Online Games: How Did I Become Famous

Chapter 13 Seven Fist Injuries

"Seven Injuries Fist!"

The old man was obviously taken aback, he didn't expect this person to have learned the Kongtong School's top boxing technique, Qishang Quan!

No wonder the boxing is so fierce and domineering.

In a hurry, he had no choice but to push out an invisible air shield with his palms to resist

The fist print was connected to the air mask, the old man was obviously struggling this time, and his face flushed a little.

"The benefactor is young, how can he use the seven-injury boxing method, this kind of boxing method hurts others and himself before the internal strength is fully developed."

The old man took a deep breath to calm down his restless inner breath, and then said:

"There are Yin and Yang in the human body, as well as the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. If you practice the Seven Injuries Fist, you will injure all seven."

"So what? I'm going to kill you today."

The man interrupted the monk fiercely. His purpose was very clear, which was to kill the father-killing enemy in front of him.

"Lung Injury!"

The man gave a loud shout.

Seeing this move, the man's fists suddenly became erratic, and the old man suddenly felt a yin force attacking him. It is exactly the same as the fierce and domineering boxing just now.

"The benefactor is really obsessed with obsession, and his eyes have been blinded by hatred. Please don't force the old man to take action! So as not to cause another murder! Prajna palm!"

At this time, the old man was also full of energy, the fluorescent lights on his palms flickered, and he fought with the man again.

When the two separated again, the man was obviously out of breath and his face was pale.

The Seven Injuries Fist was used before the internal strength was not great, and it really hurt the enemy one thousand, and self-damage eight hundred...

"Today, between you and me, one must die."

What the old man didn't expect was that the other party hadn't given up yet. According to the current state of the man, no matter what, the other party couldn't do anything to him today.

"Hey, if the benefactor really wants to take revenge, he can go back and practice hard for a few years before taking the old man's head. At that time, all the grievances and grievances will be settled..."

The old man persuaded him earnestly.

Regardless of the old man's dissuasion, the man took out a pitch-black pill and swallowed it in one gulp, and his aura rose instantly.

"Qi Qi Pill? After taking this pill, the short-term improvement in strength obtained at the cost of greatly injuring vitality and damaging the foundation, how is this worth it?"

Instead of talking nonsense with the old man, the man shouted:

"Stimulate the liver and heartbreak!"

There is softness in this fist. But it also contains a shrinking air. The end is extremely powerful.

The old man didn't dare to be careless, and used his palm prints to take over the remaining sets of punches from the man...


"Vald donkey, if you weren't decades older than me, you would have died in my hands today!"

"Today I am not as skilled as others, so kill me, haha, I have lived for more than 20 years, ignoring the pain of my internal organs, practicing Qishang boxing hard. It is just to avenge my father. If I can't succeed today, it is useless to live. significance."

After a hard fight, the man still failed to gain the upper hand after finishing the remaining sets of moves, and the effect of the medicine was about to wear off.

"Oh, the benefactor's obsession is too deep. When is the time for retribution, you go back."

The old man also shook his head. Then he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Haha, are you pitying me? After taking that elixir, this life will stop here and make no progress. I don't need your poor charity. If you don't do it, I will do it myself!"

After speaking, the man raised his hand viciously, and punched himself in the abdomen!

"No way!"

At this moment, the old man didn't expect the man's heart to be so fragile, so he immediately turned his head and rushed towards the man to save his life.

But Jiang Yichen, who was secretly watching from the side, saw a hint of cunning and sinister flashing in the blond man's eyes.

"Master! Beware of fraud!"

Regardless, Jiang Yichen jumped out and reminded loudly.

Jiang Yichen who jumped out suddenly surprised both of them.

"It's too late, haha, watch my Seven Injuries Finale!"

The man yelled. The left and right fists were struck continuously, and several mighty fist marks hit the old man's chest.

"Vajra Prajna Palm!"

At this moment, the old monk also changed his previous soft palm technique, and struck the man's left heart with a vigorous and sharp palm technique.

But the man had already ignored it at this time, and made it clear that he wanted to die together, and the strength in his hand increased even more.


Both sides spat out big mouthfuls of blood at the same time and flew upside down for more than ten meters.

Jiang Yichen watched the man's heart explode!

It is obvious that he is no longer alive. Then ran to the old man.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Hey, there will be a catastrophe in one's life, I am afraid that today I will not survive as the thief thinks."

As he spoke, the old man spat out a few more mouthfuls of blood. At this moment, his abdomen is already tattered, and it is obvious that he cannot survive...

"How did you find this place, and why did you come here?"

After a pause, the old man asked with difficulty.

Jiang Yichen immediately took out the letter and told the reason...

"I see."

Originally, the old man had already closed his eyes and waited to die. After hearing about Jiang Yichen's intentions, he insisted on letting Jiang Yichen help him back to the wooden house, and took a bottle of elixir from the cabinet and took one pill.

After taking the elixir, the old monk's complexion improved a lot.

After adjusting the breath, the old man told Jiang Yichen that he was originally a disciple of the Shaolin Martial Arts Academy, and his Dharma name was Daojie.

At that time, I was young and frivolous, and I liked to punish rape and eliminate evil the most, but as I got older, I became more and more thorough in my understanding of good and evil, life and death, so I stopped killing and lived in seclusion in Taoyuan Mountain. Being found by the descendants of the enemy family...

"Hey, when is the so-called retribution for injustice?"

Sighed, and then talked to Jiang Yichen about the letter.

When I was young, I made a big mistake and was rescued by Wang Haitao, the grandfather of Lingnan Dynasty Wang Erniu.

At that time, it was Master Hua Manlou who handled this matter, and Hua Manlou was the only one who knew that Wang Haitao had saved his life.

And Wang Haitao has studied literature all his life, and he knows that the strength of his own strength is the last word in this world.

He wanted Dao Jie to teach his son to learn martial arts to serve the court.

I never thought that soon after, I and my son would be framed by another faction of the court party, and both of them died in Lingnan Sky Prison...

Only the young grandson and grandma, who were far away in Pingyang City, survived.

Thinking of this, Dao Jie couldn't help sighing, Wang Haitao was upright and upright, and his character was not suitable for entering the court as an official.

In the end, he ended up with a ruined family, but based on his character, it is estimated that he did not blame the dynasty when he died, and even considered continuing to serve the court in the next life...

Jiang Yichen was silent after hearing this, good guy, he is dead and still wants to serve the dog emperor, he is indeed a sour scholar.

Presumably, Huamanlou wanted Wang Erniu to take the letter to find monk Daojie to learn art as a teacher. Unexpectedly, now that Erniu is dead, Daojie will die soon...

"Benefactor, I think your talent is mediocre and your strength is low, but today you can bravely stand up and remind me to be careful of sneak attacks by thieves, and you are also a righteous person."

After a pause, Dao Jie continued:

"The benefactor never thought about how you would get away if the old monk was successfully attacked."

"Ding, I received the death test from Monk Dao Jie. The only task, once accepted, cannot be given up."

At this time, the system also issued a reminder.

"Oh! This day has finally come, I must seize the opportunity..."

You must seize the opportunity yourself.

Jiang Yi was extremely excited in Chen's heart at the moment, it seemed that Dao Jie was at least a second-rate expert who could not lose to Lu Xueling, the head of Luoxia Sect.

"People are inherently mortal, either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai. Some people are alive, he is already dead, and some people are dead, he is still alive."

After a pause, Jiang Yichen continued:

"If I don't stand up to remind you today, even if I escape today, my conscience will be condemned for the rest of my life. I think that as a human being and doing things, I just want peace of mind!"

Jiang Yichen is secretly reading the poems of the great Chinese poet Zang Kejia found on the forum at the moment, and he has added more oil and vinegar and revised it...


Seeing Jiang Yichen's upright speech, Dao Jie said hello three times.

He said that he could repay the promise he owed Wang Haitao in his lifetime, even if he died, he would die without regret...

"Although the benefactor is not a descendant of Brother Haitao, I think you have justice in your heart. You can also fulfill his wish instead. You take these two things well."

Dao Jie took out a booklet and the unfinished bottle of medicine pill from his pocket.

Then he took out his letter and wrote a letter to Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen took things. The elixir is known by itself, it must be a good thing to make a dying person survive for so long, don't worry about it, put it in the system backpack first. Opened the booklet again.

Shaolin Neigong: "Langa Sutra!" Manuscript.

"Benefactor, this is my Shaolin's second-rate top mind Dharma Langa Sutra. Although it is not as good as our Yi Jin Sutra and Washing Marrow Sutra. But it is also a very powerful inner power of the mind. It pays attention to the harmony of heart and mind, and the harmony of mind and energy. , Qi and strength combined."

With that said, Dao Jie asked Jiang Yichen to take the letter he had just written to Zhonglianfang in Pingyang City.

Before Jiang Yichen could open his mouth, Dao Jie died with a smile on his face.

Alas, a generation of eminent monks. Just fell away...

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