Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 286: The Great War Is Coming

At this time, with the [Double Whip Balrog] falling.

All players who entered Misty City's underground palace were directly teleported to the ground.

Every player shared the experience rewards for breaking through the underground palace, and the light of the level jump kept flickering on this group of strong players, envious of others.

[You have already obtained the reward of the group mission "City Lord's Underground Palace"]

【Your level has been raised】

[According to the mission contribution ratio, you have received the reward of "Star Silver Realm Ring"]



With tears in their eyes, the players were so excited that they danced their hands on the spot~

Fang Han over there.

Alexander saw that the radiance emanating from him became even hotter.

He asked suspiciously: "Heaven Designated, even I received the reward for the dungeon being pierced, so you didn't get the reward, right? By the way, did you collect the title page of the final mission?"

"Heaven Designated, you are talking, there are only 300 seconds until the start of the team battle!"

"Hey, hey hey~"

Laughter~ Laughter spread on Fang Han's face, and then infected every player around him.

None of these plane powerhouses followed Fang Han in the Misty City's underground palace to get rewards. They all got rewards that were several times or dozens of times the usual amount, and all of them smiled crookedly!

The noise that appeared almost at the same time resounded~

Someone lifted Fang Han high and threw it into the air

In Misty City Square, there is only one voice:

"Oh! Follow the master Nirvana, eat ninety meals in three days!!"

"Follow God Nirvana, eat ninety meals in three days!!"

"Follow God Nirvana, eat ninety meals in three days!!"



Yixing City, a mysterious place.

Now that there is no Alexander, Fang Han also knows that there is a "big power" in this place.

Sure enough, when Fang Han entered the dark room.

The mysterious old man was already sitting in his original position waiting for him.

"Heaven Designated, have you brought the nine title pages I need? If you don't have these, you can give me the Misty City. I can't give you what you want."

Fang Han took a deep breath.

The title page of 9/9 was handed over to the other party.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the mysterious old man.

Nodding in approval, his hand melted the title page into a ray of light.

Announcement: Nirvana successfully merged into the world's first [Spirit of Team Battle] in the second level of Nine Levels of God's Domain.

No one realized what this small announcement meant, and no one knew the location of the mysterious old man.

【Congratulations on your success in cultivating new skills】!

[Soul of Team Battle] has been equipped in your skill bar!

The moment Fang Han added [Spirit of Team Battle] to his skill list, his whole body cheered up.

Because he saw another world in his eyes.

【Soul of Team Battle】

[Cultivation Requirement: Occupation Eternal Annihilation]

[Required Level: Unknown]

[Introduction: This world has risen to the most advanced law of war. It is an extraordinary existence composed of some mysterious Heaven Designated, Apocalypse, Celestial, and Awakened. After countless team battles, the team created Battle Soul...]

[Through it, you can see the essence of team battles, instantly awaken the second battle perspective on the battlefield, and obtain corresponding battle bonuses]

[Unit/Group Combat Strength Bonus: Unknown]

[Unit/group defense bonus: unknown]

[Divine bonus of unit/group: unknown]

[Unit/group reflex bonus: unknown]

[Unit/group injury suction bonus: unknown]


According to Fang Han's temper, if he encountered this charade skill, he might pass it directly.

However, his intuition told him that an existence that even [s-scan glow] could not penetrate must be a super treasure.

In other words, only through the baptism of team battles can this skill finally reveal its power, and let the subjects who have practiced it feel the life of its skills.

Looking at the distant sky, a curtain of war slowly descended.

The moment the [War Passage] was opened, countless Warriors poured in.

Tie Mian Sheng, who had already been fully equipped and commanded hundreds of thousands of strong planes into the battlefield, followed at the back of the team.

"God Nirvana, I have already cultivated to the level recognized by this city lord's shield! The team battle has already started, if "Judgment Lian" attacks you, please let me use this shield to resist an attack for you!"

This is the most direct and most sacred way of repaying gratitude.

Tie Miansheng wanted to use this method to resist consumption for Fang Han.

But Fang Han's eyes, the pair of eyes under the [Nirvana] player ID, stared at the war space in a daze, dazed, and stupid! ! !

"Yo, yo, God Nirvana, the iron-faced city lord, the forces of Yixing City have already poured out of the city, and they have all entered the field of team warfare. Why are you still here?"

Tie Miansheng was also silent.

He seemed to be feeling the awe-inspiring will to fight emerging from Fang Han's eyes through Fang Han's eyes!

"God Nirvana, I was the one who was rude, and Ji Yanyun led the Warriors of the Rixian Pavilion to apologize to you."

The holy light glowing from Fang Han's body made Ji Yanyun show a self-ashamed expression. She took the Warrior from the Rixian Hall into the war space.

"Go and do what you should do. Go and lead the team you should lead. You are the master of Misty City. You know what to do when you face the provocation of the 'Wild Witch'."

There is no emotion in this sentence, just like the sound of a stone bursting out.

But it encouraged Tie Mian Sheng, the new face who was promoted to the master of Misty City.

Holding the big shield in his hand, he gritted his teeth, as if he had been baptized by "Blood Blood", the blood in his whole body was ignited by some kind of emotion.

Tie Miansheng didn't speak any more, and stepped into the war space glowing with dark red light with passionate steps.

About 200 seconds later...

【Ding! It has been detected that a large number of Lich Awakeners have appeared at Point A of the War Passage, and the area is named: Bronze Sparrow Terrace of the Star]

【Ding! S scan glow has covered the global team battle space]

【Ding! Your "Spirit of Team Battle" has been triggered slightly, your attack power has been increased, and your battlefield awareness has been improved...]

Fang Han glanced at his property panel.

ID: Nirvana

[Level]: lv62

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 3

HP: 512.16w/512.16w

Mana: 650000/650000

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5500, Constitution 3800, Agility 3750, Energy 5120, Charm 3014

Attack: 27396 (group soul bonus 30%)

Defense: 57449 (group soul trigger bonus 26%)

Critical rate: 166%

Anti-riot rate: 129%

Movement Speed: 769%

Damage Passive: 74%

Group Soul Awakening: 3%


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