"Congratulations on completing the task of Dao Jie's last wish."

"Congratulations on becoming the bronze medal catcher of Pingyang City Yamen."

(If you become a policeman, you can't quit, and you can't join any Jianghu sect)

The two system prompts directly stunned Jiang Yichen.

? ? ?

Σ(っ °Д °;) っ!

"I, what the hell is the Yamen?! Can't join the sect? Then my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? Isn't there no hope for the Six Meridian Excalibur? Alas!"

Jiang Yichen was kneeling on the ground at this moment, howling like ghosts and wolves.

"Old thief Dao Jie, you misunderstood me, I hate you! I'm just stupid..."


Jiang Yichen tried countless methods, but he really couldn't give up his identity as a police officer...

Heartbroken, Jiang Yichen struggled for a while and had no choice but to accept his fate, dejectedly planning to report back to the Yamen of Pingyang City.

At this time, Xiaopang sent a message asking where the person was, and told him to wait for him at the gate of Zhonglianfang, and then ignored Xiaopang's questioning.

My mentality has exploded, and I don't even have the desire to learn the Langa Sutra I just got.

Back in Pingyang City, the county magistrate is a middle-aged man with a pot belly, extremely greasy, named Li Fulong.

After seeing Jiang Yichen took out the letter and said he was going to report to the police, his two small eyes squinted happily.

"Okay, as expected of a young hero, work hard, we won't treat you badly, haha. There have been no newcomers in the Yamen for more than five years, so be good..."

"Zhang Long, take Jiang Shaoxia to collect our uniforms and sabers, haha, there are more people to be lively."

Immediately after, Li Fulong asked another policeman with thick eyebrows and big eyes to take Jiang Yichen to the warehouse to collect things.

Jiang Yichen, who was frowning, followed Zhang Long to receive the police uniform and a saber.

Finally, Zhang Long gave another bronze medal. There is a word "catch" on it.

"Ham, don't be discouraged, I know you outsiders look down on the dynasty and think it's more chic for Jianghu sects to ride horses and gallop with pleasure."

"Besides, our dynasty has a monthly subsidy of 50 gold for the police. The benefits are incomparable to those sects. They look down on us as lackeys of the dynasty, and we look down on them not having a stable salary."

"The rivers and lakes are dangerous! No one can guarantee to live to see the sun the next day. But even if we die, the dynasty will give us a generous pension and settle down for the elderly and future generations at home."

Seeing Jiang Yichen's loss, Zhang Long talked endlessly.

"Oh, but they are very powerful. Besides, we players are different from the aborigines, fifty gold? Do you know that we rent a horse for a day for a hundred gold, and besides, we are not afraid of death..."

Jiang Yichen said with loss and pain.

"They are very powerful? Haha, that is your misunderstanding. Brother Jiang, are you kidding me? If they are very powerful, why are they all stationed in the wilderness? You don't really think that they like to live in remote places, do you?"

"They say that they are a paradise far away from the world. These are all lies. They are so powerful. Why don't the taxes of the billions of people in our dynasty not be paid to them?"

"On the contrary, these sects have to offer sacrifices to our dynasty every year. Not to mention, in less than a year, there will be the Qianlong Conference that Jianghu sects have been looking forward to for 30 years. The grand event in their eyes is actually for our dynasty It's just an exhibition match, and I will show my potential and value by the way..."

Zhang Long spoke proudly, those who didn't know thought he was the emperor of the dynasty...

"E, is it true or not? The background is so hard? You won't lie to me that I'm new here."


"Cut, why did you lie to you? You don't know. When our Lingnan Dynasty was founded, those great sects told the Dynasty not to interfere in Jianghu affairs, clamoring: The Dynasty belongs to the Dynasty! The Jianghu belongs to the Jianghu!"

"Then our lord sent out the Great General Zhenbei, with only 50,000 cavalry elite soldiers, and started a bloody journey of conquest. That period was the dark history of the various gangs and factions of our Lingnan Dynasty. At that time, the iron cavalry oppressed the entire Lingnan Jianghu No one dares to speak. From now on, those who belong to the dynasty will belong to the dynasty, and those who belong to the Jianghu will also belong to the dynasty!"

Talking too much, Zhang Long coughed and continued:

"There is a record in Jianghu Zhi: In the third year of the founding of Lingnan, the opinions of Jianghu sects were raging, and the king sent Zhenbei generals to lead 50,000 iron horses to ride the rivers and lakes, and the world will be ruled in one battle!"

"Hiss, it sounds a bit fierce..."

Listening to Zhang Long's description, Jiang Yichen seemed to be able to see the scene of the rolling torrent of steel riding across the river and lake...

"The most important thing is that after you join our yamen, although you are only the most trashy bronze medal, you are also a member of the dynasty. From now on, your consumption will be lower than that of ordinary people. And the official road station is also affiliated In our dynasty, our people rent horses for free.”

"This is good, this is good! If you put it this way, it seems to be pretty good. The background is hard and the treatment is good, goose box~"


"Our boss is out on a mission. When he comes back, he will give you some basic secrets of the detective's martial arts, and then enable you to use the training room. Although the few books on martial arts are not very powerful, they are very practical."

Zhang Long went on to say...

After being fooled for a while, Jiang Yichen left the Yamen in a daze.

"Yichen! I was deceived so hard!!..."

"Wori! What the hell!"


Immediately, Jiang Yichen kicked the beggar who jumped out suddenly and was about to rush towards him.

"I, it's me! Fatty, I'm Fatty!"

The fat beggar wiped the ashes from his face, and looked at Jiang Yichen with tears in his eyes.

"Wahhahahahahahaha! Zhang Xiaopang, hahahaha, what? Are you playing spy?"

"I'm suffering..."

Then Xiaopang also began to talk about his experience of entering Pingyang City...

I followed Jiang Yichen's arrangement and planned to walk around Pingyang City and wait for Jiang Yichen to meet after delivering the letter.

I didn't expect to meet an old beggar, and he said that he was a rare genius in the sky, and what kind of dog-beating stick, eighteen palms of the dragon and so on...

After a while of flickering, I don't know how to become a disciple of the beggar gang.

"Ahem, it's okay, the Beggars' Gang is a big gang! There must be Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. And this game talent is really important."

"The old beggar said so, maybe your talent is really one in a million, my talent is rubbish, and sister Nan's school doesn't like me..."


Jiang Yichen suppressed a smile to comfort Xiaopang.

"That's what I thought at first"

The chubby glanced at Jiang Yichen resentfully and continued:

"After I became a disciple of the Beggar Gang, the old beggar turned around and ran away. I chased to death and didn't catch up. I'm Zhuo!"

"And my first task is to recruit one hundred beggar gang disciples. The line templates for recruiting disciples given by the system are all the same as the lines that the old beggar lied to me at that time!"

"You can only be promoted to the second bag of disciples after the recruitment is full. And your image must be sloppy, and you can only wear beggar clothes..."

"Pfft, hahahaha, Zhang Xiaopang, you are really a genius! You're killing me from laughing haha..."

Jiang Yichen finally couldn't help it, and laughed out loud again.

"You're still laughing! I fought with you..."

After Zhang Xiaopang finished speaking, he and Jiang Yichen pinched together.

At this moment, passers-by stopped to watch.

"Dude, what are these two npcs doing here? Will there be a mission?"

"Hen, but it seems that it is really possible. But how can there be an NPC like this, a beggar and a catcher pinching each other?"

"Look again, maybe there is a mission..."

"You say, the more I see these two people, the more they look like players?"

"Don't make fun of me, dude, there is no player dressed like this. Could someone join the Beggar Gang and Yamen?"


At this time, the two also noticed the discussions around them...

"Wahhahahahaha, Jiang Yichen, you are actually a dog-legged catcher! You still laugh at me? Hahahaha, I think you are playing ospy, hahaha..."

Zhang Xiaopang only found Jiang Yichen in a police uniform at this moment.

"Damn, it's really a player!"

"Silly bird, someone actually went to be a beggar."

"The most outrageous thing is the policeman next to him, right? Why, I don't feel like going to work in reality, so I came to the game to find an errand again?"

"Li Liyuan is on the score!"


"Ahem, let's go first, it's really embarrassing."

As he said that, Jiang Yichen dragged Xiaopang out of the crowd in embarrassment. This time, he was ashamed and thrown at his grandma's house...

"Well, I feel a little more balanced now, Mr. Fatty. Let's go, I'll take you to a big meal. Do you know which one is the best?"

Zhang Xiaopang is obviously in a good mood at the moment, anyway, there is another unlucky guy with him.

"Huh? This one."

At this time, Jiang Yichen saw a luxury restaurant not far away: Huayang Building.

I still remember that Wang Sulai, the shameless member of Luoxiamen, often bought leftovers from this restaurant for Lei Yun, who had just started, and it should be good...

"Okay, then this one."

After the fat man finished speaking, he rushed to the restaurant.

"Alas! Little beggar, it's you, stop! This is not a place to beg for food."

Before entering the door, Zhang Xiaopang was stopped by the boy at the door.

No matter how Xiaopang explains it, he won't let him in. There is no way, the fat man’s heart is ashamed, can’t the disciples of the beggar gang go to the restaurant to have a big meal? (ˉ﹃ˉ?)

"We are together. My friend is just a disciple of the beggar gang, and the clothes are like this. Please accommodate me."

At this time, Jiang Yichen walked over and said.

"Oh, so it's the official's friend, so there's no problem, come in quickly, please come in, do you think it's in the hall or in a private room?"

At this moment, the servant looked at the catcher Jiang Yichen and immediately changed his face, flattering his signature smile...


Regardless of the fat man's sluggish appearance, Jiang Yichen asked for a private room by the window on the second floor. Presumably, the boy's respect for him was not only due to his status as a police officer, but also the two badges.

"Tsk tsk, it's quite useful to catch up fast, I'm such a trash beggar..."

At this moment, Jiang Yichen told Xiaopang that the price of his meals has become the same as that of the aborigines...

The provoking chubby was googling enviously while ordering fiercely.

What signature dishes are Qinglong Huofeng, Qianlong Entering the Sea, White Jade Ivory Mountain, and Ten Miles Peach Blossom Xiaopang, all of which are a strong meal...

No way, the price of meals for the aborigines is really not expensive, even a meal in a big restaurant like Huayanglou would cost less than ten gold at most. This had to be made hard.

"Little Fatty, look below."

Jiang Yichen looked downstairs through the window and said to Xiaopang.

"Huh? Sister Nan? Who is that beautiful girl fu in ancient costume next to you? Sister Nan's friend? Superb, those legs~ absolutely amazing..."

Xiaopang watched obsessively.

It was Ouyang Nannan, the people in the setting sun and the head of the Luoxia sect.

But Jiang Yichen's thoughts were all on the few people opposite Lu Xueling.

There were five people in the other party. They were dressed in the same outfit, and they must belong to a certain sect. The leader was a wretched uncle. At this moment, the wretched uncle was confronting Lu Xueling, and the atmosphere was a bit tense...

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