chug chug!

The machine guns kept firing.

These bullets hit the two-headed lizard without leaving any marks.


The two-headed lizard roared angrily, jumped up, and rushed towards the crowd.

Suddenly, people turned on their backs.

Can't stop it at all!

call out!

Several sniper rifles shot at the same time.

The ammunition inside is all armor-piercing bullets, which can easily penetrate the steel plate.


The armor-piercing bullet hit the scales of the two-headed lizard, making a tinkling sound.

And it did leave some traces.

But that's all.

If it is facing the same place, it will take dozens of times to hurt the two-headed lizard.

The key point is that this lizard will resist and kill.

It rushed into the crowd, and with one breath, the few people who were closer disappeared instantly.



"It can't be stopped at all!"

Everyone was terrified.

"Sir, I'll find a place to stop."

Over Guangyang City, the pilot said.

"No, I'll jump!" Tang Feng shook his head.

"Sir, this is a few thousand meters!" The pilot said in surprise.

Tang Feng said jumping, but without a parachute.

At this height, who would not fall into a pulp?

Tang Feng smiled lightly, opened the hatch, and jumped suddenly!

He has practiced flying for a long time, although he still cannot fly freely.

But simple gliding is fine.

He jumped from tall buildings and could control the speed of his descent.

It's just that I haven't tried the altitude of several thousand meters.

Although it is a bit dangerous, this way can stimulate his potential even more.

There is the whistling wind in my ears.

Tang Feng felt the power of the wind with his heart, and at the same time, the magic power in his body was constantly circulating.

As long as you can feel the feeling of flying, everything will come naturally.

Slowly, Tang Feng controlled his body.

He tried to control the speed.

In order to avoid falling to his death, he added a shield to himself so that he would be safe.

"If you want to fly, the key is to control the magic power."

Tang Feng pondered.

Use the magic power in your body to counterbalance the gravity of Blue Star, so you can fly naturally.

Of course, a balance point must be found, and the output of magic power is stable, so that free flight can be guaranteed.

But up and down, fast and slow, you have a higher control over the magic power!

These all require a lot of practice.

Tang Feng is working hard towards the first stage.

Taking a few deep breaths, Tang Feng briefly found his balance point.

Finally, it was only a hundred meters away from the ground.

Tang Feng fixed his eyes on the two-headed lizard.

"Look, there is a man in the sky!"

"I saw it just now and thought it was a bird! It seems to be a real person!"

"Who is this, can fly?"

"It's been a long time to see you!"

Everyone was amazed.

Players can fly after the second turn, but among the beta players, only Tang Feng has reached the second turn!

"Little Fireball!"

Tang Feng smashed it with a fireball.

call out!

The fireball is extremely fast!


Then there was an explosion, and a huge crater was smashed into the ground.

Everyone was stunned.

The power of this fireball is really great, stronger than bombs!

However, it seems that the accuracy is not right.

The embarrassing thing is that the aim was really bad, Tang Feng's fireball missed.

This is the first time he has tried to fly in reality.

The magic control is slightly flawed!

The more you practice the better!

"Little Fireball!"

Tang Feng cast a fireball again.


The two-headed lizard also found Tang Feng, it roared, and then jumped to kill Tang Feng.

This guy's jumping ability is amazing, he reached a height of tens of meters in one jump, and bit his big head towards Tang Feng.

The magic power in Tang Feng's body rolled, controlling his body to move to the left.

Although the movements were rusty, at least he escaped.

"Little Fireball!"


After being dodged two in a row, it was another fireball!

This one directly hit the two-headed lizard in the air.

Suddenly, the two-headed lizard hit the ground like a meteorite.

The two-headed lizard struggled to get up, but seemed unable to do so.

"Little Fireball!"

Another fireball struck Tang Feng.


There was another explosion.

The two-headed lizard died instantly.

"My strength has indeed improved a lot. Two fireballs can instantly kill a silver boss!"

Tang Feng was slightly happy in his heart.

This improvement is not just caused by his becoming stronger in the game.

It is also because these days, he practiced day and night.


"This monster was killed by him!"

"I see, he seems a little familiar!"

"I know, that person who is very popular on the Internet! It is said that he is half a breeze in reality!"

Many onlookers saw the two-headed lizard being killed and began to discuss it.

Others have already recognized Tang Feng.

Tang Feng controlled his body to fall slowly.

In the eyes of everyone, this scene was like a god-man descending.

He was the first man to fly!

envious! Amazing! worship!

All kinds of looks, everything that one expects to find.

"Are you the chief of the Dragon Tooth Association?" A squad leader hurried forward and asked.

Tang Feng nodded, he is indeed a member of the Dragon Tooth Society.

"Sir, thank you for helping us out of your busy schedule. You are so amazing!" The squad leader was very excited.

"The responsibility lies."

Tang Feng smiled.

"Sir, you have worked hard all the way, why don't you take a rest first?" the squad leader kindly said.

"Need not."

Tang Feng waved his hand, and then said: "Take me to find other monsters."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was in awe.

It is really for the country and the people!


The squad leader saluted and was very excited.

In Guangyang City, a place with weak space also appeared, and many monsters appeared.

Of course, there are only a handful of people like the two-headed lizard.

Next, Tang Feng fights the fire all the way!

Most monsters can't stop a fireball from Tang Feng!

And as the number of battles with monsters increased, the power of his fireballs also continued to grow.

Of course, the accuracy is getting higher and higher.

"Tang Feng, the big monsters also appeared in Dongchuan City and Nankang City! I can only trouble you to take a look again!"

After the monster in Guangyang City was resolved, Shen Yi called again.

"During this time, monsters have become more and more frequent. We can only shrink the city circle and try to concentrate people in the five major urban areas! Unfortunately, it would be great if there were more magnetic devices."

Shen Yi sighed.

In this regard, Tang Feng has nothing to do, the manufacture of magnetic instruments requires legendary creatures.

"I'll go now."

Tang Feng said.

Fighting monsters, he obviously felt that his strength would improve faster.

"I don't know if it's because of the effect of killing the mage."

Tang Feng muttered.

After a few days, he obviously felt that his strength had improved.

The effect of killing a mage is that killing a monster can permanently increase the magic attack.

"Could it be that the effect of killing the mage was also brought back to reality by me?"

Tang Feng's eyes lit up.

If this is the case, the monsters in reality are all his prey!

"Next stop, Dongchuan City!"

Tang Feng is in a good mood.

As he continues to fight, he will become stronger and stronger.

The monsters don't seem so scary anymore either!

Soon, the fighter plane started, and Tang Feng went to the next location!

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