"Didn't the master become the master **** at the level of the master?"

The reincarnated king looked at me and shook his head with a wry smile: "First of all, your master is not the Lord God, but a God directly above the Lord Jehovah." Second, because God cannot control him. "

"Of course, that's how the master is controlled by God." Big Mouth was obviously kissing my ass, but it was wrong to think about it: "You and death are primordial gods, can you still be controlled by another god? "

"It's not control. It's influence, influences your thoughts, influences your decisions, influences everything you have, because you're not at all sure if you're being influenced. That's destiny, no matter how you struggle, how you run away, in the end All are under the control of fate, which is the most terrifying of the twelve gods. The most mysterious existence, the **** of fate."

The reincarnated king sighed and said, "The crowd was surprised and even trembled."

The scary thing about destiny is that you never know if you're on the path of destiny.

The reincarnated king continued: "This is the meaning of the endless land, and only in such a new world, such as the endless land world." The tentacles of fate cannot reach this place, and the entanglement of fate can be truly escaped. "

"But, reincarnation, how can you be sure that the gods of life and death are not at the mercy of fate as they plan to create an endless world?"

When they heard this, they couldn't help feeling cold. If that's the case, it's terrifying.

If it's true, as the reincarnated king said before, it's impossible to decide whether to escape fate.

The reincarnated king smiled confidently and said, "I dare not say anything else." In that regard, I believe. "

"Oh? How can you be sure?" I'm also curious about reincarnation faith, because that's where the king of gods come from.

"First of all, because of the **** of fate at the time, most of his energy was on you."

The reincarnated king pointed at me and said, "Especially when you were weaker than the Lord God and suddenly surpassed the Lord God, I think the God of Destiny was afraid at the time, because a person's fate suddenly appeared in the Lord's world." So at the time he started to get scared because he knew it was a planned piece or a planned piece, and once one of them lost its binding, it was possible to completely screw up the whole chessboard. "

Some people understand the meaning of God's reincarnation, but not so well.

After all, what the reincarnated king said was completely beyond their scope and beyond their comprehension.

"In order to get rid of your instability, the God of Destiny decided to let an enemy, a real opponent, resurrect death, which should be the limit of what he can do. After all, it is impossible for him to create an existence beyond the Lord God."

The reincarnated king went on to say, "But the fire **** failed, his plan, failed further, and at the same time the situation started to develop in an unstoppable direction, that you imprisoned the fire god, and in the process, the fire **** You could be utterly destroyed at any moment, listen to me, utter destruction."

"This is also not allowed by the **** of fate, so he must work hard to protect the **** of fire from being killed by you, and unilateral protection is obviously not as simple as the control of both sides, like two pieces on a chessboard. If you With complete control over the pieces on both sides, then any piece will be completely in his hands, but if it becomes a game, the difficulty increases infinitely."

"This is the most fatal mistake of the God of Fate. When you seal the God of Fire for ten years, the God of Fate will haunt you for ten years, and in those ten years, the God of Fate will not be affected by the God of Fate control."

They all listened, and I smiled and said: "This is a battle between the **** of life and the **** of death, so you promised me to let me watch this war from the other side, but this war started early, although I was also During that time." Self-contained in the fire, but still aware of your war, so I wonder what caused you to go to war early. "

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