They didn't even have a chance to struggle. fight back?

What are they fighting against?

The power they are proud of?

The power they used to be proud of, in the face of the true destruction of the planet, is so absurd, so insignificant.

Water and fire, Yoya is like an almighty God, omnipotent and fearless.

Death is irresistible and inevitable.

The current tribal alliance, besides expecting Yoya to get tired, wait for her to kill enough people until she gets tired, which means their victory.

They seem to think things too naively, carry my legacy, and open up wisdom as well.

Her power is already at the top of the human race, even stronger than the vast majority of magicians in the dominant world.

And she is a four-family wizard, she can use almost all magic, and can even ban spells easily, ban!

She transcends the level of existence in the celestial world, and as long as she does not use spells above magic, her mental recovery rate is enough to sustain the wear and tear of this "normal battle".

Recovery and consumption are perfectly balanced, so she approaches a perpetual motor, a killing machine that never knows how tired it is.

Of course, physical fatigue still exists, but Yuya can still use recovery magic, among various magic, there are many recovery magic, so that her tired body can be nourished again.

So it's not impossible to wait for her to get tired, but it's clear that this million guards is far less than the maximum number she can kill at one time.

Wu Ya flowed all the way, it was the blood that flowed into the river.

In the end, the Tribal Alliance finally found that they were facing an invincible enemy, at least they had no chance of success.

The Torrent Horde, Huge Rock Horde, and Ice Eye Horde suffered the most from most of the Uya's raids, and nearly all the magic of mass destruction was sprinkled on them.

The hearts of the other tribes looked cold and continued to let Yuya fall, let alone rule the Black Marsh, without letting their flaws fall apart.

More importantly, there are more than a dozen tribes in the Black Marsh, and countless tribes are watching them.

When they are strong, they have a tendency to climb upwards.

When they are weak, they will not hesitate to mention the butcher's knife in their hands.

The first to retreat from the siege was the Iron Horde, which had the fewest numbers, so it was on the outskirts of the battlefield, seeing the other tribes suffer, so they kept hiding behind, waiting for a bargain.

Realizing that he couldn't ask for trouble, he decided to flee the battlefield.

I have to say that Iron Clan's decision was the most decisive and the most sensible.

When one retreats, the other tribes lose the courage to fight, or wait for the courage.

Walking out of the battlefield one by one, Wu Ya's magic, although it can, is still powerless to stop thousands of people.

Watching these traitors break up, they could only stare.

At this time, she didn't know how many people she had killed, and along the way, the remains were everywhere, and she couldn't count them.

A rough estimate is at least 100,000!

At this time, Yuya's mood was a little calmer, and when she recalled what she had done just now, she also felt an unhelpful chill.

One hundred thousand people, almost equivalent to the total population of a medium-sized tribe.

"Long Live Yuya"

"Long Live Miss Yuya"

All the people who followed their tribe of Falling Stones wept.

Cry from the heart!

Facing the tribal alliance, they were almost desperate.

However, the UIA defeated the Horde Alliance with the usual means of destruction and depravity.

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