Only 25 strengthening stones were used to strengthen a blank equipment to the top level 25!

This is an ability that countless high-end players in the previous life dreamed of having, and Zhang Yi, who was reborn, really has it.

Although it is not worth strengthening a 1-level 1-star garbage equipment that transitioned quickly in the early stage to 25, because the basic attributes of such low-level equipment are low, even if it is strengthened to the top level, the improvement will not be very high. But for Zhang Yi, who has the talent of [God-level Strengthening], he doesn't care about this.

At least this 25-level hammer can allow Zhang Yi to reach the safe zone unimpeded, and Zhang Yi remembers that in each area, the first player to reach the safe zone will receive a generous system reward.

And even if this equipment transitions quickly, when Zhang Yi gets a better weapon at a higher level, it will be a matter of 25 strengthening stones. With the god-level strengthening in hand, 25-level equipment can be obtained!

It is worth mentioning that the talent [Severe Injury] that is unlocked when this hammer is strengthened to level 25 is really awesome. It can increase the wearer's attack damage by 30 points, which is equivalent to increasing Zhang Yi's attack power by 30 points, which has exceeded the main attribute of this equipment!

With this exclusive talent, Zhang Yi's output ability has been greatly improved.

Opening the status bar and looking at it, the attack power has risen to 23 points. With [Severe Injury], I am afraid that two hammers can kill a level 2 biochemical spider!

Not to mention using it to level 10, this hammer should be fine to use it to level 5.

In addition to this one-star treasure chest, Zhang Yi also found a copper coin next to the corpse of the level 2 biochemical spider.

This is the universal currency of the Apocalypse World and a very important resource, but this novice monster is really stingy.

1 gold coin = 100 silver coins = 10,000 copper coins.

So Zhang Yi picked up the only copper coin and left the waiting hall.

According to the distribution of the small map, it is not a wise choice to go out of the waiting hall and then reach the safe zone.

When he returned to the train track where he was born, he saw a large group of players from the same group as Zhang Yi, having a great time fighting those level 1-3 biochemical spiders. They had completely forgotten about the survival mission of [Finding a Safe Zone] and were lost in the fun of killing monsters.

After all, except for Zhang Yi, all the players were experiencing this kind of game with a 100% virtuality for the first time. This thrilling and exciting feeling can really make people fall in love with it.

I remember that in his previous life, Zhang Yi also spent half an hour brushing spiders here before he remembered to do the survival mission...

Opening the map and following the arrows on the map, Zhang Yi went straight west along the track.

Just at this moment, a white light"brushed" and a level 3 biochemical spider refreshed in front of Zhang Yi!

Because the refresh distance was too short, the level 3 biochemical spider that refreshed almost at Zhang Yi's feet did not give Zhang Yi a chance to react, and he stepped on it.……


With a roar, the biochemical spider that was stepped on for no reason immediately attracted hatred towards Zhang Yi, opened its mouth and spit out a ball of green venom at Zhang Yi.

""Pah~" the venom splashed on Zhang Yi's chest

"Ding~ You are attacked by the biochemical spider, and you lose 13 health points!"

The attack power of the level 3 biochemical spider is too high. Zhang Yi, who has no protective gear, cannot withstand its damage even with 15 stars of endurance growth. The health bar above his head drops by one-sixth.

With Zhang Yi's 75 points of health, he can only withstand six attacks from this biochemical spider at most.

At this time, the players behind who were hacking at the level 1 biochemical spider saw that Zhang Yi had provoked a big guy, and they all cast sympathetic eyes.

"That boy is so bold that he even dares to mess with a level 3 spider!"

"Yes, it's dead~"

Just as several players behind him were talking, Zhang Yi swung the big hammer in his hand and smashed it on the head of the level 3 spider in front of him.



With a crisp sound, a beam of damage jumped from the top of the biochemical spider's head, which immediately stunned the players watching from behind.

With Zhang Yi's 23 attack points, he could only cause 17 points of damage to the level 3 biochemical spider with 6 points of defense. The big hammer's [Severe Injury] talent contributed 30 points of damage.

Leaping to avoid the biochemical spider's second pursuit, Zhang Yi smashed it with another hammer.——

-94 Critical Hit!

Good luck, golden critical hit damage, two hammers kill instantly

"With a wail of"Roar", the level 3 biochemical spider, which had 130 HP and was almost invincible in the eyes of other players, was hit by Zhang Yi's two hammers and had its HP bar emptied, falling to the ground.

"Ding~ You killed the biochemical spider, experience value 6!"

As the saying goes, high risk, high return, the experience of a level 3 biochemical spider is already three times that of a level 2 biochemical spider!

In addition, this level 3 biochemical spider also exploded two copper coins, plus a fist-sized silver stone.——

【Level 1 Reinforcement Stone]:

Description: This is a good thing that can be used to strengthen 1-star quality equipment and improve the player's combat effectiveness (two reinforcement stones of the same level can be synthesized into a higher level reinforcement stone)...

Luckily, a reinforcement stone actually dropped.

So, Zhang Yi bent down to pick up the copper coins and reinforcement stones, then carried the big hammer, stepped on the corpse of the level 3 biochemical spider, and walked towards the safe zone Hope Town, leaving a group of players in the dark.

Player A:"I... was I dazzled just now?"

Player B:"Dazzled? Then I might be blind! What the hell... two hammers killed a level 3 biochemical spider? Is this a human??"

Player C:"It's cheating!!"

With this 25-level hammer in his hand, Zhang Yi can completely dominate the train station and use these level 1-3 biochemical spiders to upgrade their levels to above level 3.

In the previous life, Zhang Yi might really do this, but now, Zhang Yi has a bigger goal, and he doesn't care about this little profit.

After traveling along the train track at the fastest speed for more than 20 minutes, Zhang Yi climbed over the guardrail and crossed a hillside. Standing on the top of the hillside, he finally saw the Hope Hill at the foot of the hill.��

The town was surrounded by a cement wall. Standing on a high place, one could see that the town was peaceful and tranquil. In the ruins of the city outside the wall, countless biochemical monsters gathered. If there were no protection from the wall, I'm afraid these biochemical monsters would have rushed into the town and killed all the survivors in the town.

No regional announcement has been received yet, which means that no player has entered the novice safe zone No. 886 where Zhang Yi is located. The achievement of being the first to enter the safe zone is still there.

So, Zhang Yi dragged the big hammer and walked towards the town of hope in the dark.

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