Wow, the intermediate fireball skill that Zhang Yi had planned to buy from Happy Fat House for 10 gold coins was actually revealed with the death of Happy Fat House!

Obviously, he fell in love with this skill book at first sight, but Zhang Yi suppressed his inner love and said to Storm Angel calmly:"What does this mean?"

"It's for you." Storm Angel said,"Aren't you a beastmaster? You can use this skill."

"What's the price?" Zhang Yi deliberately asked.

The Storm Angel smiled and said,"I don't want your money. I said, if I wasn't there just now, you would be the one who killed him. This thing should have been dropped by you, so it belongs to you."

Zhang Yi was not polite and stretched out his hand to take the skill book from the Storm Angel's hand:"Thank you, if I get good equipment or skill books later, I will consider selling them to you as soon as possible."

The Storm Angel said happily,"Okay, as long as it is what I need, price is not a problem!"

After a pause, the Storm Angel continued to say to Zhang Yi,"Brother, add me as a friend so that we can contact each other in the future."

"As for friends, there is no need for that. I like to be alone and don't like making friends."Zhang Yi said:"The safe zone is only this big. We will meet each other every day. There will be many opportunities to meet each other."

"Oh well……"Storm Angel felt a little regretful.

Zhang Yi waved his hand:"I have something else to do, I'll leave first. Thank you for your skill book, see you later."

After that, Zhang Yi turned around and left.

It was precisely because of the betrayal by his good brothers Muchen and Lin Ruo, with whom he had a friendship of eight years, in the previous life that Zhang Yi in this life did not dare to trust anyone easily, let alone make friends easily.

As Zhang Yi just left, next to the Storm Angel, a 14th-level magician girl [Storm Fantasy] who looked two or three years younger than the Storm Angel, wearing a green magic robe, and had a very charming figure and appearance, said to the Storm Angel:"Husband, this person is not very tactful.

Why did you give him a skill book for nothing?"

The Storm Angel shook his head, as if he saw through everything:"Don't you see it? This person is not ordinary, he should be a hidden boss, who may have a super team behind him that is more powerful than our Storm Family as a backup, otherwise he alone would not have been able to develop so smoothly in the early stage."

"Therefore, we must build a good relationship with him and never let the people of Wangzhe Tianxia find an opportunity to turn enemies into friends with Yinuo Qingcheng."

"Besides, it’s just a green skill book. Do you know how much impact this bow he sold to me has brought to me?" Storm Angel looked at the Silver Moon Bow in his hand, still a little excited at this moment:"I believe that the backers behind him will definitely get better equipment for him in secret. When there are good equipment that he can’t use, they can sell it to me. This is also an important channel for me to improve my strength!"

Storm Fantasy nodded:"Husband, you are still thoughtful!"

At the same time, at the resurrection fountain in Hope Town, the fat magician Happy Fat House, who had consumed a resurrection chance and survived, opened his friend list with a confused face, found Storm Angel, and sent a message angrily:"What do you mean?"

Ding Dong~

Storm Angel replied in seconds:"Whoever touches my brother will be killed!"

Ding Dong~

Storm Angel continued to send a second message:"From today on, our friendship will end here. If you dare to target Yinuo Qingcheng again in the future, I will make you regret it."

Seeing this message, Happy Fat House was so angry that smoke came out of his nostrils. Just when he edited a message with insults and was about to send it to Storm Angel, he received a system prompt——

"Ding~ The other party has blocked you, the message cannot be sent!"

""Fuck!" The happy fat man cursed:"You sons of bitches, you all will die!"

On the other side, while continuing to rush to the City of the Dead, Zhang Yi looked at the [Intermediate Fireball] in his hand and couldn't help but sighed:"I gave you 10 gold coins, but you didn't sell it. You had to give it to me for free. Why?"

After that, Zhang Yi did not hesitate to use [Intermediate Fireball] to cover the [Fireball] in the skill list and completed the learning.

Because there are not enough skill slots, and in the Apocalypse World, players cannot have two of the same skills at the same time, so they can only use overwriting, or extract the low-level skills and fill them in with the high-level ones.

However, the cost of extracting skills is quite high. Unless it is a very rare skill, like the white skill of primary fireball, it is not necessary to spend a few gold coins to extract it.

Zhang Yi, who is currently level 13, has 4 skill slots, which can just accommodate two green-quality skills: Intermediate Fireball With Lightning Chain.

The damage coefficient of the intermediate fireball spell on the beastmaster reaches 125%. If the bonus of the [Eternal Chain] talent [Skill Enhancement] is added, it is equivalent to Zhang Yi's fireball spell, and the damage has reached 145%!

Combined with the lucky strike, the damage of 195% is simply terrible... and the consumption of the intermediate fireball spell is definitely more than that of the primary one. The energy value consumed for a single use has increased from 7 points to 9 points, and the cooling time remains unchanged at 5 seconds. It took more than 20 minutes to reach the City of the Undead.

From a distance, it was a city surrounded by a wall several tens of meters high. The walled city looked desolate, with countless crows circling over the city. Beyond the height of the wall, the towering skyscrapers in the city were estimated to be at least 70% damaged.

According to the detailed description on the map.

The City of the Dead was one of the first human cities invaded when the aliens began to invade the earth through the wormhole more than ten years ago. It was originally called Cloud City.

In that battle that lasted for a week, 10,000 humans in Cloud City were slaughtered by the alien advance troops, and the huge Cloud City became a dead city.

After conquering Cloud City, the aliens regarded Cloud City as a base for their invasion of the earth. , the leader of the alien advance team [Loki] launched the alienation power, and transformed millions of corpses in the city into skeletons and undead to protect their base - the City of the Dead.

Because the lowest level monster in the City of the Dead is only level 15, and the average level of players at this stage is about level 13, the City of the Dead can be classified as one of the suitable leveling places.

So you can see that many players are entering the City of the Dead at this moment, most of them are in groups of three or five, and very few are alone.

Except Zhang Yi.

So Zhang Yi also followed the other players and moved towards the City of the Dead.

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