With only 6 points of agility, he actually managed to hit a critical hit on the first hit. This time, his luck really exploded.

With the 25 points of intelligence bonus contributed by the 25-point Undead Robe, Zhang Yi, whose attack power has exceeded 400 points, was able to kill a level 19 skeleton archer instantly with a critical fireball. In fact, this was within Zhang Yi's expectations.

But for Guan Hao and the others behind him, it was more than just abnormal, it was simply... invincible!

Guan Hao:"Oh my god, isn't his damage much higher than the first time we met him this morning?"

Liu Xing:"It's terrifying. He killed a level 19 skeleton instantly with just one skill? I think I know why those guys were so afraid of Zhang Yi!"

Han Feng:"It's so terrifying, hiss..."……"

Han Yarou:"……"

Just as the four of them were stunned, Zhang Yi had already taken away the second Flash Skeleton Archer with two normal attacks...

Guan Hao and the others who did not take action in the rear formation heard a series of system prompts.——

"Ding~ Your team killed a level 19 skeleton warrior, and you gained 20% combat experience, experience value 30!"

"Ding~ Your team killed a level 20 skeleton shooter, and you gained 20% combat experience, totaling 34 experience points!"


The advantage of teaming up to kill monsters is that the killing efficiency is high, but the disadvantage is that the experience gained will be divided equally according to the number of people. A maximum of five people can form a team, and each person can only get 20% of the experience. In addition to taking down the last attacker, an additional 10% experience can be obtained, reaching 30%.

That is, a level 19 skeleton shooter can bring 30 points of experience to Guan Hao and his team, while Zhang Yi can get 45 points.

So in the following, Guan Hao and his team hardly had to do anything throughout the whole process. It was always Zhang Yi who was in the front alone. Guan Hao and his team just watched Zhang Yi, a perverted guy, take away a skeleton shooter in one or two hits, and kill a skeleton warrior in two or three hits. Killing these level 19-20 skeletons that other players dare not touch at this stage is like killing chickens!

However, the difference between the flash skeleton and the ordinary skeleton is not just as simple as flashing. They are given a powerful passive skill by the system: corrosion.

Corrosion: The attack of the Flash Skeleton Warrior and the Skeleton Archer has a 0.1% chance to directly damage a piece of equipment on any part of the player. The damaged equipment cannot be used and must be repaired at the blacksmith shop.

This is the same as the"durability" effect of equipment above 3-star quality. The equipment cannot be used when the durability drops to 0, and the corrosion skill given to these skeletons is equivalent to directly clearing all the durability of a player's equipment!

Fortunately, the triggering probability is not high, otherwise Zhang Yi's equipment would explode after a round of fighting.

During this period, Guan Hao and the others also thought about helping to brush together, and then Han Feng, an archer, used a fire arrow to hit a level 19 skeleton warrior with more than 30 points of damage, and was almost killed by the skeleton warrior rushing over. After that, they gave up the idea of helping and stayed behind to get experience.

Even Han Yarou, a priest, couldn't help, because Zhang Yi almost didn't lose blood throughout the whole process. Those melee skeleton warriors had no chance to get close and would be killed directly at a distance of dozens of meters.

And those skeleton archers had the opportunity to shoot one or two arrows before they died, but the damage they caused was not even able to break Zhang Yi's [Undead Body Protection]!

So Zhang Yi's blood volume was basically kept at full, but the continuous use of Fireball and Lightning Chain consumed energy a little quickly. After all, with Zhang Yi's level 17, a Fireball consumed 12 energy points, and Lightning Chain was as high as 15 points.

Because the energy limit was relatively sufficient, on average, a bottle of blue medicine was used for every dozen skeletons killed.

As Zhang Yi killed those skeletons with flashing white light, the progress of the task also rose rapidly. After a while, it had reached more than 50, which meant that Zhang Yi had killed more than 50 skeletons!

According to the setting of the task [Hunting Skeletons]: the player who accepts the task will weaken the BOSS Golden Skeleton King's attributes by 0.01% for each shining skeleton killed, which means that Zhang Yi has only weakened its attributes by 0.5% so far.

But don't worry, because this is only the benefit of Zhang Yi's hunting for ten minutes.

While carrying out the task [Hunting Skeletons], Zhang Yi is also carrying out the hidden task [Obtaining Rare Materials]. It can be seen that with the death of those skeleton shooters and skeleton warriors, divine bones will occasionally fall.

In an instant, the surrounding ground was full of money reinforcement stone equipment and divine bones, even skill books and treasure chests, and Zhang Yi had no time to pick them up, because his main purpose now was to kill as many skeletons as possible, to weaken the BOSS's attributes as much as possible, and to allow it to launch an attack on Hope Town earlier.

Guan Hao and the others couldn't help, and they were idle anyway, so they simply went to the surrounding area to help Zhang Yi pick up the spoils, which was also a favor to Zhang Yi.

As for the things they picked up, Guan Hao and his team planned to give them all to Zhang Yi after they finished the game. After all, it was embarrassing enough to just get the experience points, and they didn’t feel comfortable sharing the spoils with Zhang Yi.

But for them, even picking up things was risking their lives, because if they were not careful, they would be shot to death by the skeleton archers.

Fortunately, the triggering probability of [Corrosion] was very low, and Zhang Yi was not attacked by those skeletons very often, so Zhang Yi’s equipment was almost not corroded.

So, starting from one o'clock in the afternoon, they kept brushing until four o'clock, until the task time expired, and finally heard a system prompt sound that fell on the ears of Zhang Yi and Guan Hao at the same time.——

"Ding~ Your mission [Hunting Skeletons] has been completed, and the completion progress is 955. Please return to the safe zone to submit the mission and you will receive generous rewards!"

At the same time, a regional announcement sounded -

District 886 regional announcement:"Ding~ Dear players, please note that due to the completion of the special mission [Hunting Skeletons] by the players in District 886, in the BOSS invasion battle at 6 o'clock tonight, the BOSS God of Death·Golden Skeleton King who invaded District 886 will have all attributes reduced by 9.

55%, and the BOSS will invade safe zone 886 48 minutes in advance.

The specific invasion time of the BOSS is 5:12 this afternoon.

Players in safe zone 886, please be prepared to defend your homeland!


As the system announcement fell, the chat channel of District 886 became lively again.

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