Because the distance was too far, the opponent's mage shooter, who was launching concentrated fire from 40 to 50 meters away, could hardly hit Zhang Yi.

In the world of Apocalypse, the farther the distance, the lower the hit rate of long-range professions.

With his 41-point agility attribute, Zhang Yi could easily dodge the attack of the opponent's mage shooter with a little movement. The situation similar to the previous one in the City of the Undead where they killed him instantly with a round of concentrated fire did not exist at all.

Seeing that even the mage shooter's concentrated fire was useless this time, the opponent was killing like crazy as if he had turned on the invincible plug-in, King of Glory, who was watching the battle 50 meters away from Zhang Yi, swallowed deeply and said in disbelief:"How did this guy suddenly become so fierce? Why does he feel a little different from before in the City of the Undead? Isn't this the same person?"

King of Glory had the same doubts as King of Glory:"Captain, did you notice it too?"

"This Yinuo Qingcheng, I even feel that he deliberately let us kill him in the City of the Dead in the afternoon?" The King Supreme said incredulously:"This movement, this operation... I don't believe he didn't know it in the afternoon!"

"Could it be that he was killed by us in the afternoon just to protect that girl?"

After a moment of silence, King of Glory suddenly realized:"Now the area within 1 km of the safe zone is in the shelter stage, and killing people will not be red-named.……"

"Damn, this guy really did it on purpose! He was afraid of being named a red name in the afternoon, so he deliberately showed weakness and let us kill him. Did he know that the system would activate shelter when the BOSS invaded the safe zone?!"

Just when King of Glory was puzzled, Zhang Yi suddenly moved from sixty or seventy meters away to within 50 meters of King of Glory in an instant, and shouted to King of Glory:"I said, the game has just begun!"

As soon as the voice fell, a fireball bombarded King of Glory. Before King of Glory could react, he was killed instantly.

"I'm Nima……"


White light lit up, and King of Glory disappeared in the crowd. Even the countless players of King of Glory around him could not protect King of Glory.

And the corners of Zhang Yi's mouth gradually rose.

King of Glory guessed right, Zhang Yi did it on purpose, because in the afternoon in the City of the Dead, Zhang Yi should not kill too much, if the red name was killed, the loss Zhang Yi could not afford, so he simply used the excuse of protecting Han Yarou to give King of Glory an opportunity to easily kill him in seconds.

As a reborn who returned from eight years later, Zhang Yi knew that when the BOSS invasion war started, all safe areas would open the system protection, and during this period, players would not be red names if they killed people.

So what Zhang Yi showed now was his true strength without reservation!

So, under Zhang Yi's crazy killing, the death toll of King of Glory players increased sharply, and countless white lights lit up from the surroundings one after another, which made the scattered players watching the battle from a distance excited.

Player A:"Yinuo Qingcheng is awesome!"

Player B:"This is a real 1v1000, I really want to start a live broadcast for everyone to see, does this game support cross-zone live broadcast now?"

Soon, a large number of players in the safe zone poured out, and players from the Storm Family also joined the battle

"Brothers, kill them! Now is the system protection stage, don't be afraid, kill the people of King's World! Kill them all back to level 0!"

With the order of the Storm Angel, the players of the Storm Family immediately started fighting with the people of King's World!

The joining of the Storm Family players was like a divine help to Zhang Yi. The first and second players of the Heavenly Ranking in District 886 joined forces to launch a strong counterattack against the King's World's thousand-man team.

As a result, the scene was in chaos, with screams mixed with white light, one after another. The swords and shadows shone in response.

Because the death penalty was greatly reduced due to the protection of the system, the players of King's World and Storm Family also died and resurrected and continued to come, one after another, like an endless war, which simply shocked the onlookers in the distance.

Onlookers A:"Who do you think will win this battle?"

Onlookers B:"I bet a bag of spicy strips, King's World! After all, they have a lot of people, more than a thousand people, and the Storm Family plus Yinuo Qingcheng only have less than half of them!"

Onlooker C:"Who cares who wins or loses? What does it have to do with us? They don't drop anything. It's boring. Let's go out and level up~"

The battle lasted for half an hour.

The average level of players in King's World and Storm Family had dropped from level 20 to level 18. Zhang Yi, a level 23 beastmaster who had never died and had controlled at least 400 lives of King's World, felt tired in his right hand, so he switched to holding the staff in his left hand and continued to fight...

An hour later...

The King's Return, who was killed to level 16, said:"Fuck, are you still fighting? It's dark! Don't you want to eat?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was chopped into white light by the Storm Dragon King, a warrior who had dropped from level 20 to level 17. Stepping on the corpse that King's Return had not refreshed yet, the Storm Dragon King spit and said,"Eat your uncle, garbage! He~tui!"

Two hours later... the average level of players in the two major teams dropped to level 12, and the regional chat channel of Zone 886 exploded.

【Yamedie (Male, Level 19 Knight):"Oh my god, are the people from the King's World and Storm Family crazy? Is it necessary to fight like this!"

【Crazy Flea] (Male, Level 20 Archer):"I finally killed a BOSS and got the first kill award in the area to raise my level. Look at the people in their two teams. They all dropped more than ten levels. Many of them even dropped to single digits. What a pity."……"

【[Little Bridge and Flowing Water] (Female, Level 18 Magician):"Have you noticed that the people from the King's World and the Storm Family have died dozens of times each, but Brother Yinuo Qingcheng has never died even once!"

【Supreme Star Glory] (Male, Level 19 Beast Tamer):"That's right, his output is too explosive. Anyone in the King's World who gets close to him will die. The number of kills Yinuo Qingcheng has taken is at least over four digits!"

【Miss Niu] (Female, Level 18 Priest):"Oh my god, if there is no system protection, the consequences are simply unimaginable!"

【Crazy flea】:"Without the protection of the system, do they dare to fight like this?"


In a blink of an eye, it was already 9:30 in the evening, and there was only half an hour left before the end of the system protection.

At this time, Zhang Yi had already killed King of Glory to the resurrection fountain.

Looking at King of Glory, who had just been refreshed from the resurrection fountain and whose level had dropped to level 1, Zhang Yi, who was guarding in front of the resurrection fountain, waved his staff lightly.



The King of Glory, who had just been resurrected, died again.

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