Of course, Zhang Yi also learned about the fact that the safety hammer can be transformed into game equipment in his previous life.

At that time, the only safety hammer in the carriage was accidentally picked up by a player and transformed into a weapon, which made Zhang Yi and other players envious.

It was also with the safety hammer that had 2 points of attack power higher than the novice swords in the hands of other players that the player became the first player among their group of new players to fight out of the train station!

So, equipped with the hammer, Zhang Yi's attack power increased from 5 points to 10 points, and then he walked out of the carriage leisurely.

The moment he stepped out of the carriage, a strong stench of decay came to his nose, and several female players around him couldn't help but frown. For Zhang Yi, he had long been accustomed to this smell.

It can be seen that these new players can barely fight against the level 1 big spider alone. After all, the level 1 biochemical spider has only 6 points of attack power, 0 points of defense and 50 points of blood, which are garbage attributes. As long as they don't jump levels like Huangmao at the beginning, the players will not be in danger of life.

As for these novice experience monsters set by the system, they will not actively attack players unless they are attacked by players. This feature also greatly guarantees the safety of novice players in the early stage.

Zhang Yi did not pounce on those big spiders like other players did when he saw the treasure, but chose to bypass the areas where these big spiders were infested!

Carrying a big hammer, Zhang Yi came to the waiting hall of the train station.

According to the instructions on the small map, the shortest route to the safe zone is to go straight along the train tracks, so Zhang Yi went around to the waiting hall, naturally for another purpose.

At the door of the waiting hall, Zhang Yi encountered a big spider that was a little different from the black big spiders in front, and it was red in appearance!

Zhang Yi casually threw a detection spell over——

【[Biochemical Spider] (Physical Common Monster):

Level: 2

Talent: Poison (Common talent, Biochemical Spider's attack has a 1% chance to poison the target, and the target loses 10% of its attack power every second for 5 seconds)

Physical Attack: 10

Physical Defense: 2

Magical Defense: 1

HP: 90

Description: A spider that has mutated due to the pollution of the apocalyptic environment. It is extremely ferocious, but as long as you don't provoke it, it will not actively attack you (this big spider seems a bit unusual)... In the world of Apocalypse, not only players but also monsters have talents.

Seeing the description on the data panel, Zhang Yi was more certain: This is the guy!

Zhang Yi also learned about this opportunity by accident.

In the previous life, it was not until Zhang Yi spent more than two hours to finally arrive at the safe zone Hope Town that he heard the players in the same safe zone mention that there was a welfare monster in the waiting hall of the train station, and killing it would explode a treasure chest!

It is reported that the player forgot to look at the map at that time, and accidentally thought that he would definitely leave the train station through the waiting hall, but he encountered the"welfare monster".

According to the player’s own account, he killed the welfare monster twice at the cost of dying once, and then he got a treasure chest, which seemed to contain a lot of good things!

In this life, Zhang Yi arrived at the waiting hall before everyone else, so the welfare monster must belong to Zhang Yi. It must be difficult for a level 1 player to single out a level 2 biochemical spider, but that is for ordinary players. For Zhang Yi, who has [Dragon Bloodline] and a divine hammer in his hand, it is not a problem at all.

So, Zhang Yi’s eyes were fixed on the level 2 biochemical spider stationed at the entrance of the waiting hall to rest.

Adhering to the characteristic that the biochemical spider will not actively attack the player as long as the player does not touch it, Zhang Yi approached with a big hammer.

""Bang!" The hammer hit the giant biochemical spider that was at least one meter tall when it stood up.


With a roar, a red damage number popped up above the biochemical spider's head.——


The 5-star growth brought by the dragon bloodline combined with the iron hammer made Zhang Yi's attack power almost twice that of other players equipped with novice swords.

The damage caused to this level 2 biochemical spider was also very considerable.

The biochemical spider, which was suddenly attacked, immediately swung its eight long hairy legs and turned around, opening its bloody mouth and biting towards Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi quickly retreated to avoid it, and then turned around and hit it with another hammer, hitting the biochemical spider's head again with 8 points of damage.

In the previous life, he was not a top master, but he still had some basic positioning operations.

So, Zhang Yi tried his best to dodge the attack of the biochemical spider by positioning, while looking for an opportunity to hit it with the iron hammer. After all, once attacked by the biochemical spider, with Zhang Yi's 3 points of defense, he would also lose 7 points of blood. If the [Poison] talent was triggered, it would lose another 5 points of blood.

Resources are scarce in the early stage, and the potions given by the system are not used at this time.

In half a minute, Zhang Yi hit the spider with ten hammers, reducing its health by 80 points.

The last hammer hit the spider, causing a golden critical damage.——



With a roar, the biochemical spider fell dead in front of Zhang Yi.

"Ding~ You killed the [Biochemical Spider], experience value 2!"

As the biochemical spider died, a"boom" sounded, and a golden box fell from the body of the biochemical spider!

As expected, the box exploded!

Zhang Yi was delighted, squatted down, and opened the [One-star Treasure Box】

"Ding~ Congratulations on opening the [One-Star Treasure Box] and obtaining [Level 1 Reinforcement Stones] x30!"

A treasure box is something similar to a lottery ticket in the Apocalypse World. The rarity is determined by the star rating. The higher the star rating, the better the items.

For Zhang Yi, who possesses the [God-level Reinforcement] talent, the 30 Reinforcement Stones from this treasure box are like timely help!

So, Zhang Yi couldn't wait to use the Reinforcement Stones to strengthen the big hammer in his hand. Each time he strengthened, he consumed a Level 1 Reinforcement Stone. He only heard pleasant reminder sounds ringing in his ears.——

"Ding~ Strengthening is successful, congratulations, your equipment [Rough Iron Hammer] has been upgraded to 1!"

"Ding~ Strengthening is successful, congratulations on upgrading your equipment [Rough Iron Hammer] to 2!"

"Ding~ Strengthening is successful, congratulations, your equipment [Rough Hammer] has been upgraded to level 25!】!"

Click on the properties of [Rough Hammer] again and take a look——

【Rough Hammer】【 25]:

Quality: 1 star

Physical attack: 18 (13) (the number in brackets is the enhancement bonus)

Occupational restriction: None

Level requirement: 1

Exclusive talent: Severe injury (passive, the wearer's each attack increases the damage by 30 points)

Description: Don't underestimate this hammer, it can easily smash your novice sword into pieces...

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