In addition to Zhang Yi, dozens of other players in the same car leaned on the windows to watch the biochemical spiders outside with excitement.

Player A:"This virtuality is so high. This game is so powerful!"

Player B:"Yes, it is exactly the same as the real world. It is worth spending 10,000 yuan to buy this game helmet!"

Player C:"Aren't you afraid? It feels so scary!"……"

Player D:"What's there to be afraid of? It's just a game!"

Zhang Yi shook his head while listening to the discussions of the players. These people haven't realized that the world is no longer as simple as a game.

In my memory, the first survival mission of Apocalypse seems to be to find a safe zone. I opened the task interface casually and it was true - your survival mission this week: Find a safe zone (nightmare level)

Background: Aliens invade the earth, the beasts are strengthened and rise, and the earth is facing a doomsday crisis.

Mission description: Please follow the instructions on the small map to find the 886th safe zone in the eighth district [Hope Town]. In Hope Town, your safety will be greatly guaranteed.

Remaining time of the mission: 3 hours and 58 minutes

Mission reward: 1 chance of resurrection

Failure penalty: Death (if there is a chance of resurrection, it can offset death)

Two major survival rules in the world of Apocalypse.

One: Always ensure that you have more than one chance of resurrection. Don't take risks if you don't have a chance of resurrection, because if there is a chance of resurrection, you can be resurrected after death. If there is no chance of resurrection, death is really death. In his previous life, Zhang Yi had used up all his chances of resurrection before fighting the Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno, which led to him being killed by Muchen with one blow, leaving him with no chance of recovery.

【[Apocalypse] In this game, the main storyline of the player revolves around the survival mission.

The system will issue a unified survival mission for all players every Monday.

If the player completes the survival mission within a week, he can get the reward of resurrection opportunity.

If the mission is not completed, one resurrection opportunity will be deducted.

If the survival mission is not completed on time without the resurrection opportunity, the player will be wiped out by the system.

The player's weekly survival mission is divided into three levels: normal, elite, and nightmare. As the level of each completed mission increases, all three tasks must be completed each week to ensure safety. At the same time, you can accumulate the reward of 3 resurrection opportunities.

Because today is Sunday and it is the first day of the server opening, this week's survival mission has been directly upgraded to the nightmare level and will not be upgraded again.

Close the task interface, and the attribute interface appears in front of Zhang Yi——

【[Yinuo Qingcheng]:

Level: 1

Occupation: Not owned

Race: Dragon

Number of resurrections: 1 (accumulative, no more than 5 times)

Talent: God-level enhancement (God-level talent)

Strength: 3/Growth: 15 stars (affects physical attack, that is, 1 point of strength equals 1.5 physical attack)

Intelligence: 3/Growth: 15 stars (affects magic attack)

Endurance: 2/Growth: 15 stars (affects defense)

Agility: 3/Growth: 15 stars (affects speed, critical strike)

Stamina: 5/Growth: 15 stars (affects health, energy, that is, 1 point of physical strength equals 15 points of health, 7.5 energy)

Physical attack power: 5

Physical defense power: 3

Magic defense power: 3

Health value: 7 5Energy value: 38Experience value: 0/100Life skill: Primary exploration (can view the attributes of monsters that are not higher than 3 levels higher than yourself, consumes 1 energy value)

Special status: Dragon bloodline Lv1Description

: A newcomer who has just stepped into the world of Apocalypse is full of curiosity about everything...

Before changing jobs, the initial growth of the five attributes of the player is 10 stars, and Zhang Yi has half more attribute growth than others because of the passive bonus of [Dragon bloodline] that increases all attributes by 5 stars. It is equivalent to that Zhang Yi is half higher than other players in attributes!

In the space backpack, in addition to the 10 [Level 1 Red Potions] given by the system that can restore 50 health points, there is only a novice sword.——

【Novice Sword:

Quality: 1 star

Physical attack power: 3

Occupational restrictions: None

Level requirement: 0

Description: A weapon suitable for beginners. Although it does not cause much damage, it can help you avoid fighting with the ferocious monsters outside with bare hands...

Unfortunately, Zhang Yi cannot use the ability of [God-level Enhancement] without any strengthening stones on him.

Looking at the time, it is 8:03 pm. If you cannot enter the safe zone before 12 o'clock, you will waste the initial resurrection opportunity given by the system to each player.

Zhang Yi, who has experienced it once, naturally knows that it is not so easy to enter the safe zone, otherwise the difficulty of this survival mission would not be directly classified as"nightmare level".

At this time, as the game officially started, some players in the carriage could not hold back and jumped out of the window with a big sword to kill monsters.

In the sight, a young man with yellow hair ran out of the train first, and fearlessly and fearlessly approached a big spider that was gnawing on an animal corpse not far away with a big sword.

After a while, there was a scream, and the yellow-haired creature died on the spot after being counterattacked by the level 3 spider. The novice sword given by the system exploded in his hand, and his body turned into a white light and returned to the carriage.

Before arriving at the safe zone, the carriage was the resurrection point for Zhang Yi and his group of players.

"Holy crap!" The yellow-haired player who had used up his chance to revive and returned to the carriage was stunned and said,"How come this big spider is so awesome!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another middle-aged male player in the carriage pointed at the spider that had just killed the yellow-haired player and said,"There are so many level 1 spiders around, why did you choose to fight that level 3 one?" The yellow-haired player was stunned for a moment, then he discovered the red ID mark on the spider's head: Lv3 Biochemical Spider:"Fuck, I didn't see it.……"

"Don't be afraid, it's just a game. We're all level 1 anyway. If we die, there's no loss. We can just try again!"

After saying that, the yellow-haired young man jumped out of the window again.

At this time, the other���Everyone rushed out of the carriage with their swords in hand, and rushed towards the level 1 biochemical spiders in front of them...

Only Zhang Yi did not rush to leave the carriage, but took out a safety hammer from a window.

When the safety hammer fell into Zhang Yi's hand, it instantly turned into a big black hammer!

"Ding~ You got the equipment [Rough Hammer】!"

Zhang Yi smiled with satisfaction as he looked at the iron hammer in his hand, which had an additional 5 points of attack power.

Although it was the same 1-star equipment as the Novice Sword, this level 1 iron hammer had 2 points of attack power higher than the level 0 Novice Sword. In the early stages, 2 points of attack power was a difference that could not be underestimated.

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