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Chapter 107: Kill the beast, mount the soul box

"Ferocious beasts?" A strange color flashed in Ye Chun's eyes.

If there is a chance that the Soul Essence Box will explode, the more beasts come, the better it will be for Ye Chun.

"Night Sneak!"

Immediately Ye Chun also turned on the perception drop to achieve the stealth effect!

These beasts all have the characteristics of stealth, the enemy is in the clear and we are in the dark, which is extremely unfavorable to Ye Chun!

However, just after Ye Chunyi dived into the darkness.

"Ah!!" The screams suddenly came out!

One of the NPC guards brought by Gale suddenly hung in the air.

To be precise, it is not hanging in the air, but it seems to be picked up by some monster, and there is blood on the body!

Not long after, the same scene appeared in other guards!

Only Gale suddenly pulled out a long sword and struck in the darkness, avoiding the fate of being caught!

"You ferocious beasts are courting death!" Gale roared, and the long sword in his hand was densely covered with a black flame, cutting out into the darkness!

"Roar!" A dull and painful roar came out, and in the darkness, a huge black figure appeared!

It looked like a mutated giant lion.

Ye Chun immediately used the identification technique to look at the past.

Night Ferocious Lion

Level: 60

Grade: Elite

Health: 3000000/3000000

Mana: 1000000/100000

Attack Power: 30000—60000

Skill: Hide in the Night (Perception Decrease - 1000)

Skill: Rampage (crit rate increased by 50%)

Skill: Bloody Devour (Damage doubled)

Combat Strength: 10000

In front of Ye Chun, the attributes of this beast of the night were immediately exposed.

"A level 60 elite monster with very low HP!

"But the attack power is surprisingly high!"

This is the judgment made by Ye Chun.

For a level 60 elite monster, 3 million HP is not too high!

After all, some level 50 bosses are already comparable to tens of millions of blood.

However, the basic attack power of 30,000 made Ye Chun a little surprised!

You know, this basic damage is more than Ye Chun!

Moreover, this beast has skills!

One is stealth, one is crit, and the other is double damage!

If you use all the skills, if you are hit from the front, you can reach 60,000 HP in one hit, and if you use a crit, it can reach 120,000 HP!

Even Ye Chun couldn't resist three attacks!

"No wonder the mount's soul box can be exploded here. Ordinary players face such beasts, it is estimated that they don't even know how they died!"

Ye Chun thought to himself.

These ferocious beasts have stealth and crit damage, and they are comparable to powerful assassins!

"Die!" At this time, Gale finally launched a fierce attack!

He beat a fierce lion in the dark night in front of him and beat it backwards.

"It's time to brush the mount's soul box!"

After Ye Chun took over the basic situation, he finally started to take action!

King beheaded!

I saw that Ye Chun took the lead, and it was the dark night lion behind a guard who was picked up beside him!


A terrifying number floated over the head of the beast!

This is Ye Chun's attempt, how much his strength has improved after the second turn, so he did not use the curse of the king.

And the result is obvious.

The king's kill with 40 times more damage, plus the passive skill of king deterrence, doubles the damage to dark creatures, and Ye Chun's one strike reaches 80 times the basic damage, which means that it directly reaches 2.6 million terrifying damage!

Of course, because Ye Chun's combat power is higher than his, he can cause extra damage, but this is not the main thing.

Gail, who was on the side, trembled when he saw the damage from Ye Chun's side.

This terrifying damage, even his level 50 NPC, looks up to the existence.

And this dark night lion's blood volume is only 3 million, Ye Chun's blow directly knocked him out!

"The king is furious!"

Ye Chun immediately activated the critical strike skill!

Then he took out the bow and arrow, and quickly opened the distance from the fierce lion in the dark night!



In less than a second, Ye Chun shot 2 arrows at will!

Calculated based on the critical hit of each arrow, plus the doubling of the dark creatures, the damage figure of 240,000 appeared twice, and the remaining 400,000 HP of this fierce night lion was directly emptied.

Before you die, you don't even have time to react!

"Ding, congratulations on your success in killing the Night Lion, gaining 2,000,000 experience"

A hint to kill came out in Ye Chun's mind.

Just when Ye Chun was about to kill the other end!

A dark red box suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chun.

Mount Soul Box (Elementary)

Effect: There is a chance to obtain the 6-8 rank best mount spirit.

"It's so lucky that it exploded at once!" Ye Chun showed a hint of surprise and put the box directly into his backpack.

Now is not the time to open the box, there are still a few fierce lions in the dark night raging.

Ye Chun aimed at them again.

"The King's Curse!"

"King Deterrence"

"Rainbow Archery"

"Altar of the Dead"

"The Curse of the Dead"

A series of skills are continuously released in Ye Chun's hands!

Terrifying injuries constantly drifted over the heads of these fierce lions in the dark night.

Due to Ye Chun's own sake, for this high outbreak, there are invisible dark monsters restrained to death!

This made Ye Chun, like a **** of death, slaughtering these monsters!

"Kill the king!"


As the damage numbers of the last attack rose, the fierce lion in the dark night in front of Gale fell to the ground.

For a time, another dark red box appeared in front of the monster.

Mount Soul Box (Elementary)

Effect: There is a chance to obtain the 6-8 rank best mount spirit.

Ye Chun immediately put it into the backpack.

With this one, Ye Chun killed a total of 11 dark night lions!

But to my disappointment, only two mount soul boxes were revealed.

Moreover, the two mounts of the soul box can only be opened to the highest level of the eighth-level mounts!

However, when there is time to go backwards, Ye Chun is not worried about this!

And most importantly, Ye Chun also has fusion stones!

"I'm really thankful to His Highness Darkness today, otherwise we might really be finished!" Gale thanked Ye Chun very sincerely.

Ye Chun waved his hand in disbelief.

What I want to do most now is to open the box of soul essence, so I immediately rushed to the city with Gale.

After Gail arranged a house for Ye Chun, Ye Chun immediately went to the door and took out the mount's soul box.

"turn on"

Ye Chun's order came out directly.

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