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Chapter 106: Mount Soul Essence Box, Night Beast

"It's your Highness Darkness, that fifty-story tower of the abyss really can't stop you!" Nus looked at Ye Chun's return with an excited look on his face.

"Tell me the information about that rare mount!" However, Ye Chun, who was in front of him at this time, didn't want to talk too much nonsense with him, and went straight to the point.

Nus looked at Ye Chun and started talking.

"Once, in the southern area of ​​our northern demons, there was a lot of trouble because of the beasts of the night."

"It is rumored that whenever the shadows come, there will be vicious beasts to wreak havoc in that area. They are huge, hidden in the shadows, and they like to eat blood!"

"In a short period of time, it has killed no less than a thousand lives of our demon race."

"However, at that time, there was a warrior from our Demon Race who had the honor to fight with the creatures in the shadows, and also successfully killed several shadow creatures!"

Nus said this, and looked at Ye Chun with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What does this have to do with rare mounts?" Ye Chun frowned and said in a low voice.

This Nus said a lot of nonsense, which made Ye Chun, who cherished time, very impatient!

Seeing the change in Ye Chun's mood, Nus hurriedly continued: "Of course it does matter, Your Highness Darkness, that warrior killed several more dark shadow creatures and obtained an 8th-order mount spirit!"

"The last tier 8 mount's Soul Essence hatched into a Backstab Dragon! Only he and I know about this news!"

As soon as Nus's words came out, Ye Chun's eyes instantly became awe-inspiring.

Eighth-order mounts! ! ! !

In today's hope world where sixth-order mounts can dominate the list, these eighth-order mounts are definitely the strongest existence!

No wonder the old man Nus gave himself the seventh-order mounts before, because he still had news of the eighth-order mounts in his hands.

Moreover, from his words, Ye Chun knew.

As long as you find a warrior, and then kill the beast in the shadow, then you will naturally be able to get the eighth-order mount!

Of course, with the nature of the hope world, there must be a chance ahead.

But for Ye Chun, odds are not a problem!

"Tell me about that person!" Ye Chun said directly to Nus.

There is no need for too much nonsense among smart people.

Nus nodded immediately and handed Ye Chun a letter.

"Dear Your Highness Darkness, this is my letter of introduction, as long as you give it to Gal."

When Ye Chun put the letter into his hands.

A reminder sounded in Ye Chun's mind.

Eighth-order mount mission

Introduction: Pass Nus's letter to Gayle, gain Gayle's favor, and learn the whereabouts of the dark beast.

Reward: There is a chance to get a Tier 8 mount.

"Sure enough" Ye Chun raised his brows.

If you want to get the eighth-order mount, then this Gael is naturally the key to the problem.

Of course, Ye Chun didn't stop here either, and went directly to the address that Nus said.

With the envelope, Ye Chun, in the warm hospitality of the Northern Demons, even waived the cost of the teleportation array, and went directly to the south of the Northern Demons, Demon Night City.

And in a demon guard school field in Demon Night City, Ye Chun found his mission target-Gail.

In terms of Ye Chun's identity, Gale also took the envelope that Ye Chun handed him and began to read it.

"It turns out that Your Highness Darkness is here for this matter." Gale smiled and took Ye Chun to a house next to the school grounds.

"Are there still beasts of the night?" Ye Chun asked straight to the point.

"Yes! The time for the Dark Lord to come down is just right. Recently, there are indeed beasts in the dark night making trouble!" Gale said with a deep tone, and continued to ask.

"His Royal Highness's goal must be to kill the beasts of the night and get an eighth-order mount like me, right?"

Ye Chun nodded, this kind of thing, Nus said very clearly in the letter, Ye Chun had no plans to hide it.

"It is true that those beasts in the dark night can easily burst into the spirit of their mounts, but there is a chance."

"First of all, some beasts won't release their soul essence, and secondly, even if there are beasts that burst out their soul essence, it's just a soul box. Opening the soul box depends on luck, and you may not be able to get what you want. Eighth-order soul!"

"Even if it's me, it's an eighth-order mount that I only got after opening a few soul boxes!"

Because of the identity of His Highness Darkness, Gale explained to Ye Chun one by one.

"Well! When can you take me to find the beast?" Ye Chun asked.

"Just tonight!" Gale said with a dignified tone.

As soon as Gale's words came out, Ye Chun's mind began to sound a reminder.

"Ding dong, mission changed"

"Kill the beasts of the night and get the mount soul box!"

"Due to mission reasons, players can perform activities at night without any negative impact."

Ye Chun's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the game to be so user-friendly.

Because of the mission, it can be unaffected in the dark.

You must know that after the update, almost no players dare to act at night in the game. After all, the system has set a terrifying night buff in the dark night, and there will be an invincible night killer!

"Dear Your Highness, I'll let you know when the time comes in the evening!" Gal said respectfully to Ye Chun.

"Yeah!" Ye Chun nodded.

After passing through the abyss tower and strengthening things, Ye Chun was also hungry at this time, so he also went to the real world, had breakfast, watched the construction of the orphanage, and then returned to the game world.

At this time, I hope the world just came to night.

When Ye Chun went online, Gale's news came back.

Following the news, Ye Chun found Gale.

However, unlike the daytime, Gale brought a team of demon escorts behind him.

There are about ten people, and if nothing else, they are all NPCs, but the level is not very high.

Ye Chun followed them out of the city gate and headed towards a forest outside.

According to Gale, this is the favorite haunt of the beasts of the night.

Just when Ye Chun and Gail and their group walked in the woods for less than half an hour, they were ready to perch!


A dull roar suddenly came out!

As this roar came out, for a while, dozens of roars sounded one after another!

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

When these voices came out, Gale's face suddenly changed!

"I've encountered a group of fierce beasts, and we are surrounded!!"

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