"." As soon as the red robe heard it, he nodded, as if satisfied with the ladder he sent.

Then he saw his hand down, signaling everyone to be quiet.

Ladies and gentlemen, the people of Panglongzong practice the "Xuanbing Prescription". This "Xuanbing formula" was contacted when I was a child. What I've noticed is that this heart is like an ancient well and I can't move the silk to want it. If I move a *read, I want to practice all. Therefore, in order to keep the students under the sect from being trapped by lust, the disciples of Panglongzong have been wearing veils for thousands of years. "

"We don't want to know why they wear the veil. We need to know how to take the veil off their faces," a voice shouted from the stage.

"Yes!" Immediately, some male disciples dressed in gold, black, yellow and red clothes cheered one after another. Although the practitioners of the family belong to the talented people in their respective families, they have always been drudgery and rarely have contact with women. At this time, I suddenly saw so many women from the Ice Dragon School. Suddenly, the heart of Taoism seems to be one The ground was thrown into the stone and began to rippling.

At this time, let them put down their practice and find a woman, of course, they don't want to, but if these are also immortal ice dragon ancestors, what can happen, but this is what they expect.

At this time, some people took the lead in cheering, so one by one without regard to their respective identities.

"Stupid!" Just when everyone was cheering, the red robe standing on the stone platform suddenly had a drink, and the people next to the palace on the Dragon Head Peak were quiet.

"One by one, why do you all know so much about style?" What's the point if a woman can get it so easily? This is because few people do it to wake everyone's heart to die. I tell you, chasing a woman is the same as chasing a path. You can only catch a road if you can catch a woman. "The bearded red robe immediately became heavy.

"Have you chased a woman?" someone asked on stage.

"I, why don't I chase?" The red robe suddenly turned red, as if it was stepped on by the cat's tail, and was very reluctant to stand up.

"I'll tell you one by one, you're looking at ordinary things like the Ice Dragon Sect, but Master Zhang, I'm different. I want to chase after the Saintess of Ice Dragon, 'Jiutian Bingfeng' Chu Jiangqing, this is a kind of challenge."

Shhh There were screams and whistles from the stage.

"Hey, Zhang Yuanyuan, don't brag. It is said that Zhu Jiangqing brought a hundred birds with the spirit of ice wind when he was born. Since we sent each other in Kowloon, there has never been such a sight in thousands of years. I heard My father said. This lady will run for at least the top three candidates in the "Kowloon List." Just like you, you still want to pursue Chu Jiangqing. Stop dreaming."

As soon as Zhang Yuanyuan came to power, he blushed and was furious.

"Surname Yin, are you kidding me? It seems that you are teaching me the graduation ceremony of the Fire Dragon Sect."

"We'll be waiting anytime. I hope one of them will allow us to meet at the draw."

"Don't wait, Master Zhang wants to teach you a lesson now."

This Yuan seems to have a hot temper. Once he gets angry, he can't wait for half a minute. He wants to teach him to turn his back on him.

I was in the crowd and took a half step back with everyone. Immediately, two people in the crowd appeared, one was Zhang Yuanyuan in red robes, and the other was a thin man in gray clothes.

"It's him. He's also a figure in my Kowloon School."

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