Online Games: I Control My Destiny, And I Will Bless All Things At The Beginning

Chapter 117 Forbidden Curse Massacres The City! The Power Of Killing Soars

Sean bolted all the way.

Many city guards below began to outflank!

At the same time, there are still many players besieging.

The whole city of Bai Nai became crazy.

"Stop him!"

The city guards ahead blocked Sean's way!

With a team of at least a thousand people, Sean rushed in, and he would definitely not be able to get out in a short time.

"Space Storm!"

"Space Storm!"


Tang Feng threw more than a dozen space storms directly, and everyone was thrown off their feet.

Thousands of city guards basically all died suddenly.

Only a few escaped with their lives.

For Sean, there is simply not enough to watch!

"Qingfeng! Good brother!"

Sean yelled and killed the remaining few people.

Soon, the rear has been chasing!

Sean could only continue to speed up.

Tang Feng kept the phoenix at an altitude of 300 meters.

Most players cannot attack him.

On the contrary, the effective range of his skills is much larger, and he can hit.

Sean just kept running.

And Tang Feng is leading the way!

The two are like gods of war, unstoppable!

A large number of Bai Nai City players died in the hands of the two!

"This country of Hua is too despicable! We can't attack him at all!"

"Coward, only cheating!"

"I'm going to tear this Huaguo player into pieces!"

The players in Sakura Country were blown away.

Soon, the two came to the city wall.

At this time, the protective formation has already opened.

No one can leave.


Without further ado, Sean began to bombard the formation.

But this defensive formation is quite powerful, and it is not so easy to break.

"Great! They can't escape!"

"Kill these two bastards!"

"Baga, you must kill him a hundred times!"

The players from Sakura Kingdom roared.

"Sword of Thunder Death!"

"Sword of Thunder Death!"


Tang Feng continuously summons the Sword of Thunder Death!

Each sword is an output of 1.5 billion!

The entire array has a shield value of hundreds of billions.

Tang Feng summoned seventy Thunder Death Swords in one go!

Thanks to his high mana value, otherwise, using such a large amount of skills would not last long at all!


With a bang, the formation broke!

"how is this possible!"

Both the players and the NPCs in Bai Nai City were shocked!

"Good job!"

Sean yelled!

"Brother Sean, you go first!"

Tang Feng shouted loudly.

Sean was not hypocritical, he knew Tang Feng's ability, he didn't stay at all, and fled quickly.

Many city guards wanted to pursue them, but they were stopped by the flames of the phoenix.

Behind him, the city lord of Bai Nai City also came in pursuit.

Tang Feng stood in the air, quite a kind of momentum of being in charge of the gate!

"Dimensional step!"

"Red flames burn the sky!"

Tang Feng entered the dimensional space, his body became transparent, and at the same time he used a forbidden spell that he hadn't used for a long time!

Countless fire elements gathered in the sky.


The phoenix flapped its wings in excitement!

City Lord Bai Nai rode a white tiger and came quickly. Seeing Tang Feng's current state, he realized that something was wrong.


He suddenly drew his sword and flew into the air.


The phoenix chirped, and flames spewed towards him all over the sky.

Although he was a fifth-level powerhouse, he didn't dare to resist the fire damage of the phoenix, so he could only retreat.

But at this moment, countless arrows from below shot towards Tang Feng!

It's a pity that it's useless at all under the dimensional step.

Suddenly, Tang Feng realized that he had lost more than 10,000 HP!

One of the arrows broke through the dimensional space and directly killed him.

And the owner of this arrow is the guard leader of Bai Nai City.

Although he has not officially stepped into the fifth rank, but with his superb archery skills, he is not inferior to the average fifth rank powerhouse!

"Dimensional stepping is not really invincible! In the future, we should pay more attention!"

Tang Feng realized the problem.

Fortunately, the opponent's strength is limited, and this skill cannot be used all the time.

"City Lord, you must have the power to break through the sky to hurt him!"

The commander of the guards hurriedly said.

"It's too late! Defend with all your might!"

City Lord Bai Nai shouted loudly.

At this time, Tang Feng's forbidden curse had been chanted, and the monstrous flames were rolling in.

The whole sky turned into a sea of ​​flames.

And this sea of ​​flames is about to engulf Bai Nai City below.

"what is this?"

"How could this Chinese man be so powerful!"

"It must be cheating! Weak Hua people can't be so strong!"

The players in Sakura Kingdom roared.

As Tang Feng's strength improved, the scope of the forbidden spell expanded again.

A radius of tens of kilometers was shrouded in a sea of ​​flames.

The npcs in the city are all trying their best to prop up a shield.

-2.84 billion!


The terrifying output of 2.8 billion per second invaded.

All players are instantly melted.

Only the shields put up by npcs can last for a while.

Tang Feng only had more than 10,000 mana left at this time, and the forbidden spell lasted about ten seconds.

Almost everything in Bai Nai City was destroyed!

Only the five major guilds and the City Lord's Mansion survived the devastating attack.

All players in Sakura Country in Bai Nai City died!

Tang Feng also finally retired.

He drank a few bottles of potion suddenly, and his mana was full.

Fortunately, after the second turn, there is no price to use the forbidden spell.

Otherwise he would be in danger now.

The forbidden spell ended, and the entire Bai Nai City looked like an empty city.

Only the five major guilds that had already set up a defensive formation survived.

The five major guilds spread across the entire continent and do not belong to a certain empire.

Its power is even higher than that of the empire!

Naturally, there are ways to resist the blow of this destruction.

Of course, if it's a forbidden curse in the state of full Tang Feng, maybe the other party can't hold it.

Under the forbidden spell, Tang Feng killed at least tens of millions of players, and of course, there were also many npcs.

Tang Feng's killing power is rising steadily!

Came to the 100,000th floor!

In other words, his magical attack power has increased by 100,000 again at this moment!

Quite scary!

It's a pity that the probability of providing killing power will drop sharply if the level difference is too large.

Otherwise, his killing power layers would be much higher.

"The killing power is too strong!"

Tang Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion!

After upgrading to level 51, in addition to the fixed growth of each level, there are also 50 free attributes.

Tang Feng put all his brains on intelligence.

At this time, his magic attack reached 700,000!

The damage of various skills is ridiculously high.

In addition, his magic shield value has reached more than 30 million!

Combined with other skills, it is very difficult for him to die!

"Meteor escape!"

Consuming all mana, Tang Feng was millions of meters away in an instant.

Others who wanted to chase him couldn't catch up at all!

After Tang Feng left, the players of Bai Nai City also revived one after another.

It's just that the npcs in the city are basically dead, and only the five major guilds are operating normally.

This is also a protective measure of the system!

And the players and npcs in Bai Nai City hated Tang Feng deeply.

Basically, the hatred value has been fully drawn.

The branch presidents of the major guilds even jointly issued a hunting order to hunt down and kill Banzhan Qingfeng!

And the players in Bai Nai City also organized themselves in an instant.

Even, this matter soon swept the entire Starlight Empire!

Dare to massacre the city, this is absolutely intolerable to the empire!

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