Of course, it is also possible if it is not repaired. As long as the cavity absorbs enough energy and reaches saturation, it will still synthesize itself, but no one knows how much energy the cavity will swallow. Completely reunited.

Of course, he knew how troublesome it would be to fix such a hole.

But these are all things hypocrites need to worry about. He doesn't need to care how much his people need to fix. Just one command is enough.

What he cares about now is who did it.

According to the news he had just received, a huge piece of land suddenly appeared on the territory of the Watchtower, completely covering the barren land.

So Pluto can be sure that this was done by the strong men of the Watchtower.

The previous speculation about the strong was completely overturned at this time.

Obviously, the strong man is not just like him, this terrifying power, completely transcends his own existence.

Therefore, he must understand who the other person is and his attitude towards the pantheon.

Of course, to this day, the underworld is still an illusion.

Perhaps the enemy's hostility to the Pantheon is not as strong as it appears on the surface.

After all, the power displayed by the other side is fully capable of destroying the Pantheon.

And the other side did not do so, which shows that the other side will not fight the pantheon to the end.

The hostility to the Pantheon may be due to the crime of the Pantheon.

Pluto can only attribute the hostility of the Battle of Watchmen to the Pantheon to previous conflicts.

Today's God of meditation, the mood has quietly changed.

It's also a nod to the strong, if the Castle of the Watchers is still the middling power it used to be.

The pantheon will only think of them as beings of ants.

But the Castle of the Watchers today is not the dough he kneaded.

It was a monster that could erupt at any time, and no one could stand it.

It's still a dark dungeon hidden under a temple, and the **** of death once again comes to the nimble fire of death.

The nimble death fire is a little darker than last time.

However, after the coming of the **** of meditation, the flame of the soul rises again after flickering.

The shadow of death rises in the fire of the soul, and he is still the kind of person who mocks Pluto.

"You seem to be in trouble, my boy?"

Pluto writes all the emotions on his face, anger, reluctance, a little panic and fear.

"Die, don't think you know everything; if you knew everything, it wouldn't be down to where it is today!"

The last thing he wants to do is face the mockery of death, even when the fire of his soul is about to go out, to be so contemptuous of himself.

"I'm certainly not omnipotent, but I can feel your fear. You must have met an enemy that makes you feel powerless."

"Is there a man in this world who is equal to God? Or is he close to God?"

Pluto bluntly asked his own question, and it was clear that if he wanted a satisfactory answer, only death could answer him.

Death's smile suddenly became strange: "Have you seen him?" Have you seen that person? "

Death frowned, his face a little unnatural. He looked at death suspiciously and said, "You know who I'm talking about."

"Of course, who else in this world can make you so scared except that person? Who would rather give up his dignity and come to me for advice than the one who can make you arrogant?"

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