"Have you heard that the No. 1 Banzhan Qingfeng can instantly kill the legendary boss!"

"Really? Instantly kill the legendary boss?"

"Really, the inside of the Fate Guild is going crazy!"

"I've also heard that a single skill kills a legendary boss in seconds!"

"Horror! Even the strongest Wushang guild can't kill the legendary boss! Can he kill it instantly?"

"This means that it is not difficult for half Qingfeng to kill a guild of 100,000 people!"

Everyone was discussing frantically.

Everyone was shocked by this news.

The legendary boss is the strongest existence in the game.

It is the ultimate dream of all players.

But now Tang Feng's immediate instant kill had a huge impact on everyone.

Especially the three major guilds.

In the Wushang Guild.

Ye Ye in the dark night heard the news, and Zhu Yan's figure appeared in his mind.

Although he didn't have much affection for Zhu Yan, he was still the mother who gave birth to him.

But just because he offended Tang Feng, and for Tang Feng's safety, Longya Society secretly dealt with Zhu Yan.

The Ye family knew about this news.

But he wouldn't go to Tang Feng's trouble for Zhu Yan at all.

Because, this means going against Longya!

Behind the Dragon Tooth Society is the entire country.

They don't have this strength.

There is resentment in my heart, but I can't vent it.

Now that he knows Tang Feng's super strength, he is completely desperate.

As we all know, the stronger the power in the game, the stronger the power fed back to reality.

If you can instantly kill the legendary boss in the game, how strong will it be in reality?

Such a person, he can't move at all!

In the future world, strength is much more important than money!

"I don't think it will be long before the Destiny Guild will surpass us and become the number one guild."

Wushang Yuntai at the side sighed.

Facing Tang Feng, they had nothing to do.

One person is stronger than a guild, what can they do?

If the game doesn't affect reality, just kill it and it's over.

But now, they are stronger than them in reality!

"It's okay, this doesn't affect our Wushang's strength!"

Ye Ye in the night took a deep breath and calmed down.

Wushang Yuntai nodded, and the two chatted about the development of the guild again.

Royal Guild.

Huangshi Aotian rejoiced: "Fortunately, he didn't take the initiative to trouble him at the beginning."

"Yeah, I was very dissatisfied with this guy at the beginning, and almost made people hunt him down in the game. Now that I think about it, it's lucky that I didn't provoke this guy."

The ignorance of the imperial world is also repeated.

At this point, they also understood that even in the late stage, they would not be able to deal with Tang Feng.

This guy is not human.

People in other districts did not appear as perverted as Tang Feng.

Only in their Huaguo District, there is such a guy.

Stepped on everyone directly.

Of course, except for Tang Feng who is high above the others, the competition for other people on the leaderboard has always been fierce.

Nowadays, many talents are slowly rising.

Huangshi Wuming and Batian Dasheng are still at the forefront, but in terms of strength, they are far behind!

Because of this news, the three major guilds were completely desperate, no longer thinking about how to deal with Tang Feng in the future.

In fact, the best way to deal with Tang Feng is to pretend that he doesn't exist.

Now, that's how they do it.

Tang Feng is basically invincible in the game, but in reality, his strength needs to be strengthened.

Next, he will spend most of his time in reality.

In the game, let Hong Yan go to spawn monsters.

Anyway, the experience Hong Yan gained was his.

He just needs to go online every day and spend some time blessing.

"In reality, my strength has indeed been strengthened a lot! The equipment has not changed, but the attribute potion has greatly improved me!"

Tang Feng felt the power in his body.

"If you want to use skills like your arms, you must practice a lot, but you must not use skills such as Ice Dragon Dance in the community, you have to go to an open place!"

Tang Feng pondered.

To become stronger in reality, in addition to meditation, you have to practice skills.

After all, the skills in the game are different from those in reality.

Soon, Tang Feng called Shen Yi and explained some of his situation.

Shen Yi immediately said without thinking: "I think you can hunt more monsters, firstly, to help more people, and secondly, fighting is the best way to practice! The duty of our Dragon Tooth Society is to hunt monsters, protect the country.

Now that there are more monsters, many personnel have to spend time hunting some more powerful monsters, otherwise these monsters will be fierce everywhere, and it will be difficult for ordinary people to deal with. "

Tang Feng nodded upon hearing this.

Shen Yi is right.

Only fighting is the best practice.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the research on Dragon City has also made some progress. Experts discovered that the magnetic field of Dragon City has changed, which has weakened the surrounding space barriers, allowing those monsters to take advantage of the loopholes. These changes are made by monsters.

They have developed an instrument that can prevent this change, but there are only a few at present. The material of the instrument is the crystal nucleus dug out of the body of the Hydra. Without you, this kind of thing would not be possible at all. !

After testing, monsters will not appear within the range covered by the equipment, which also ensures the safety of the public! It's just that there are only five instruments, and they can only be used in some big cities! These five instruments can guarantee the safety of five cities! These are all thanks to you..."

Shen Yi said a lot.

The last five instruments, two of which are intended to be owned by Tang Feng.

After all, without Tang Feng, none of them would exist.

Tang Feng immediately stated that he did not want this power.

Otherwise, when the time comes, there will probably be a bunch of people who want to find him.

After all, these instruments are quite precious.

"Free Nation wants to spend hundreds of billions to buy one, and we don't need his little money at all."

Shen Yi is extremely proud.

Tang Feng also smiled.

In front of life, what use is that money!

"I just got the news that a big monster appeared in Guangyang City! Hot weapons can't hurt the opponent, so they ask us for help. Are you going there?"

Shen Yi said suddenly.

For ordinary members, Shen Yi gave orders directly.

But when facing Tang Feng, he didn't dare to give orders, he was all negotiating.


Tang Feng nodded.

Guangyang City is more than a thousand kilometers away from Jianghai City.

The car was too slow, and Longya Society directly dispatched a fighter plane to pick it up.

Delivered directly in less than an hour!

The bottom has become a mess.

"What to do, why is that monster so strong!"

"Damn it, so many people can't be beaten to death!"

"Have you noticed that the monsters that appear are getting stronger and stronger!"

"That's true. If we can't keep up with the monsters in our growth, I'm afraid we will be tortured!"

"This one is probably equivalent to the silver boss in the game! Anyone who can beat this in the game is a boss, let alone in reality!"

The monster they were talking about was a two-headed lizard.

It is more than ten meters long, and its body is covered with terrifying scales. It can't be harmed by ordinary attacks at all!

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