Zhang Yi deliberately exposed his identity in front of Fatty, his purpose was to get Fatty to take the information that he had a god-level talent back to the safe zone and spread it. When the people of King's World knew about it, they would definitely find ways to make trouble for Zhang Yi, because Zhang Yi knew the nature of King's Glory that"if you can't get it, you will destroy it."

Because Zhang Yi was too lazy to find the people of King's World, he just waited for them to come to him, and then, if one came, he would kill one, if a group came, he would kill a group! >

In this life, Zhang Yi will never be afraid of King's World again.

And Fatty would never dream that the person in front of him would be a big celebrity who was almost known to everyone in the 886 safe zone, who triggered the system announcement twice in a row, and it was said that he had a magic hammer in his hand at the beginning, and he hit a kid one by one, which made King's Glory, the captain of the thousand-man team King's World, hate and fear this guy, Yinuo Qingcheng!

If he had known that this guy was Yinuo Qingcheng, he would not dare to trouble Zhang Yi even if he was given ten courage by Happy Fat House!

You know, this guy challenged more than 30 players in King of Glory alone, and then killed them all. He was privately called a"bug" by the players in District 886.

Even the more than 30 professional players in King of Glory were no match for Zhang Yi. How could they, with just the three of them, kill Zhang Yi?

Happy Fat House was a little scared. When he stepped back, a group of players suddenly came from behind. When he saw the young archer man wearing silver mail armor and with a level of 15, Happy Fat House seemed to see hope and instantly became confident:"Boss, you are finally here!"

Then, Happy Fat House turned his eyes to Zhang Yi and said arrogantly:"Humph, my boss is here, Yinuo Qingcheng, you are dead!"

Looking around, Zhang Yi was annoyed.

It turns out that the"boss" that Happy Fat House mentioned is actually Storm Angel...

That's right, the group of more than a dozen players who are generally level 14, fully equipped, and look very powerful are the Storm Family. The leader, the level 15 silver-armored archer, is Storm Angel!

The silver longbow he is holding is the Silver Moon Bow that Zhang Yi sold to him!

The arrival of the Storm Family caused a sigh of admiration from the surrounding passers-by.

"My goodness, the backer behind that fat guy is actually the Storm Family!"

"The Storm Family's momentum is quite strong. They surpassed the King of the World in just one day today. Moreover, that Storm Angel is the number one expert on the Heavenly Ranking of our District 886!"

"Even the captain of the Storm Family has come in person. No matter how powerful Yinuo Qingcheng is, she is doomed to die! It feels like the Storm Angel can kill Yinuo Qingcheng alone, not to mention that he has brought so many elite players from the Storm Family!"

These people who were talking obviously didn't know what happened in the Goblin Forest before.

Walking to Happy Fat House, the Storm Angel, who hadn't noticed Zhang Yi opposite, asked Happy Fat House,"What's going on?" Happy Fat House pointed at Zhang Yi and said to the Storm Angel,"Boss, this guy bullied me. He killed Lingyun and Tianxia! Fortunately, you came in time. If you were a step later, even I would die in his hands!"

""Oh, who is so arrogant?"

As he spoke, the Storm Angel looked in the direction of Happy Fat House's finger and looked at Zhang Yi.

Suddenly, the Storm Angel was stunned. After a long time, he said coldly:"You even dare to touch my brother, you are looking for death!"

With the Storm Angel, the number one on the 886th District Heavenly Ranking, and the support of the huge Storm Family, Happy Fat House's legs began to tremble with pride:"Yinuo Qingcheng, did you hear me, Storm Angel and I are brothers, you dare to bully the good brother of the number one on the Heavenly Ranking, I tell you, you are dead!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, suddenly"puff" a sharp arrow flew out from the hand of the Storm Angel beside him and pierced the head of Happy Fat House.——

"Ding~ You were attacked by the player [Storm Angel], and lost 378 health points. You are dead!"

The happy fat man who was looking smug looked at the Storm Angel who was aiming his bow at him in disbelief, and said in astonishment:"Boss!……"

Putting down the longbow in his hand, the Storm Angel said to the Happy Fat House expressionlessly:"Sorry, the brother I am talking about is not you."

"It's him." The Storm Angel pointed at Zhang Yi.

The next moment, the happy fat man who was killed by the Storm Angel fell to the ground with disbelief on his face, and turned into a white light and flew away.

This scene shocked the surrounding onlookers.

Player A:"What's going on? Aren't the Storm Angel and the fat man in the same group? Why kill your own people and call Yinuo Qingcheng brothers? ?"

Player B:"My god, this damage is still non-critical damage, this is too abnormal, it's higher than Yinuo Qingcheng's damage! The number one person on the list is really terrifying!!"

Seeing that the Storm Angel killed his fat brother with one arrow without saying a word, Zhang Yi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and said to the Storm Angel:"Killing your own people, do you have to be so cruel?"

The Storm Angel smiled faintly:"Our own people? He and I are not our own people. He is just a friend I met in an online game before, and you are my Storm Angel's brother!"

Storm Angel, the leader of the Storm Family and the number one player on the Heavenly Ranking, personally called him"brother", and countless passers-by cast envious glances at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi also replied casually:"Well, thank you, brother."

But then again, is Storm Angel's damage so high now? To be honest, the damage he just dealt to Happy Fat House scared Zhang Yi.

378, and it's still non-critical damage. This is higher than the damage Zhang Yi dealt to Du Bu Ling Yun with Fireball and Lucky Blow before, excluding the critical part!

In this way, excluding the skill bonus and then calculating the damage, Storm Angel's attack power must have exceeded 300, which is higher than Zhang Yi! So terrifying!

Just because Zhang Yi gave Storm Angel a 2-star bow, did it let him take off in the early stage?

It is conceivable that in addition to weapons, the ring in Storm Angel's hand must also be a high-level enhanced top-grade product, and it is far ahead of Zhang Yi in terms of equipment.

Just as Zhang Yi was thinking about this, Storm Angel had come to Zhang Yi at some point.

"Thank you for selling me the Silver Moon Bow. Thanks to this bow, I was able to develop so quickly in the early stages."

As Storm Angel finished speaking, Zhang Yi nodded:"Thank you for helping me solve a problem just now."

Storm Angel was a little embarrassed and said:"I thought you were going to say that I stole your head. With your strength, killing him is just a matter of waving your hand."

As he said that, Storm Angel suddenly handed something to Zhang Yi:"I'm sorry for stealing your head. The things he dropped should also be yours."

Looking at the thing handed over by Storm Angel, Zhang Yi was surprised - it was a green skill book: [Intermediate Fireball]!

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