"Ding~ You killed the player [King of Glory], the opponent is grayed out, because of the system protection stage, you did not get the sin value!"

As Zhang Yi killed King of Glory with a fireball, the players of King's World from all directions, under the orders of the two vice-captains, King's Return and King's Supreme, launched a siege on Zhang Yi.

Ordering his men to hold Zhang Yi back, King's Return and King's Supreme ran towards the BOSS!

At this moment, Zhang Yi's focus was not on these King's World players. Revenge on them could be later. Now, Zhang Yi's focus was on the spoils of the Skeleton King.


A bolt of lightning struck down, crippling the three King's World players approaching from the front, and then used normal attacks to trigger multiple attacks, killing them.

At this time, the flash with only 15 seconds of CD had completed the second cooling. Zhang Yi immediately used the flash to disappear on the spot, causing the attacks of the surrounding King's World players who were besieging him to fail.

The next moment, Zhang Yi, who appeared closer to the BOSS, combined with the 10% damage bonus effect of the next attack brought by the green quality flash, fired a fireball directly at the 19th level assassin King Supreme, with a damage of 1098 points, directly taking him away.


Seeing the King Supreme beside him being turned into white light and flew away by Zhang Yi, the King Returned was shocked and ran towards the BOSS faster.

As long as he got the loot of the Skeleton King, it didn't matter if he was killed in seconds!

It was just that he thought too much.

While quickly approaching the body of the Skeleton King, Zhang Yi waved the streamer staff again, and a general attack ball hit the back of the King Returned, hitting more than 700 points of damage, but it did not kill him instantly.

But at this moment, a deafening and violent dragon roar suddenly came from the floating air!

All players from all directions raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

Zhang Yi was shocked: Oh my god, I won the prize!


After another dragon roar, a huge fire dragon in the sky tore through space and leaped over. It opened its bloody mouth and sprayed a stream of scorching dragon flames at the ground!

Wow - the Hell Dragon Flame instantly covered all the players of King's World within a radius of 100 meters around Zhang Yi. Under the burning of the scorching flames, a white real damage of up to 1154 points jumped above everyone's head!

Wow, wow, wow, wow - in the area covered by the Hell Dragon Flame, more than 40%, at least hundreds of King's World mage, archer and priest players were directly blasted into white light, and the rest of the people survived with a trace of blood, but they could not withstand the 271 points of burning damage per second brought by the Hell Dragon Flame that could not be cleared.

In an instant, the remaining 60% of the archer, warrior and knight players, including the King's Return who was only one step away from the spoils, were all burned to death by the dragon flame.


"Ding~ You killed the player [King's Canyon], the sin value is 0!"

"Ding~ You killed the player [King Warrior], sin value 0!"

"Ding~ You killed the player [King Run], sin value 0!"

In the blink of an eye, within a radius of 100 meters around Zhang Yi, no grass grew, and the ID above Zhang Yi's head was still white!

Outside the range of the Hell Dragon Flame, the players who survived the disaster were all stunned.

The crowd exploded.

Player A:"It turns out that the dragon flame I saw when I was brushing the octopus on a middle school map before was triggered by Yinuo Qingcheng!"

Player B:"It's so awesome. This damage, this group damage effect, it's simply a second to the sky, the earth, and the air! This magic scroll must be at least a few hundred gold coins! How can he afford it?"

Player C:"How do you know this is a scroll, can't it be a skill he carries himself?"

Player D:"I won't believe it even if you kill me. How can such a strong group attack skill be brought by the player himself! This must be a high-level magic scroll!"

While the crowd was discussing, Zhang Yi took advantage of the opportunity when the enemies in the nearby area were cleared out and quickly ran to the corpse of the Skeleton King. He reached out to the countless spoils piled up in a mountain. He only heard pleasant system prompt sounds ringing in his ears.——

"Ding~Congratulations, you have obtained 15 gold coins!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting [Three-Star Treasure Box] 1!"

"Ding~Congratulations, you got 21 gold coins!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on obtaining the skill book [Undead Storm] 1!"

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have obtained the equipment [Golden Bow of the Dead] 1!"


At least a dozen prompts were heard. When Zhang Yi picked up all the spoils, players from all directions were approaching!

Even the King of Glory that was killed by Zhang Yi before rushed back from the resurrection fountain in the safe zone!

Because it is still in the system protection period, as long as you die within 1 km of the safe zone, you will not consume the resurrection opportunity, and you will only lose 10% of your experience after dying once.

The King of Glory who came back after dying once is still at level 19!

King of Glory, who had rushed back from the Resurrection Fountain, was so angry when he saw that Zhang Yi had picked up all the things next to the Skeleton King's body. His face turned blue:"Damn it, Yinuo Qingcheng, I advise you to spit out all the things that the BOSS exploded! Otherwise, you are dead!"

Zhang Yi stood up calmly, turned to look at the furious King of Glory, and said lightly:"What's the point of asking me to hand it over? If you have the ability, kill me and explode yourself?"

Zhang Yi's provocation completely angered King of Glory:"Now is the system protection stage, and the safe zone can't protect you. I'm going to kill you back to level 0 today!"

Zhang Yi held the silver-glowing staff in his hand and said:"Come and kill me, I'll give you one last chance"

"If I don’t kill you to level 0 today and take away all your equipment, I will kill you!"

""Brothers, kill!"

With a command, countless King's World players rushed towards Zhang Yi.

The flowing light staff was lightly raised, and the lightning chain slashed down, instantly killing the three assassins who were the first to bear the brunt of the attack.

At this moment, in the air, a fierce dragon roar was heard like thunder.

Hell dragon flame...

Wow - after a hell dragon flame, hundreds of King's World players within a hundred meters around Zhang Yi were once again killed instantly!

Then, when those King's World players continued to rush forward, Zhang Yi continued to wave his staff like a mobile turret.




Wow! Wow!

Under the bombardment of the double magic balls triggered by multiple attacks, the King's World players from all directions had almost no chance to get close to Zhang Yi, and fell dead one after another 20 to 30 meters away from Zhang Yi!

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