Online Games: How Did I Become Famous

Chapter 85 Guo Jing, Full Firepower

Just do what you say, Jiang Yichen asked Xiaoyu to go to work first, if he logged off late, he didn't have to wait for him for dinner.

Jiang Yichen was in a hurry and set off immediately. The egg and jade pendant had to be understood clearly, otherwise he would not be able to sleep well.

But Jiang Yichen searched the last camp for a long time, but he couldn't find the silver armor he was thinking about.

In the end, the lieutenant defending the city told Jiang Yichen that Hua Beichen was not here for the time being...

House seemingly endless rain.

There is no other way but to go to Xiangyang City. Guo Jing must be there as the city lord.

With a burst of white light flashing, Jiang Yichen has been teleported to the vicinity of Xiangyang City Lord's Mansion.

This time, the guard at the gate clearly recognized Jiang Yichen and let him pass without notifying him.

(° ? °)??° Oh ho!

As soon as he entered the City Lord's Mansion, Jiang Yichen immediately saw the tall figure, it was Mu Xiaorou.

The latter was sitting cross-legged on a huge boulder at this time, unlike the previous fierce and domineering, there was a mysterious and mysterious femininity spreading from his body.

Even Jiang Yichen didn't respond when he was already close to her.

Jiang Yichen curiously tapped Mu Xiaorou's head with the hilt of his sword, but there was no response, just when Jiang Yichen wanted to test elsewhere...

"Hey! Guy, why are you so close!"

Is this okay? !

At this time, Guo Jing was about to go out, and found that there was a guy with his back turned to him, staring closely at his junior sister, sneaky, he didn't know what he was playing, he didn't look like a good person!

"Aha, hero Guo, I, it's me~"

σ(???) I, it’s me~

Jiang Yichen turned his head and saw that it was Guo Jing, so he quickly withdrew his hands and brushed his hair so that Guo Jing could see his face clearly.

Guo Jing obviously recognized Jiang Yichen too.

Not to mention that Jiang Yichen once assisted Hua Beichen in defeating the Nanman army and made great achievements. Everyone in the dynasty knows it. In the last battle of the barren mountain, he gave the sword to Longnu to reverse the situation.

An outsider, almost smashed the conspiracy of Baixi Temple twice.

Guo Jing has always admired this kind of talent:

"Oh, it's you, what's the matter? Didn't I tell you last time, Xiao Rou is suffering from cold poison and cannot move around at will."

"Guo Chengzhu, it's like this..."

Jiang Yichen patiently explained to Guo Jing about the elder uncle of Xinshou Village and the snake eggs he just got today...

(? ○ Д ○)

After listening, Guo Jing felt like his head was full of paste.

Liu Xingyun's strength has already been discussed when the three dragons gathered last time, but he unexpectedly gave Jiang Yichen a jade pendant?

That's all, after all, adventures in the rivers and lakes are for those who are destined.

But Guo Jing couldn't understand this snake egg...

From Jiang Yichen's description, it's not difficult for him to guess that Ouyang Feng himself is definitely not the opponent of the giant python, so he released such a sinister mission.

As for the person in Jiang Yichen's mouth, who was wearing a green shirt and holding a simple long sword and was blown away by a snake's tail, Guo Jing could also guess that it was Xiaoyao from Guiyun Sword Village.

Fighting for food under the hands of two top peerless masters? Are today's young people so brave?

If this can also be attributed to Jiang Yichen's character of daring to fight and not afraid of death.

The jade pendant and the snake egg couldn't be taken out from the system backpack, which made Guo Jing unable to understand it, and directly involved the blind spot of knowledge.

Guo Jing approached Huang Rong and the two discussed it for a long time, but they couldn't come up with a reason.

People like Guo Jing are familiar with the fact that outsiders have system backpacks.

For them, the system backpacks are untouchable and indestructible. They belong to "rules" and cannot be broken.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong thought for a long time.

In the end, Guo Jing nodded to Jiang Yichen, telling him not to move, as if he had made some decision...

I saw Guo Jing facing Jiang Yichen with both hands in the air, slowly circulating his internal energy.

Jiang Yichen immediately felt a domineering suction from weak to strong, sweeping back and forth around him.

The suction force was obviously very strong, but Jiang Yichen stood still in place, which also showed that Guo Jing's grasp of internal force was absolutely superb.


"I feel it! Shuanglong absorbs water!"

Guo Jing used his internal force to probe for a long time before he felt that there was something wrong with a position in the void.

This is still the case when Jiang Yichen is motionless, but Guo Jing may not feel any movement.

Following Guo Jing's use of Ssangyong to absorb water, Jiang Yichen immediately felt an inexplicable force appearing in the system backpack. This kind of feeling was full of uneasiness, as if all the secrets of himself were exposed in front of others.

But not enough!

Guo Jing could only feel a space, but it was useless.

With his strength, he can almost travel a hundred miles in an instant and shatter the space, which is nothing. The most important thing is how to get out the things inside.


The Nine Yin Scriptures on Guo Jing's body also erupted, with an earth-shattering aura, a terrifying coercion could be felt within a radius of 50 miles of Xiangyang City.

Even Mu Xiaorou, who had been meditating with her eyes closed, came to her senses.


what's the situation? !

Brother wants to kill Jiang Yichen! !

No, no, this old lady can't accept it!

Fortunately, Huang Rong stayed on the sidelines, quickly stopped Mu Xiaorou who was about to rush forward, and explained clearly to the latter.

Feeling that Jiang Yichen's backpack space is still rock-solid, motionless, Guo Jing no longer hesitates!


Quanzhen Daoge also broke out with all its strength!

The current state is also Guo Jing's full firepower and strongest state, and he can even suppress the deputy leader of Baixi Temple in all directions!

A shocking aura spread out from Guo Jing's body one after another!

Although the City Lord's Mansion is huge, it still can't resist his surging internal force, so Guo Jing can only fly to the top of the City Lord's Mansion.

No longer suppressing the power in his body, the invisible Gang Qi penetrated the sky and the earth from Guo Jing's body.

The sky looked dim at this moment, and everyone's attention was on the figure above the City Lord's Mansion.

The entire Xiangyang City became turbulent, and every commoner looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion in panic.

That's Guo Daxia's mansion!

Who can force him to go all out?

Could it be that a strong enemy has invaded? ! ! !

Everyone was terrified and helpless, and they all stood there blankly, not even knowing where to run.

"Brush" "Brush" "Brush"

Three figures appeared in Xiangyang City Lord's Mansion.

Those who came were Hong Qigong, Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Chong.

Ren Yingying and his father let me go, and they are still rushing here...

=???? =???? ?( ′Д`)? Autumn bean sack

The three of them had already felt it since Guo Jing was running the Nine Yin Manual with all his strength, and they were considering whether to come over.

Guo Jing Guo Jing's combat power suddenly skyrocketed again!

The soaring aura forced the three of them to come over.

Hong Qigong and Linghu Chong were fine. Hong Qigong knew Guo Jing well, so he had nothing to say.

Linghu Chong had heard of Guo Jing for a long time. Guo Jing, the northern hero, and the city lord of Xiangyang, which one is not an indomitable name, should have such strength.

The one who was most shocked was Dongfang Bubai, who was rescued by Hong Qigong and Guo Jing last time.

She knew that Hong Qigong's Ten Thousand Dragons Leaving the Nest was unparalleled in ferocity, and she expected his apprentice Guo Jing to be inferior.

I didn't expect to see you today...

Dongfang Bubai shook his head, he had to re-evaluate the strength of the trio of descending dragons, although there was still a Qiao Feng whom he had never met.

However, it is said that Qiao Feng has always been the one who fights the most vigorously. He dared to fight the Shaolin Sweeping Monk before his martial arts mastered!

The current strength, God knows!

The subduing dragon trio looked more heroic than the other, and more like heroes than the other, but in fact, each was more sinister than the other, and they were all "pretending to be pigs" and eating tigers.

The ghost knows how many hole cards the three of them have hidden...

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