Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 287 The Calamity Of The Mad Witch

[Spirit of Team Battle] As expected, Fang Han couldn't help himself with this terrifying passive bonus.

His goal was finally fixed on the talent of [Group Soul Awakening], and he felt that his feet were standing on the ground, but he was already floating.

It's too super-burning!

HP, attack, defense, compared with lv59, have been improved against the sky!

Only the amount of blood has increased the bonus by more than 0.2 times.

Or how to say [Group Soul Awakening] only reached 3%!

If [Group Soul Awakening] is triggered to 100%, this attribute will not directly make the "Wild Witch's Calamity" guild kneel down! ! !

Before entering the war channel, Fang Han closed his eyes and took out an [Eye of the Lich King] in his pocket.

This is an unexpected gain when fusing [Spirit of Team Battle] with the "mysterious old man".

He also didn't understand what this thing was for.

But the surname "Lich", this thing should have something to do with the witch clan.

The problem is that it doesn't have any attributes to display, and even using [S to scan the glow] has no effect on it, which makes Fang Han dumbfounded.

"This old ghost, you actually gave me a "betel nut" before the team started, what a brother!" With a touch of regret, Fang Han's figure flickered, and the moment his vision was switched, he had already arrived at the war field .

This is a battlefield territory.

It's a super-burning place.

All I saw was that the "Calamity of the Mad Witch" erected the banner of the guild on a "Bronze Sparrow Terrace of the Star".

A large number of wizards from the Wild Witch's Calamity Guild have already entered the high platform, and the two sides of the high platform are heavily guarded. The barriers are like high walls, mixed with flags and erected there.

Based on this style alone, one can be sure that the plague of mad witches is a remarkable guild.

Their leader——"Judge Lian" is definitely a war veteran.

Behind Fang Han, on both sides of the Tongque Terrace of the Stars, there are two buildings that are smaller than the Tongque Terrace of the Stars.

One side is occupied by Alexander, and the other side is the Misty City force led by Tie Miansheng.

The law of war operation is that where there are opportunities, there will be swords and swords.

Without exception, the forces of Alexander and Tie Miansheng, the two city lords, have now fought against the vanguard of the plague of witches.

But none of the three thousand elite wizards led by Judgment Lian moved.

They seemed to be waiting for a banquet, their eyes calmly watching the battlefield ahead.

With the halo of ID "Nirvana", Fang Han landed on the top of the "flag and streamer" between the two armies, looking ahead like a lone eagle.

[Enemy Force: The Scourge of the Mad Witch]

[Number of enemies: 3001 (including an army of one million wizards)]

【Enemy Locked: Judgment Lian】

[Enemy team battle strategy: million suppression, absolute judgment, Lich's group attack combat skills]

[S-scan glow shrinkage range, target area 3.6km x 3.6km]


"The one standing on the banner in front is the Lord Nirvana, the leader of the city-state!"

The voice finally came from the Bronze Sparrow Terrace of the Stars. Judgment Lian was the first to speak after looking at Fang Han.

The wars that are going on around it seem like they don't exist at all.

In their eyes, there is only the strongest, and there is no such thing as the stronger, the weak, or the non-determinants of the war.

"Judge Lian, I've been waiting for you for a long time. His value was finally revealed in this second! You should be proud of his death. After all, his purpose is not to obey your orders, Go to Misty City to search for my existence? Now, through those reconnaissance methods, you should be familiar with me, Nirvana~"

Green and bright light! This guy dared to brush my Ni Lin as soon as he opened his mouth. This guy just killed Lu Yaming Ming Guang.

How dare you say it in front of my three thousand awakened witches.

The aura is so strong that it is as fierce as the shadow of the war banner!

The flickering banners of war stood at Fang Han's feet, like pillars supporting the sky, standing in the vast field of war.

Fang Han had already spoken out provocatively, and took the initiative to mention the name of the great wizard who was killed by him, the dead ghost Lu Yaming Guang Guang.

It is to stimulate the awakened Wu clan not to want it.

Now his goal seems to have been achieved.

A cloud of "monstrous energy" collectively rises on the "Bronze Sparrow Terrace of the Star".

This is three thousand wizards, plus the war rage formed by judging Lian.

Do you want to give him something more exciting~

Fang Han's mind turned, and he laughed wildly again: "Hey, none of you three thousand strong men are allowed to leave, and I, Nirvana, greet all of you. Please don't blame me for not being considerate. I'm here to apologize to everyone! Sin, sin! !"

"Master, that kid is mocking us."

"He touched our reverse scales first, and then "burned incense" for us in advance, he is clearly cursing us to die~"

"Could it be that our three thousand awakened wizards can't suppress a small human Mage?"


Judgment Lian, the master of the hostile plane guild, became more and more confused.

"Don't underestimate the enemy!" He withdrew his confused eyes and warned the three thousand awakened masters behind him.

~ blind ~

Could it be that the leader was bluffed by this kid's words? This is impossible!

[Chairman, our Million Lich Warrior, was held back by the 200,000 people of the City-State Alliance in the war fields on both sides, unable to move, unable to air defense, and unable to win quickly! ! ! 】

[Chairman, the Warrior of the City-State Alliance has suddenly increased in strength. I don’t know if it’s because of a special potion or other reasons.]

[Guild master, if you don't mobilize three thousand "awakened wizards, there is a possibility that the plane of millions of liches will be killed by the enemy]


Several bad news came in a row.

Judgment Lian frowned, secretly curious.

What is the reason that prompted one-fifth of the enemy to explode with such a great potential for war.

Suddenly, he realized.

[The former team "Beast Master Wizard" immediately released the "ghost mother insect" to investigate the battlefield situation of the city-state alliance]

[Five hundred Lich Pioneers, prepare all attack methods, and push the poisonous fire catapults, magic crossbow arrows, and demon wrestlers under the banner of the Bronze Sparrow Tower of the Star]

[The Chinese army part, prepare to fall into battle at any time]! ! !

The vast number of awakened wizards and demon masters surged one after another.

Traces of the mobilization of the battle formation began to appear.

On Fang Han's side, watching all the moves of Judgment Lian with cold eyes, Fang Han showed a very lazy expression, and mocked: "Sending the cursed ghost mother insect to do reconnaissance work, are you sure it is an effective choice? "

Judgment Lian was unmoved in the slightest.

Backhand pointing at Fang Han.

"Nirvana, there's no need for you to be sarcastic. The master of the guild master's grasp of the dynamics of the battlefield is naturally not something you, a young man of the human race, can see through. You just wait for the 200,000 city-state alliance to be wiped out by me!"

"Is that so?"


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