After trimming, Tang Feng quickly found Sean.

At this moment, Sean was leaning against a boulder with a serious expression on his face.

"Brother Sean."

Tang Feng stepped forward.

"You're here." Sean felt a little downcast.

"What's wrong?" Tang Feng asked.

"It turns out that the princess was dedicated to a giant dragon by the Xinghui Empire!"

Sean looked sad.

Dragons are legendary creatures!

He had seen a dragon once, and it took a lot of effort to escape.


Tang Feng was not surprised but delighted.

"I can't save the princess, even the teacher can't deal with a giant dragon!"

Sean was downcast.

"Brother Sean, I am willing to rescue the princess for you!"

Tang Feng said immediately.

"Qingfeng, you are very strong, but this is a giant dragon, and the entire continent is a top-level existence! And you are only at the fifth level. Maybe after you reach the seventh level, you will be able to fight!"

Sean despaired.

"Brother Sean, the so-called giant dragons are just relatively powerful creatures. We humans are the masters of this world. If we dare to take the princess away, I will never tolerate it!" Tang Feng said righteously.

Seemingly moved by Tang Feng's determination, Sean loosened a bit.

"You're right, maybe we should gather a strong team to take back the princess!"

Sean said.

"No, my phoenix is ​​also a legendary creature, the three of us cooperate, absolutely no problem!"

Tang Feng said with confidence.

"Brother Sean, the matter of rescuing the princess should be done sooner rather than later. If something happens to the princess, I think you will regret it too!"

Tang Feng continued.

Finally, Sean shook his head: "Okay! Brother Qingfeng, please accompany me for a while!"

After speaking, open the map.

"Dragon Canyon, there is a seventh-order giant dragon living here! It straddles the Starlight Empire and the Xuanling Empire, and this is the place where the two countries must pass through!

Many caravans were damaged here, if they encountered this giant dragon, they would never return! But many people take risks for wealth!

Later they discovered that the giant dragon liked to snatch beautiful women, so they bribed the giant dragon at the cost of the beautiful women in exchange for safe passage.

They never expected that they would sacrifice the princess and complete the deal with the dragon! After I go back, I will definitely report to His Majesty and seek justice from the Xinghui Empire! "

Sean said, clenching his fists.

Hearing this, Tang Feng also frowned, this giant dragon is really strange, he likes beautiful human women.

"I was injured a little, and I can start after two days of rest." Sean continued.


Tang Feng said.

He also has something on hand.

Then the two returned to the territory of Xuanling Empire together.

At this time, the Xinghui Empire has issued an order to arrest Tang Feng and Sean with all their strength. What the two of them have done is really too bad.

As a sixth-rank powerhouse, Guan Wen was very important in the empire, but he was killed by two people.

More importantly, one of them dared to massacre the city!

Killed countless of their children.

And the name Banzhan Qingfeng has also spread among the Starlight Empire players.

"Tang Feng, many members of the guild are in Jianghai City, and some of them decided to come to Jianghai City after knowing the situation. It's just that there are so many people, how to plan is a problem."

Lei Gang sent Tang Feng a message.

"Core members who don't have a house must prepare accommodation for them. Gold coins are sold in a fixed amount every day, and I will figure out the rest."

Tang Feng said.

Next, he wants to set up a real guild.

These members must be in Jianghai City, otherwise it would be meaningless.

Of course, in the later stages of the game, it is estimated that the guild members will reach hundreds of thousands, millions.

It is obviously unrealistic for so many people to pay wages and coordinate management.

They just need to guarantee the core members.

The same is true for other guilds including the three major guilds.

Some people even need to pay membership fees to join the guild.

The three major guilds currently have only a few thousand core members.

And their Destiny Guild is even less.

Less than a hundred people.

Such as free hands, impeccable, etc., are all core members, and they are also the best among them.

"Isn't loneliness a fault of connection?" Tang Feng asked.

"I have contacted him, but he is still hesitating and has not given a clear answer." Lei Gang said.

Apart from him, the Destiny Guild is currently the strongest in loneliness.

Therefore, both of them have high hopes for it.

"I see, don't worry, let's take our time."

Tang Feng said.


The two chatted about their plans for the future, and then went about their business.

After Tang Feng went offline, he heard the doorbell.

When he opened the door, he saw an indifferent strong man carrying a person in his hand.

The man's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he had obviously been beaten up.

"This is?"

Tang Feng was a little curious.

This strong man was exactly one of the bodyguards Jiang Guoping had found.

"This guy was sneaky. We caught him, beat him up, and explained some things. Mr. Jiang said he would hand it over to Mr. Tang."

said the bodyguard.

"Oh? What did he say?"

Tang Feng's face darkened.

Obviously, some people couldn't sit still and wanted to attack him.

Fortunately, where they are, it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

"Someone gave you money to kill you. He said it was a young master surnamed Qin."

said the bodyguard.

"Is your surname Qin?"

Tang Feng pondered.

He thought it was from the Zhu family, but he didn't expect it to be Young Master Qin.

Has he offended someone surnamed Qin?

Suddenly, he thought of a person.

Passionate swordsman!

The matter between him and the other party has passed for a long time.

If someone hadn't come to find fault today, he probably wouldn't have remembered such a person.

"Where is the Qin you mentioned?"

Tang Feng asked.

"I don't know. Brother Huang asked me to come. I only mentioned one Young Master Qin. I really don't know anything else." The killer looked immature, obviously not that professional.

After being caught by the bodyguards, he was beaten severely and told everything.

"Brother Huang? Then tell me, who is this Brother Huang and where is he now!"

Tang Feng continued to ask.

Since someone wants him to die, he will naturally fight back and solve the future troubles.

"This..." The young killer hesitated.

Obviously this brother Huang is not an ordinary person.


Seeing the young killer hesitate, the bodyguard took off the young killer's arm without saying a word.

The bodyguard that Jiang Guoping found should also be the one who licked blood from the knife.

"Western Suburb Casino! Brother Huang! You'll know when you go!" the young killer said in pain.

"lead the way!"

Tang Feng said coldly.

"I'm good!"

The young killer just wanted to find an excuse, but thinking of what happened to him next, he quickly changed his words.

"Mr. Tang, do you need me to accompany you!" said the burly bodyguard.

"No, you take good care of the people here." Tang Feng said.

Seeing this, the other party also nodded.

Before Tang Feng set off, he took a look around.

Both Tang Lele and Tang Yong are in the game.

The parents, uncle and his wife went to Jiang's house next door.

In the past two days, they had a good relationship with Jiang Xue's parents.

Especially after learning that Tang Feng and Jiang Xue are together.

Both families are very enthusiastic.

Originally, Jiang Guoping felt that Tang Feng could not take care of his daughter, so he was not very supportive.

But after knowing that Tang Feng is half a breeze, his attitude changed immediately.

He believes that only people like Tang Feng can live happily in the future world.

If my daughter follows such a person, she no longer needs him to worry about it!

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