Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 152 Solve The Source Of The Curse

Now, the situation is reversed.

In terms of the overall strength of the various races, the Water Elves are the worst.

She still inherited the strength of the previous generation of High Priest due to the special Constitution.

Coupled with his own talent, he barely reached lv50.

If there is no change, it may not be promoted for life.

You know, Andorna starts at lv59 anyway!

Fang Han showed a slight smile.

Bivia is struggling with her own heart.

Under Lei Kan's fanning the flames, he gradually took some action.

Her water-blue eyes stared at Fang Han: "How can you lift the cursed thing?"

It's not that she hasn't tried.

But there is no way at all.


The fish seems to be hooked!

Fang Han: "Everyone's Constitution cannot be generalized. Curses are not a problem for me. If you want to know, just take me to the place of inheritance!"


【The sea, the land of inheritance】

After passing through the torrent field, the three of them came to a deep undercurrent area together.

Here because Fang Yuan is covered with special curses.

Therefore, not even a ray of light can shine through.

It was pitch black!

"Be careful, even if it's just the edge of the cursed area, it will cause a lot of damage to the body, but we water elves often venture into this place in order to gain a deeper understanding of 'water'."

"While it hurts us, it also sharpens our souls, but as a human race, there are some dangers...

Then, Bi Weiya looked at Fang Han without any discomfort.

He even looked at himself with a relaxed face.

She choked back her next words~

"Who said Master Alice's props are too perverted! When 'Violence' is activated, it is directly immune to damage below 6000."

And the continuous damage per second in this curse is at most 2000~

This is the naked gap!

"Cough cough cough, now that Bivia girl has let go, I won't go any further, old man, little friend Nirvana, welcome to visit us in the territory of the Thunder Clan from now on~"

In fact, he was also a little uncomfortable.

You can't just say "I can't bear it"~

"Okay, thank High Priest Leikan for your help!"

So, only Fang Han and Bi Weiya entered the depths.

"Except for me, the center of the curse is inaccessible to other water spirits. How do you feel?" Bivia asked with concern.

"No problem, High Priest Bivia, don't worry, leave it to me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to the water elves."

With that said, Fang Han finally found a large stone tablet in the sea below.

The powerful shadow force makes him even in the dark.

Everything you see is so clear.

"Well, until you come out, I will keep guarding here."

A light blue halo rose around Bivia.

Condensed mind in the sea.

[Ding, you have entered a corner of the space: "Death Whisper Stele"]

The inheritance of the ancestors of the Hai Clan remained in the stele, but at the same time the curse occupied the entire stele.

The moment Fang Han entered the stele.

Even the effect of "Golden Holy Shield" can't solve this situation.

The source of the curse is not simply to cause damage, but to break through the consciousness of all intruding creatures.

Therefore, without special preparation, you will never reach the end.

Fang Han, of course knows how to solve it!

"Mysterious Guardian~"

First, use the magic balm prop, the mysterious guardian, to create a 3-minute full immunity for yourself.

And hurt Fang Han, activate the active feature of "Golden Holy Shield"!

At this time, the immune damage will be doubled.

"Very well, move on quickly."

The space of the stele is not large, and Fang Han is good at the power of shadow.

In the dark soon came to an end.

And what lies at the end?

Fang Han stared through the darkness—it was an ancient throne in astonishment!

"Sit up..."

"Quick... sit up!~"

"You will gain...incomparably powerful power..."

"Come on! Be the king~"


At this moment, the low whispers began to stimulate Fang Han's eardrums.

invaded his brain.

Fortunately, the mysterious guardian and the dark death energy resisted everything together.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it really is the whisper of a devil~"

Fang Han showed a dark smile to the throne.

Then, two props were taken out: "Blazing Sun Disc" and "Ball Cage"!

Hold the blazing sun disc high above your head.

Shouting with an extremely exaggerated acting skills: "Holy Light, you guide me to the residence of the devil, you will purify all evil in the world, shine!!!"

As a result, the characteristic of the "blazing sun disc" was activated.

Countless lights suddenly gathered on the surface of Fang Han, reflecting Fang Han's sacred and majestic face.

"Demon, feel the annihilation of the holy light~"

Then, Fang Han gathered countless radiances at one point, which was about to fall on the throne.

At this moment, a terrified scream suddenly came out from the throne.


The darkness gathered and gradually turned into a body composed of shadows.

【Cursed Nightmare】(Nightmare Transformation) (Soul Body) (Shadow)

[Information: One of the sources of the curse of the Lord of Nightmares will unconsciously release the curse of nightmares around him. After killing him, he will lose all memory and regenerate, and will not really die]


This guy really got tricked by himself~

The Blazing Sun Disc has part of the residual power of the Blazing Sun Divine Disk, so when Fang Han performs all the performances, it seems that the divine light can really purify everything!

So, the source of the curse—the cursed Nightmare, it was afraid.

"Impossible!!! Why do you know of my existence? This damn holy light, go to hell!"

However, it didn't notice that Fang Han showed a mocking smile~

"Ball cage, it's finally time for you to activate!"

If this guy is hiding in the throne, Fang Han really can't deal with it.

So, except for this plan.

He also prepared planb, planc...

Just to trick it out!

"Go, Poké Ball~" Fang Han slammed the ball cage into the shadow of the cursed nightmare.

And then—"Freeze Ray" directly aimed at the ball cage.

A strange scene appeared.

The cursed nightmare that was a shadow suddenly formed a layer of frost.

"you you you you......!"

Fang Han: "What are you, bye bye~ Go reincarnate!"


[Ding, you killed the cursed nightmare]

However, just after the explosion, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared in the space.

No, it's time and space!

Everything related to cursing the Nightmare seems to go back in time.

"It is indeed one of the origins of the Nightmare Lord, it is so unreasonable!~"

However, Fang Han would not be so stupid as not to know this situation.

"The ball cage should be working~"

As a result, the phantoms that were supposed to recover as before seemed to be sucked by the huge vortex in the center.

Finally disappeared without a trace...

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