Then, there was the flash of a man whose figure had fled to the north.

Shortly after I left, a furry marmot emerged from the field.

At this point, however, the hair on his body looks smoother.

The thief looked in the direction I was leaving, and bent his hand again, as if to thank me.

"You groundhog is very human and grateful."

Suddenly, a soft voice came from behind the groundhog, and then a man in a five-colored robe appeared behind the groundhog.

The groundhog didn't look back, once his body sank and his body glowed, he wanted to escape to the ground.

"You can't run, die"

The gentle man pointed a finger, and suddenly, a bunch of blue flames ignited from the palm of his hand, and the flame burned directly to the groundhog.


The groundhog didn't have time to yell, and suddenly its body turned to ashes.

Three days later, I came to a big river.

The river was frozen, silvery white, and looked cold.

Just opposite him, there is a blue castle. On the top of the castle, several big words are written: "Little Panyan City."

"That's it"

I was about to walk across from Xiaopanyan City. Suddenly, he felt unable to move his neck.

Then he felt only two cold nails sliding gently on his neck, and in a moment the pores on my body were about to stand up.

The man behind him silently controlled his body.

I'm afraid this man is scarier than thunder.

"Who are you?"

My voice is a little dull.

As he spoke in his mouth, his divine thoughts suddenly fled into the purple iron fire ant on his chest.

"come out"

However, just as his **** entered the iron fire ant, suddenly, a gentle voice said a word to him gently.

Then, as if my mind was completely out of control, I withdrew from the iron fire ant's body and back into the flesh.

My back was startled with cold sweat as my mind returned to the flesh.

"Who are you?"

I felt like my throat was about to snap and there was a fire going to start in it.

He didn't even see what the man on his back looked like, his body under control.

"you can sleep for a while"

A gentle voice was in my ear.

Then I felt numb, and suddenly he collapsed softly again.

After my body fell, the man behind him showed a trace, while a man in a five-colored robe was a soft man.

Phoenix Messenger!

"The thunder was repelled by the heavens and the earth, and it can't catch up for the time being, so you can only rest outside the city for a few days, and so on."

The gentle man looked at my body and smiled.

However, his laughter has not completely dropped, and his appearance has suddenly changed a lot.

In the castle opposite him, a great feeling of God attacked him.

"The borders of Rongcheng are blocked by outsiders."

"And what if it doesn't stop?" asked the calm and kind man.

"After five hundred years of deep sleep, do you all dare to go against her will?"

Hmm, the phoenix messenger snorted coldly, but did not speak.

"At that time, the master of your Genting Asgard had an appointment with the master of our Banyan Tree City. Whoever entered the other party's territory and killed without amnesty? Do you want to violate the pact of Tianfeng?"

"I don't dare." The gentle man's face suddenly appeared reluctant. Although Tianfeng, the lord of Genting Asgard, had fallen asleep thousands of miles away, her cold spirit still remained in her heart, preventing them from Dare to have the slightest violation.

"It's not going to break up anytime soon."

The five-color robe was feminine, and the man's face changed, and at last he shook his sleeves and lost track.

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