me collect some materials?"

As Yier's voice fell, Zhang Yi heard a system prompt that made his heart beat faster.——

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have triggered the advanced hidden task [Guardian] [Get rare materials]. Do you want to accept the task? (This task is difficult and will take up a lot of your time and energy to execute. The system recommends that if you are not a very patient person, please do not accept this task, because once the task fails, you will be severely punished.)"

It turned out to be a hidden task! And it was the advanced hidden task of [Guardian] that Zhang Yi had completed before!

This was definitely an unexpected gain and was not within Zhang Yi's expectations, because in the previous life, this advanced hidden task had not been discovered by players, even by players who had completed the hidden task of [Guardian].

Because this task is too hidden, if Zhang Yi had chosen not to obtain the energy crystal and directly took the staff from Il, he would have missed this hidden task!

Advanced hidden tasks are more valuable than hidden tasks!

Excited, Zhang Yi didn't hesitate and immediately accepted the task. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even a fool would not give up.

The next moment, the system prompt sounded.——

"Ding~ Congratulations on receiving the advanced hidden task [Obtain rare materials]. You can view the details on the task interface!"

Quickly open the task interface——

【[Get Rare Materials] (Advanced Hidden Task):

Task Difficulty Coefficient: 440

Description: It is said that the undead in the City of the Dead contain a large number of rare materials that can be used to forge equipment. Please follow the map instructions to go to the City of the Dead, hunt the undead living in the City of the Dead, and obtain three rare materials from them: Energy Crystals, God Bones, and Undead Knowledge.

Task Progress: First-level Energy Crystals 0/10 (all monsters in the City of the Dead have a certain probability of dropping), God Bones 0/1000 (skeleton monsters in the City of the Dead have a certain probability of dropping), Undead Knowledge 0/1000 (undead monsters in the City of the Dead have a certain probability of dropping)

Task Reward: Unknown

Remaining Time: 7 Days

Failure Penalty: Level -3 (If you fail to collect enough materials and hand them over to the forging master Yi within the specified time, the task will be considered a failure)

Oh my god, it's actually a task with a difficulty coefficient of 440! This is a big challenge for Zhang Yi, who just completed a task with a difficulty coefficient of 120 last time!

And this mission... Damn, you actually need to collect 10 first-level energy crystals! With so many energy crystals, and some other easily available materials, and spending some money, you can almost create a 4-star equipment in the blacksmith shop at this stage!

But this also proves that the investment in the mission is so large, and its reward is definitely far more than the value of 10 first-level energy crystals!

Fortunately, the time for the mission is very sufficient. There is a week or seven days to collect these materials, which should be no problem.

Of course, this is just Zhang Yi's personal idea. The advanced hidden mission is not as easy to complete as he imagined...

After receiving the mission, Zhang Yi said goodbye to Yil.

Looking at the time, it was only six o'clock in the evening. Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to go out to perform the mission immediately, because he still had some things in his bag that needed to be dealt with.

At this time, many players have been busy doing missions and killing monsters in the wild for a day, and have returned to the safe zone one after another, so at this moment, I hope that the town will be bustling with people.

Many players are on the street���Setting up a stall, he would auction off the equipment or skill books that he didn’t need that were dropped from killing monsters outside.

Zhang Yi also randomly picked a crowded location and set up a stall. He took out the 1-star equipment and three white skill books from his bag, then lit up the ID above his head. Relying on the reputation of"Yinuo Qingcheng", he sold all these things in an instant, with a cumulative profit of 2 gold coins!

Of course, the three skill books were the main reason for selling so much money. Even if they were of white quality, they were very valuable in the early stages of the game when all players only had one skill given as a gift for a job change.

After dealing with his own things, Zhang Yi also visited other people's stalls. He originally wanted to just browse around and buy good things if he saw them at a suitable price. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi really saw a good thing.——

【Intermediate Fireball] (Green skill book for magicians and beastmasters)!

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