Online Games: How Did I Become Famous

Chapter 86 Re-Entering The Dynasty And Meeting Wang Teng

"Three! Don't look, give me a hand! I can't hold it anymore!"

Guo Jing couldn't hold it any longer at this moment, and the three peerless kung fu techniques exploded with all their strength, even he felt extremely strenuous, but probably few people in this world can do it.

Seeing that there was still no hope, Guo Jing could only ask Hong Qigong and the three of them to help them out together.

The corners of Linghu Chong's mouth twitched, how could they not know what Guo Jing was doing?

Even Jiang Yichen's system backpack, they have already felt...

"Jing'er, hold back, it's too forced, it won't work..."

In the end, it was Huang Rong and Hong Qigong who persuaded the stubborn Guo Jing to stop.

After Guo Jing told the three of them about Jiang Yichen, Dongfang Bubai and the others were also dumbfounded...

Is there such an adventure in the world?

Liu Xingyun? Never heard of it, is it strong?

Linghu Chong had heard of that giant python, but he had never been there.

At this time, the four peerless masters gathered together to make suggestions for Jiang Yichen, and in the end, there was no good way to discuss it. After all, it involved the knowledge blind spots of the four people.

If the system backpack is their own, it must be fine. They are confident that there is nothing they can't take out by themselves, but if it's on someone else...

No way, they can try to fight against the rules, but they can't help others break the rules, right?

The four of them could only suggest that Jiang Yichen improve his strength as soon as possible, and it should be possible to take it out later.

The dejected Jiang Yichen walked straight out of the City Lord's Mansion without even saying hello to Mu Xiaorou.

Even Guo Jing can't get it out, so Hua Beichen must have a way?

Shaking his head, Jiang Yichen still planned to go to Dynasty to try his luck with that man.

But there is one thing Jiang Yichen forgot to tell Guo Jing and the others, that is, he put the snake eggs in by himself.

And the jade pendant was forcibly stuffed into the system backpack by the village elder...

Just when Jiang Yichen was about to teleport to the Lingnan Dynasty, he didn't know that something unexpected happened in the palace...


General Shake West:

"Hmph! If Zhennan can't do it, let me go!"

"What a joke! Let a group of southern barbarians make a fuss, what is the majesty of the dynasty!"

General Pingnan:

"Hehe, Nanman? They are just native chickens and dogs. Do you know the Baixi Temple behind?"

Great Eastern General:

"Tsk tsk tsk, Baixi Temple? You are so nervous in Zhennan because of a mere wild faction? If you can't do it, you can retreat."

General Zhenbei: Huh?

"The rivers and lakes? Speaking of the rivers and lakes, I have to mention the story of my ancestors leading elite soldiers and horses to the rivers and lakes. Back then..."

Looking at Zhenbei who has been telling stories endlessly, and the other three arguing generals.

Wang Teng, who was sitting on the dragon chair, had no light in his eyes...

Wang Teng: Destroy it, reopen it, next one.

Just when Wang Teng was about to speak, the civil servant who had been issued couldn't sit still.

Those with righteous words: (`へ′)

"Above the main hall, you are arguing aloud in front of the emperor, how decent it is!"

Those who are disdainful: (o'3')

"Vulgar warriors, I think the four generals should take off their armor and throw their knives when they go to court."

There are those who want to cover up: (︶︹︺)

"Hehe, enter the court with a knife, tsk tsk tsk, his heart can be punished!"


Ping Nan: (angry`Д′angry)

"I'm vulgar to your grandma! Can I make a fuss in front of your grandma!"

Fear East: (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻

"Abandon the knife? How dare you say so! The Minister of Rites, right? Come, come out, let's make gestures..."

Zhenbei: (▼Dish▼)

"I killed your grandfather, you don't want to see how much my family's grandparents have contributed to the dynasty for generations!"

(σ;Д)σ death penalty!

"My lord! The civil servants are trying to sow discord, they are definitely spies! I propose to kill all the servants of the household department!"


Housekeeper: It's none of my business?

How can civil servants give up?

"Purchased and beheaded the servant of the household department? You are indeed a vulgar martial artist, haven't you heard of it? Everything is inferior, only reading is superior!"

"My lord! If you listen to Zhenbei's words, I don't need your majesty's order, I'll grab the land directly with my head!"

The two sides insisted on their own opinions and argued endlessly.


Watching Wang Teng even gave me a headache...

Military officials quarreled with military officials, civil officials quarreled with civil officials, civil officials and military officials quarreled with each other, and the whole hall was in chaos.


But Hua Beichen sensed Jiang Yichen's aura at this time, and immediately exited the hall to meet him.

"Huh? Do you want to see the Emperor?"

Seeing Jiang Yichen's resolute look, Hua Beichen's heart was moved, and he secretly thought that this kid might bring him some surprises, so he decided to take him to the hall.

Obediently! This is the palace!

Looking at the situation in front of him, there were noisy and arguing officials, and some even pulled their hair and beard.

The auras of those generals were all terrifying, Jiang Yichen was sure that many of them were not weaker than Guo Jing's level!

A small policeman who suddenly went to court attracted the attention of many people, and the policeman also belonged to the military officer. At this time, all of them were staring at Jiang Yichen.

Just as Jiang Yichen moved forward step by step carefully...

"Hmph, another vulgar and vulgar martial artist!"

Sure enough, a civil servant couldn't help but sneered when he saw that a mere low-ranking policeman could go up to court.

Jiang Yichen: Am I nasty? ? ?

(Actually, civil servants' understanding of obscenity means that they are not popular, and they don't like it.)

But Jiang Yichen won't let him down:

"I'm nasty? Me you!"


The hall suddenly became silent, and a needle could be heard...


Not only the civil servants, but even the generals felt that this little catcher was talking too much...too much...

This is the Golden Luang Palace! Be careful!



Jiang Yichen also realized that this is in the Golden Luan Hall...

No matter how stupid he is at this moment, he knows that the two sides are quarreling, and he just scolded the civil servant and lost face as a general.

What hurts the most? It should belong to the pen and knife of literati.

"Hmph! Sure enough, warriors are not the most vulgar, only more vulgar!"

"Uncultured! How did your parents discipline you when you were young?"

"It's better to come to my private school, little catcher. The saint said: There is no distinction between teaching and learning. I don't care if you are human or not. As long as you admit your mistake, I will..."

"You can know the autumn with a leaf, and you can see the leopard in the tube. You can imagine the overall quality of the general!"

In the end, Wang Teng decided to stop:


"Jiang Yichen, why did you say those words?"

ah this...

Jiang Yichen can't say that he blurted out, can he? At that time, he went out with a bald mouth.

Seeing that Jiang Yichen was silent, Minister of Rites stood up:

"Although the dynasty has strong soldiers and horses, most of the generals are of extremely poor basic quality. I think they should learn the Four Books and Five Classics."

"Sour smelly scholar, what pig talk are you talking about? I study the Four Books and Five Classics? Are you going to guard the frontier?"

Of course, General Zhenbei was not happy.

"Hehe, if one of your generals present has a good knowledge of both culture and martial arts, I definitely wouldn't say that!"


The words of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites directly blocked the mouths of many generals.

They are good at leading soldiers and fighting, but it is really difficult for these elders to speak out.

All the generals glared at this little catcher!

It was because he opened his mouth so amazingly that the civil servant found a handle, and Beichen with the flowers on the side was hated.

If his father hadn't been Hua ManLou, Hua Beichen probably would have to lie down and leave the hall today!

Just when the generals were scratching their heads in a hurry, Jiang Yichen slowly walked to the front, sighed and said lightly:

"Ah! What a shame! I have tried to seek the heart of the ancient benevolent man, or the difference between the two, why?"

"Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself. If you live in a high temple, you will worry about your people. If you live far away from the rivers and lakes, you will worry about your ruler. It is also worrying about advancing, and worrying about retreating. But when will you be happy?"

"It must be said, "Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joy later"! Hey! Weisi people, who am I going to return to?"


After Jiang Yichen gave an impassioned speech, he saw that everyone was dumbfounded and silent, and he muttered in his heart.

how? What I copied was Fan Zhongyan, a great writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, please give me some feedback.

no response? Is there Fan Zhongyan in this era? Didn't he lose his life?

Just when Jiang Yichen was planning to dig out a three-bedroom apartment with his toes.

Wenbu Shangshu was the first to react and came directly to Jiang Yichen:

"This is the holy word of the world, please be respected by the old man!"

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