The players of the Destiny Guild are generally in their thirties.

The core members have reached level 40.

The dungeon they found is enough for everyone to reach level 50.

Therefore, Lei Gang decided to focus on this secret dungeon, and he was not so concerned about the national war.

A meteor escape, Tang Feng soon arrived at the entrance of the secret realm.

Most people in the guild form a team here to practice.

Today's Destiny Guild is already a level 6 guild!

There are 30,000 people!

A veritable grand guild.

"I heard that the president is coming!"

"Really! I haven't met the president since I entered the guild!"

"Is it for that big guy?"

"That big guy made us all drop one level!"

"The legendary boss is too fierce, can the president really solve it?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The president has killed a legendary boss solo!"

Hearing that Tang Feng was coming, the members of the guild seemed to be pissed off.

After all, he's arguably the most famous person in the game.

Now playing fate, it can be said that no one does not know him.

This popularity is unmatched by any star!

"Assemble quickly, let's see how the president kills the legendary boss!"

Everyone rushed towards the territory of the legendary boss.

As soon as Tang Feng entered the secret realm, Lei Gang walked over.

This secret place looks like birds and flowers.

"where are they?"

Tang Feng asked.

"I'm studying how to deal with that big guy. It's not wrong to be lonely, and Jiang Xue is quite unconvinced." Lei Gang laughed.

Hearing this, Tang Feng also smiled.

One time, but there will be another time. If you study more, you can always pass.

Of course, there is a price to pay for some time!

"Let's go!"

Tang Feng said.

Soon, the two walked through the forest towards a cold pool.

Not far from the cold pool, it was full of people.

"Below is a mysterious turtle. When we were leveling in the secret realm, it found us on its own initiative!" Lei Gang briefly introduced.

Tang Feng nodded, these legendary bosses are also territorial.

The entire secret realm is actually equivalent to the territory of this legendary boss.

"The president is here!"

"It's really here!"

"The equipment on him is too cool, especially the black robe with a dragon on it!"

"The mask is also very beautiful!"

"The crown on the head is the most beautiful!"

Everyone was excited.

Gulu~! Gulu~!

Suddenly, there was movement in the cold pool.

"Let's go, the big guy is coming out!"

"Let's go!"

"We must have quarreled with it!"

Everyone retreated back one after another.

Almost all the people here have been killed once.

I have a shadow in my heart about that black turtle.

When Jiang Xue and Tang Yu saw Tang Feng coming, they hurried over.

"The legendary boss is really hard to kill, and I don't know how you killed it."

Jiang Xue felt a little bitter.

Now she focuses most of her energy on the game.

The progress is great, but it is still difficult to deal with the legendary boss!

Not even with a good team.

"It's really hard to deal with, and you don't have to be discouraged."

Tang Feng hugged Jiang Xuedao.

The legendary boss is hard to kill.

If it wasn't for his high damage, he wouldn't be able to deal with it.


Soon, the sound of splashes came.

A huge monster emerged from the water.

The cold air lingers on the cold pool.

After this huge beast appeared, the cold air was sucked into its body.

【Cold Wang Xuan Turtle (Legendary Boss)】

Level: 50

Blood volume: 150 billion


With a blood volume of 150 billion, it is not too much compared to a black dragon of level 70.

Of course, in comparison, its output must be worse.

This black tortoise is crystal clear and transparent, and the tortoise shell on its body is like ten thousand years of ice.

The body is hundreds of meters high and nearly a thousand meters long.

It is indeed a colossus.

However, compared with the Flame Master, it is much worse.


Xuangui stretched his neck and let out a roar, the air around him suddenly froze.

"Rewind! The shield warrior is on top, the priest will bless you!"

Shouting with trembling hands.

Today, he has become an important backbone of the team.

He is in charge of commanding.

As a pastor, he is in charge of the overall situation, and his strength is indeed much stronger than Tang Yu.

However, Tang Yu is also improving and can play a big role in the team.

The ground continued to condense, and many people were directly frozen by the black turtle.

call out!

An arrow went straight towards the black turtle.

Jiang Xue didn't hide her information, and her injuries surfaced.

A total of 300,000 output.

Most of it is the additional damage of her talent!

Three hundred thousand with one arrow, definitely a lot!

If everyone has this output, 10,000 people can solve this boss in a few seconds.

But this is obviously impossible!

And this arrow also angered Xuangui.

Although its legs are short, its speed is not slow!

Rampage all the way, coming towards Jiang Xue.


Many shield fighters are in front.

The black turtle can't rush over at all!

Then everyone began to output violently.

Everything looks great.

Lei Gang said: "It was the same last time, but it was hard to grind to half the blood. The opponent went crazy and directly killed the output of the back row, which led to the destruction of our group. It has to be wiped out once!"

Tang Feng looked at everyone's cooperation and nodded again and again.

Everyone is very nice!

In particular, shaking hands and being lonely is not wrong, the strength of the two is quite strong.

Of course, there is also Jiang Xue, the main output.

With their strength, killing king-level bosses is basically not a problem.

But the legendary boss is almost ready.

It's not their problem, but the whole is not strong enough!

Compared with the three major guilds, the core team of the destiny guild is still a bit behind.

It's only made up for with time.

Of course, members of the three major guilds are no match for the legendary boss.

To deal with the legendary boss, you can only rely on top players like Jiang Xue.

Only they can deal effective damage.

In the scene, everyone played very hard.

If it weren't for the effective command with trembling hands, he probably couldn't stand it long ago.

Seeing this, Tang Feng stopped going to the theater.

"Flame dragon flurry!"

The five fire dragons condense and kill the black turtle!


The fire dragon roared, full of power!

Seeing this, Xuangui felt chills in his heart, turned his head quickly, and walked towards the cold pool, wanting to escape into it.

And Fire Dragon won't just let it go.

The fire dragon rushed to the cold pool.

When the cold pool water met the fire dragon, it was all evaporated.

-490.32 billion!

A Yanlong Luanwu, with an output of nearly 500 billion!

The black turtle was instantly killed!

There is no big move to cast at all.


After killing the black tortoise, the fire dragon hovered for a while, and then dissipated completely after a dragon chant.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This mysterious turtle who killed them once was unexpectedly defeated by Tang Feng's skill!

Even Jiang Xue, Lei Gang and others were shocked.

Everyone knows that Tang Feng is very powerful.

But how strong it is, no one knows at all.

Mainly there is no intuitive understanding.

But now, they know.

Strong enough to instantly kill the legendary boss!

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