Dongchuan City is only more than 700 kilometers away from Guangyang City.

The fighter plane arrived soon.

Tang Feng followed suit and jumped down from a height of several thousand meters.

Hoo hoo!

The wind is howling in my ears.

Tang Feng enjoyed the feeling of free fall.

The control of magic power has also improved, but it is always close to the fire.

Suddenly, Tang Feng remembered the scene of using wings to fly in the game.

With his own magical power, he condensed a pair of invisible wings.

Such wings are useless, nothing more than to make his perception clearer.

After a while, a feeling of blessing and heart surged up.


A pair of golden wings grew out of Tang Feng's back!

It is the Golden Feather Wing!

The second mythic outfit in reality finally came out!

Tang Feng's strength has improved again!

The point is that he becomes freer in the sky.

"This officer is really amazing!" The pilot on the fighter plane was amazed.

Soon, Tang Feng accelerated to fall, and then suddenly slowed down.

With wings, coupled with magical control, he has no problem flying.

Even if it is a small battle, there will be no major mistakes.

The improvement this time is quite large, and it is not in vain for him to go through it.

Looking down from above, Dongchuan City is even more serious than Guangyang City.

A total of two silver bosses appeared here!

One floats in the air like a ghost.

It is only half the size of a human, but its strength is not weak.

Among the silver bosses, it is considered to be a very powerful existence.

She is called Ghost Girl Doll in the Monster Manual.

At the other end was a silver-white wolf.

It is about five meters high, and its silvery-white hair is extremely defensive.

The key point is that its pupils are also silver-white.

This is a combination of a ghost girl doll and a silver-eyed Sirius!


The ghost female doll let out the laughter of a human child.

Laughter is beautiful, but it kills people.

Amidst the laughter, many people bleed to death from their seven orifices.

This is a sonic attack!


The silver-eyed Sirius also roared.

The sound waves of the two are added together, and the power is several times greater.


On the street, all kinds of glass were shattered.

Some people covered their heads and howled.

"Cover your ears!"

Someone yelled!

When everyone heard the words, they quickly plugged their ears with something, and began to output violently at the same time.


The ghost girl doll continued to attack with sonic waves.

Plugging the ears did reduce symptoms, but only so much.

There is no way to completely defend against it.

"Damn it! Why is it so difficult to deal with!"

"These two together are much more difficult to deal with than a boss!"

"And I think that these two bosses are stronger than ordinary silver bosses!"

Everyone complained again and again.

Although they also awakened skills and weapons.

There are also various thermal weapons to assist, but they still can't deal with these two guys!

lost heavily!

"Everyone hold on, the superiors have sent the chief of the Dragon Tooth Society to help us!" said a squad leader.

Hearing this, the soldiers gritted their teeth and continued to output.

And the other awakened ones are also fighting desperately.

"Oops! Look, it looks like a flying monster is coming up above!" A spectator in the distance exclaimed.

Everyone noticed the sky.

"Golden wings, could it be a gold-level boss?"

"Are you kidding? Silver bosses are so difficult to deal with! Gold bosses, let's surrender!"

"How to do how to do!"

Everyone is very anxious!

Soon, a fireball fell from the sky, and everyone panicked even more.

"No, this is a person!" Someone said.

"A man with wings?"

"Is it an angel?"

"real or fake?"

"Damn, what a person!"

The distance was getting closer and closer, and everyone had already seen Tang Feng's figure clearly.

"Hey, there's trouble coming."

The ghost girl stepped on the silver-eyed Sirius and looked up at the sky.


The silver-eyed Sirius also looked up!

Both monsters could detect the dangerous aura from Tang Feng.

This is a feeling that other people can't give.

"Get away!"

The ghost girl patted the silver-eyed Sirius.


The silver-eyed Sirius reacted quickly and quickly dodged.

However, the fireball also made a turn and went straight towards the two monsters.

Tang Feng's control is getting stronger now, and a change of direction in the air is only a basic operation.

Of course, the speed of the change of direction is the key to the problem.


The silver-eyed Sirius let out a roar of cyan light, and then the fireball was blocked for a moment.


Misplaced again, dodging the fireball attack.

Seeing this, Tang Feng in the sky let out a little gasp.

"These two monsters are obviously stronger than the two-headed lizard before!"

Tang Feng faintly sensed that something went wrong.

At present, when these monsters descend, they will be weakened at different levels.

If the hydra hadn't been suppressed and weakened back then, he wouldn't have been able to kill it!

The same is true for the two-headed lizard he killed before.

Tang Feng obviously felt that it was much weaker than in the game.

And these two silver bosses seem to be the complete silver bosses in the game!

In this way, the large-scale arrival of monsters is getting closer and closer.

The ghost girl doll made a face at Tang Feng.

Soon, a real grimace suddenly appeared in front of Tang Feng.

This grimace has blue face and long fangs, and a mouth that exudes bursts of black air.

Those who are timid may be scared to death on the spot.


The ghost face bit Tang Feng.


Tang Feng flapped his wings and dodged the attack.

At the same time, the small fireball hit Grimace.

The grimace disappeared instantly.

"Come and play with me!"

The Grimacing Doll laughed, and then two chains appeared out of nowhere, one holding Tang Feng and the other in the Grimacing Doll's hands.

The ghost face doll giggled, and then gently pulled.

Tang Feng was pulled over by her like a kite.

At the same time, there was a force on the chain that was devouring his vitality.

"This ability is really weird!"

Tang Feng couldn't help but said.

Although it is only a silver boss.

But it should not be underestimated.

This kind of humanoid boss is not easy to deal with, just like the desperate banshee back then!

"Sword of Thunder Death!"


The sky exploded, and the Thunder Death Sword was formed, heading straight for the Grimace Doll.

The speed was so fast that Grimace Doll was startled, and quickly let go of the chain, and ran for his life.


Although the Thunder Death Sword failed to hit directly.

But the powerful power still caused the two monsters to suffer a little injury.

Especially the grimace doll, it seems that they are particularly afraid of the attack of the lightning type!


The silver-eyed Sirius let out an angry roar, and his pupils emitted an astonishing white light. The target was Tang Feng!

"Space Jump!"

When the opponent made a move, Tang Feng had already noticed it, and immediately used space jump to avoid it.

"Death Ray!"

Tang Feng didn't talk nonsense, he used an eye for an eye.

The silver-eyed Sirius obviously didn't expect Tang Feng to easily dodge his trick, and immediately counterattacked.

Can't dodge, just hit.

The death ray easily pierced the silver-eyed Sirius, killing him instantly.

In an instant, only the ghost face doll was left.

Everyone was dumbfounded, such a powerful monster was killed instantly!

It took less than half a minute for Tang Feng to appear in everyone's sight, and he had already killed a boss!

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