[Shenxianju] (Male, Level 16 Archer):"Special mission? Weaken the BOSS attributes? There is such an operation? Where can I get the mission? Brothers who have completed the mission, can you tell me?"

【[Naughty Child] (Male, Level 16 Assassin):"It seems that this task was refreshed by a guard at the entrance of the Security Hall. I also wanted to claim it at that time, but the task requires 500 points of reputation to claim it!"

【Chicken, you are so beautiful] (Male, Level 16 Magician):"My brother is awesome. He weakened the attribute by nearly 10% and invaded the safe zone almost an hour in advance. It seems that the first kill of the BOSS this time must belong to our 886 zone!"

【Liu Nian] (male, level 17 assassin):"Don't be too happy too soon. Since our area has this special task to speed up the progress of the BOSS, other areas must have it too. Maybe other areas have completed the task faster than us, and the BOSS weakening is even greater!"

Looking at the issues discussed by everyone in the regional channel, Zhang Yi is actually not worried about this at all. He is very confident that the BOSS in area 886 will be weakened.���The speed must be the highest, and the invasion time must be the earliest!

Because no one can swipe the skeletons in the City of the Dead faster than Zhang Yi! Even if others are in a team of five, Zhang Yi is almost alone.

Zhang Yi is determined to get the first kill of the BOSS this time!

When the task was completed, it was still early. The specific time for the BOSS to invade the safe zone was 5:12, which was more than an hour away.

However, that time was the time when the BOSS set out from the City of the Dead to rush to the safe zone. It should be around 5:30 when it actually arrived in the safe zone.

Before that, Zhang Yi was going to help Guan Hao and the others complete the task in the City of the Dead.

After all, before entering the City of the Dead, it was Zhang Yi who asked them to take the Level 3 difficulty [Dead Transmigration] task. At present, he only helped them solve the progress of the Skeleton Warrior and Skeleton Archer. The progress of the Necromancer and the Undead Killer was 0. Without Zhang Yi, with their strength, they could not deal with these high-level undead at all. What awaited them was only the failure of the task.

Therefore, Zhang Yi led them to kill the undead again. At the same time, he was also taking on a challenge for himself. He had to complete the challenge of killing 1,000 skeleton archers and 1,000 undead mage killers before he could enter the second floor. He kept killing until 5 o'clock. Guan Hao and his team had completed their tasks. Zhang Yi was ready to stop and disband the team to kill alone.

Zhang Yi did not plan to return to the safe zone immediately to wait for the BOSS to invade, because he knew that this BOSS battle was a protracted war. He remembered that the safe zone that first defeated the BOSS in his previous life also took two or three hours.

The process was not important. Zhang Yi was going for the final blow, so he only had to go back when the BOSS was about to die.

As for the task of [Hunting Skeletons], it didn't matter when he went back to hand it in. He could wait until the BOSS died before going. Anyway, the purpose of weakening the BOSS's attributes and prompting it to invade the safe zone in advance had been achieved.

Although the extra rewards for this BOSS battle will be calculated based on the total damage contributed by the players at the end, only the one who takes the final blow can get the most generous reward, which cannot be compared with that no matter how much damage is contributed.

In comparison, the rewards calculated based on damage are insignificant, and it is more cost-effective to use that time to complete a level of challenges and hidden tasks in the City of the Undead.

In addition, because Zhang Yi's experience bar has reached 99%, he will soon be upgraded to level 18 and can equip the 3-star [Streamer Staff].

If Guan Hao and the others had not divided 70% of Zhang Yi's experience, Zhang Yi would have been level 18 by now.

So, Zhang Yi disbanded the team.

Seeing Zhang Yi leaving alone to the deeper part of the City of the Undead without even saying hello, Guan Hao behind him said with some pain:"Zhang Yi, does it have to be like this?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing much." Zhang Yi paused and said without looking back:"You go and hand in the task, and then go back, take care of yourself."

After that, Zhang Yi stepped into the group of skeletons and undead, picked up the staff, and started to kill them alone.

Guan Hao, Liu Xing and others stood there like fools, looking at Zhang Yi. Although they were extremely heartbroken, they did not dare to disturb him again.

Guan Hao looked at Han Yarou. He knew Han Yarou's feelings for Zhang Yi. She had not forgotten Zhang Yi in three years. For this reason, she rejected countless excellent suitors, even including Liu Xing...

It can be seen that Han Yarou's deep eyes were full of loss.

Maybe it's time to let go...

Han Yarou lowered her head and said softly:"Let's go."

After saying that, Han Yarou turned and left. Guan Hao and the others hesitated between Zhang Yi and Han Yarou, but finally followed Han Yarou with a tangle.


Zhang Yi, who killed an undead mage with a fireball, seemed to have heard the movement behind him. He turned his head to look at Han Yarou, Guan Hao and the others who were gradually leaving, and his eyes flashed obviously.

So be it, from now on they are strangers, just like in the last life, Zhang Yi never met them again, and they lived well for eight years.

Just when Zhang Yi was distracted, he vaguely felt a gust of cold wind coming, turned around, and saw a big fireball flying towards him!

Zhang Yi was shocked and subconsciously raised his staff to block it.


The fireball hit the flame staff. At this moment, Zhang Yi saw that the flame staff in his hand instantly lost its brilliance and turned into a rough stick.

At the same time, two battle prompt sounds rang in his ears.——

"Ding~ You were attacked by the [Fireball] of the [Necromancer] and lost 168 health points!"

"Ding~ Unfortunately, your weapon [Flame Staff] has been affected by the Necromancer's [Corrosion] and has been damaged. You will no longer be able to use the weapon normally in the damaged state!"


Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh when he heard the system's prompt.

How could he be so unlucky? He had been brushing for so long without any problems, and now he was almost done and triggered [Corrosion] with the same probability as [Hell Dragon Flame]! He hadn't even triggered Hell Dragon Flame once in such a long time...

When you are unlucky, even drinking water is a problem!

Looking at the flame staff in his hand that had lost its function, Zhang Yi felt like crying but had no tears, because he had no spare weapons in his bag.

At this time, the level 20 necromancer who had just attacked Zhang Yi was still swinging his staff to attack Zhang Yi.

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