. The funniest thing is that our Deputy Patriarch had a sudden nightmare last night and was running around the streets naked in the middle of the night. When others asked him, he dreamed that he had overslept and hurried to the parliamentary hall to get ready for work. "

Si Han was dripping with sweat while listening, the original patriarch was so troublesome.

Think of it as a fragmented tribe where the patriarch doesn't care about anything at all.

Sihan saw the patriarch of the new tribe, and in the one-sided heated discussion among the four Hans, he finally pressed his handprint.

"Four Han brothers, from now on, you and I will be of the same race,"

"Parents are welcome." Si Han did not expect the negotiation to go so smoothly.

Of course, the so-called success is that he does not get any benefits.

When a primitive negotiates with a craft statesman, what can he expect him to win?

In addition, more than a dozen councillors and deputy chiefs were looking at each other. Sihan and his tribe of broken land, like sheep being slaughtered, have no room for counterattack at all.

Sihan looked at the patriarch with a wry smile, he really didn't understand, where did he come from so many words, his mouth was speechless.

"By the way, Xihan, how do you know our new tribe is recruiting? The power of our new tribe. I don't think it extends to the wasteland yet."

"I heard it from a friend from the forest." Sihan didn't hide.

After all, I've said that if you're in any trouble, you can name him.

However, since the process was relatively smooth and Sihan's mentality had changed, I did not mention my name during the negotiation.

"Oh? Did the warriors of our tribe go to the wilderness? These young people are very active, and as soon as the forest is digested, they start to dry up." The old patriarch was not surprised at all.

"I don't think he is a warrior of your tribe, but my friend seems to be familiar with the new tribe. He did his best. Recommend me to join the new tribe."

"Are you familiar with our new tribe?"

"Yes, my friend's name is me."

The place was almost untenable, and the old family stared at each other and said, "What did you say your friend's name was?"

I, Sihan, was stunned and didn't expect the public's reaction to be so great.

You have to worry that you are not the enemy of the new tribe, do you?

But I thought about it and rejected the answer. After all, I have a good relationship with him and I can't hurt him for no reason.

"You, you mean, my master went to your tribe?"

The old patriarch suddenly grabbed the palm of the Fourth Han and looked at the Fourth Han excitedly.

"I am Your Excellency the Judge?"

"Yes. Where is he now? Is he still in the torn tribe?"

"Well, when I came, I was big, and my master was gone."

Si Han couldn't digest the attitude of the old clan, seeing his excited expression. I can't help but wonder.

Who am I from the new tribe? I look familiar with this new tribe.

Even the patriarch calls me lord.

"Patriarch, my master is a member of the new tribe?"

With a bitter smile, the patriarch said, "This new tribe was actually founded by my master Mir and the giant elephant." All the elite warriors of the new tribe were my grown-up disciples, even after he left. One more plan, and now the progress of this new tribe is entirely up to my grown-up plans. "

Sihan's eyes widened, and he was so frightened that he looked at the old patriarch and the crowd in astonishment.

Everyone looked at it seriously, and the patriarch smiled bitterly: "You know, the biggest festival that every member of our new tribe must celebrate is the gathering day of each ring, which is when our tribe met me. Adult day."

"This, so, my lord didn't say it."

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