At this time, the most important thing they should do is to develop, not to make enemies everywhere.

Obviously, stirring up the pantheon's wrath at this point is the least sensible.

"It's not a man or a **** in the Watchtower, it's a monster!"

final test

I looked at the few people in front of me, the strength has reached the highest level of the people of Tuntian.

These include the greedy mouth and the five original devourers.

Compared with these six gluttons, not only the people of Tuantian, but even the watchtower, there are star-like existences.

They have never been treated like this and it is the concern of all the people wherever they go.

Like natural auras, they are always the center of attention.

As far as the young people in the family are concerned, they are seen as heroes.

At first, greedy mouths led the people, and before they came to the Watchtower to sell their bodies, there were still many who objected. They believe that this gluttonous mouth has completely lost the last dignity of devouring the family, and he should not be the patriarch of the Tsuchida clan at all.

But now, anyone feels that the original decision to eat the mouth was wrong, the hand that eats the mouth is not needed, and the rest of the family can drown one person at a time.

Just as people adore them, they adore their master, me.

Without me, there would be no infinite scenery and glory today.

It's hard to imagine not so long ago that they had to drag their families around for help to get a bite of food.

But now they are not enjoying food, but glory and glory.

Of course, for now, most people are still unaware of my existence.

I still only occasionally pick a few people to experiment with in growth.

Everyone selected must adhere to a non-disclosure agreement.

This is under the strong watch of a greedy mouth and several other aides who don't want to bury their community's glorious future because of an accident.

Of course, the common Tuntian people. Living standards have also improved significantly.

Not only are big fish and meat, every devourer must be equipped with a low level of living stone, every meal, whose name is improved nutrition.

Gluttonous Mouth and the other five devourers were the first to digest the false god's gem of life.

A few days ago, I told them that after digesting the gem of life, they would take their final test.

Although I didn't say it explicitly, the gluttonous mouth and others also felt the test from my tone. For them, their devouring of the entire sky is crucial.

I have closed the whole yard and I don't want outsiders to disturb them at this time.

"Are you ready?" I looked at the mouth and the others seriously.

"Yes, my lord, we are all ready." The greedy mouth nodded affirmatively. Before that, they were worried because they didn't know what test I was going to do.

But at this moment, their state of mind is very calm.

In fact, they also saw big scenes of people, both at auctions, when they surrounded the King of Bones, and when they killed four sides. Or the subsequent actions, in which those who dared to imprison the leaders of the people were killed, were incomparably conspicuous.

Ordinary little scenes really can't scare them away. Especially when you are facing me now.

After so many days of thinking, they thought they had discovered my temper.

The bigger the moment, the less you can show your panic.

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