It is not.

Because from the time when Fang Han held the "ball cage" in his hand.

I already know that the newly born cursed nightmare has become a prisoner of myself~

It came back from the dead without any memory.

But the demonic instinct of the race still tries to turn everything around into a cursed hell.

"Hey~ I'm sorry, I can't squeeze it out in the cage!"

Moreover, there is another thing that particularly engages the other party's mentality.

The resurrection time of the cursed nightmare is only 24 hours, but it will not die.

So, every 24 hours.

It's about to start all over again...

In theory, it also becomes a tool monster that Fang Han can drive forever!

From now on, I will be able to completely become the source of the curse.

In the future, to see who doesn't like it, just put the cursed nightmare near his house.

"Stolen house!~"

Fang Han: o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o!

If there is no "ball cage", even it can be killed over and over again.

Can't change anything either.

Therefore, on the importance of having a "Pokeball"~

Perfect solution, no surprises!

After the cursed nightmare was put into the cage, the various curses in the stele also began to weaken.

Fang Han no longer intends to stay.

Directly touching the throne with both hands, the complete throne turned into a crystal!

"Hey, this is the image transformed by the cursed nightmare."

If he sat directly on it at that time, there was no mysterious guard.

That would be tormented by the Nightmare's most terrifying nightmare, like dying countless times in a dream.

But never can touch the truth of death...

In this case, even self-understanding offline is very difficult.

Because everything I have experienced is real!

Maybe after being tortured thousands of times...Finally collapse and scare yourself to death...

"Uh, isn't this guy like this now???"

Died countless times, but never died.

"Yeah, I'm not a devil after all!~"

【Ding, you got the "Heart of the Deep Sea"】

This item is the core of Canghai's inheritance.

Fang Han originally planned to get this thing before going to the sea.

At that time, except for the particularity of the "merman crown".

He himself will also have absolute confidence to walk sideways in the sea!

[Heart of the Deep Sea] (special inheritance item)

[Information: After accepting the inheritance, the ability to control water will be gradually improved, the effect of all "water" element skills will be greatly improved, and the initial favorability of all sea people will be gradually improved, and the title of "Lord of the Deep Sea" will be obtained after completion]

[Hint 1: Acquiring the power of this inheritance to achieve perfection requires a great talent of the "water" element. Those whose occupations are not in this field of expertise, choose carefully]

[Reminder 2: You must complete all the inheritance requirements within 30 days. Once you fail, you will permanently get the debuff title: "Abandoned Son of the Deep Sea"]


Sure enough, it was as Fang Han expected.

For Mage, the power of inheritance is, for example, a setting in which a certain element is greatly improved.

In the later stage, players will find that they cannot cover everything.

Always make a choice and get more improvement in the 1-2 areas you are best at.

At that time, there will be obvious forks in the Mage of each department.

"However, I don't seem to be listed here!~"

Fang Han's all-round series is a thousand times easier than other players!

As for failure or something, eight~kuo~can~

After Fang Han came out, he saw Bivia who was full of shock.

She had planned to wait for a few days and nights, but only 3 minutes had passed? ! !

"Nirvana, you've already...successful?"

He clearly felt something, but still couldn't believe it.

Maybe, you can only hear it from Fang Han's mouth.

"Yes, from now on, all the water elves can enter the space of the stele to get their own chance!"

Originally, in the shadow of endless curses, there were several "sea" inheritances.

And it will not disappear after being successfully obtained, it will always be imprinted in the stone tablet.

But none of the terror that Fang Han acquired.

Only the "Heart of the Deep Sea" he obtained is the source of all inheritance.

Ordinary people really have no choice but to live with a cursed nightmare.

No, give Fang Han a chance!

"This..." Bivia was so excited that she was at a loss for words.

She touched the root of the Water Clan - "Deathrattle Stone".

"It's true, I seem to feel the power of a sea beast that I have never seen before!"

As expected of Bivia, she will soon feel the power of inheritance.

Fang Han watched all this silently.

But he sighed silently in his heart: If there is enough time, the water elves will surely regain their former glory, and they will definitely be much stronger than the other big clans without great inheritance!

What a pity~

The pace of world integration will not stop due to any factors!

"On behalf of all the water elves, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. But it seems that you have also obtained the ultimate core inheritance, and our family will not act as if nothing happened."

"Therefore, whether you accept it or not. From now on, you will be the 'Honorary Elder' of our water elves, and will be recorded in the annals of the elves and respected by future generations."

Finally, a smile appeared on Bivia's indifferent face for the first time.

"Nirvana, you have completely changed my impression of the human race~(????)!"


Fang Han:! ! !

He almost had a stress reaction, after all, this appearance has already appeared from several female elves.

In the end, he followed Bivia to the territory of life.

Under the eyes of several people with different expressions, they accepted Bivia's award of honor.

"Oh my god, did he alone solve the curse of thousands of years?"

"This is too incredible..."

"I've heard friends from other races talk about the horror of this human race. I didn't expect that the biggest surprise would be us!"

"Wait, after the curse is lifted, wouldn't we be able to obtain various powerful inheritances..."

"Is this the human race? It's so terrifying!~"




The journey of Canghai Huatian should finally come to an end.

Including the time spent in the forest country, there are only ten days in total.

He feels like it's been a long time.

"It may be that the environment of the elves is so beautiful, there is really a feeling of being reluctant to leave!"

Especially the "Canghai Flower Field", compared with the outside world.

Simply heaven!

Fang Han swears, it is definitely not because of all kinds of bumpy and openly dressed elf girls? (??`?)......

Of course, when parting, he did not forget to greet the high priests of all ethnic groups.

And at the end, I exchanged my experience on various elements with Aikeli, Lei Ling, Shie Huizi and other outstanding young juniors of various races.

Teacher Nirvana went online and convinced everyone.

Thousands of years, hundreds of years, until now, their grudge against the human race is no longer deeply rooted.


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