Yes, this is the start I look forward to!

Neither I, nor a few people close to him, felt the pure quantity of gems in life.

After all, I supported Overwatch, and I don't know how much wealth I have in the past in financial competition with the Sky Curtain Alliance, which is controlled by Compound Eye.

Now, whether it's me or the three old housekeepers, they want more than just wealth, but something more protected.

That's land and people, the most valuable things in the world.

My plan is to trade the gems of life for land and population, and only by mastering these things will the Watchtower become stronger.

However, the appearance of the performance should not be too obvious, the old butler's face was difficult, and he was silent for a while: "This..." I need to consult the three elders. "

Let's put it this way, the old housekeeper and the three old men had a low-level discussion for a while, but did not avoid others, and seemed to be seriously considering it.

Finally, the old butler stepped onto the stage and said to Salmon: "Lord Salmon, I will not hide it from you, your territory adds up to no less than 1.5 million high-grade gems, do you really want to exchange them for high-grade gems? "

"Yes!" Salmon nodded heavily.

The old butler was secretly happy, these giants were a little smart, but also very strong.

However, their vision is still in the old days, and they still believe that as long as there is a sacred gem of life, it is equal to power.

When they regret it, they won't be able to.

"Mr. Salmon, I want to confirm once again if you are sincere and willing to exchange all your territory and people for one million high-grade gems?"

"Yes, yes!" Salmon was also a little excited.

"Well, the auction has been suspended for three-quarters, and Lord Salmon was asked to sign a transaction and transfer agreement with Lord Tianyun, as long as he has an agreement, high-grade gems worth one million."

The old housekeeper's words made everyone angry, and no one thought that Salmon was so impetuous that he put his bet on himself.

It's not just him, you know, plus his previous 600,000 high-end gems, plus the subsequent 1 million high-end gems, all the giants lost their chance to fight.

After all, the wealth in their hands today does not exceed 1 million, which angered the previous giant who provided 800,000 fine gems.

No one could accept it, who would have thought it would become what it is today?

The giant who currently bids the highest can no longer sit down and shout, "Lord Drow, I also want to exchange my territory and population."

The old housekeeper replied loudly: "You don't have to worry, if someone wants to exchange territory and population, as long as you can prove that you belong to your own territory and population, they can go to Elder Tian Yun who is in charge of this matter." At the same time, the agreement It can be signed, of course, how much the value is, still needs to be assessed. "

The old housekeeper's words were no less than setting off a huge wave. Finally, more than a dozen giants couldn't sit down and ran to look for Lao Tianyun.

Warden's Castle's strategy is clearly to disrupt the auction situation, and many of the giants will not only pay more, but be thrown into complete chaos.

No one knows how much territory and population of the other party has changed. If there is less, they are afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty. If they exchange too much, they will have nothing.

Of course, it is impossible to completely annex everyone's power, after all, the power of Overwatch is still quite limited.

Not all giants are baffled by impulse, or modest swaps, to ensure they have enough chips in their hands.

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