Although Fang Han did not agree or disagree.

But he still did it according to his oath.

On Alexander's side, on the side of the Rixian Pavilion, and the leaders of the City-State Alliance Guild, all of them noticed the actions of Tie Miansheng at this moment.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, watching this iron-blooded scene happen within sight in astonishment.


【Shield of Glory City Lord】

【Holy Shield Qi】! !


A large shield that was raised 30 meters in an instant suffered the early damage from [Voodoo World]. The large shield lasted only a second before it shattered.

The blazing shock wave formed by witchcraft turned into a strange ray of light, flocking to this existence that defended Nirvana with death.

"Fuck! Tie Miansheng doesn't listen to persuasion. I told him not to come. Why did he come?"

Fang Han showed a surprised expression, and then used [Close Flicker] before he realized it, and brought out the dying Tie Miansheng.

Where he and Tie Miansheng were originally standing, whether it was the ground or the space, were all destroyed by [Voodoo World].

Countless destructive energies are intertwined and intertwined, and then the light that destroys everything explodes to the surroundings, until there is no life within the area of ​​500X500 meters!

This is comparable to a blow from the "Power of Destroying Stars", so terrifying.

But Fang Han's luck was very good, and the timing to rescue Tie Mian Sheng was just right.

He and Tie Miansheng unexpectedly received the favor of some mysterious power, and they both landed smoothly on the banner that retreated a thousand meters, looking straight at the Bronze Sparrow Terrace battlefield on the opposite side.

"God Nirvana... I... Did I spoil you!"

Fang Han shook his head calmly.

And transform a piece of equipment from the package.

"Without the Shield of Glory City Lord, you can use this to deal with it. Follow my instructions and continue to direct your team battles. These three thousand awakened wizards are my food! I won't allow your chopsticks to come into this bowl, Otherwise, I will deprive you of the title of city lord and your qualification of Shield Warrior (grandmaster)!"

Tie Miansheng was taken aback.

Hastily took the mysterious equipment, jumped off the banner, and entered his sequence of commanders.

The figure was submerged in the team battle of the 200,000 city-state alliance vs. the million witch army.

Blind~ Thousands of awakened wizards and demon masters combined team battle skills [voodoo world] were drowned like this?

Judge Lian spat out a mouthful of old blood.

All the great wizards of the witch clan around him looked shocked. They never dreamed that the combination of skills they released with the power of the guild would be defeated by the opponent in an absolutely unexpected way.

Although, the opponent lost a piece of the top Shield Warrior equipment [Shield of Glory City Lord] in the Nine Layers of Gods, but this piece of equipment is not worth mentioning in front of the three thousand awakened powers of the witch clan.

【Ding! Your witch spells drop 1/3 when you release "Voodoo World"]

【Ding! Your witch clan's combat power is drowned by 2/5 due to the release of "voodoo world"]

【Ding! Your lich body is reduced by 5/6 due to the release of "Voodoo World"]

【Ding! Your witch spirit is weakened by 3/4 due to the release of "Voodoo World"]


As the main force of casting spells, the Mage of the witch clan on the Bronze Sparrow Stage of each star looked ashen.

If the combination of combat skills hits the target accurately, it's okay to hit God Nirvana.

The key is that this skill is empty, and quickly clears one's own witchcraft.

At this time, in front of the powerful power of the plague of witches, the great god Nirvana, who stood on the banner, began his revenge.

"Chi la!!!" A strange fire rose.

"Chi la!!!" A ball of purple electricity rose.

"Chi la!!!" A mass of frost rose up.


Then, these supernatural powers spread to Fang Han's surroundings in unison, enveloping his entire figure in a void of light.

"What is he going to do?"

"This kid is probably the existence of a special professional in the Nine Layers of Gods."

"Forgive me for using my eyes that have studied witchcraft all my life, but I can't see through this kid."

"It seems to be some kind of holy light! No, it seems to be divine light! It's not right either, Master, hurry up and make up your mind."

"As the uncle of Luya Mingguang and the veteran of the War of the Wild Witch, I swear to all my colleagues that this is the will that God Nirvana inherited from the old man of Misty City [Legion Battle Soul]! This will finally helped him integrate It has become a terrifying [Spirit of Team Battle]! Leader, switch from attack to defense! Hurry up, if there is a delay of tens of seconds, the Lich Barrier won’t work.”

"Ankalu, do you think so?"

Judgment Lian said so, but the movements of his hands did not hesitate at all.

The phalanx joints twisted, the arm was raised high, and then dropped suddenly, and related instructions were issued.


A huge "Lich Barrier" began to spread.

Nearly 3,000 great powers of the Wu clan began to chant, bless, inject, release, and fuse various forces into a large barrier with a diameter of 20 kilometers and a height of 5,000 meters, covering the entire battlefield.

The appearance of this enchantment puts the twelve [War Totems] in danger.

The elite of the 200,000 city-state alliance, the group's combat power dropped sharply, and a large part of the part that was in close contact with the enemy has already reported injuries.

[You have been damaged by the Lich's Great Barrier, and your fighting will has been reduced by 40%]

[You have been damaged by the Lich's Great Barrier, and your combat effectiveness has been reduced by 120%]

[You have been damaged by the Lich's Great Barrier, and your magic power has been weakened by 55%]

[You have been damaged by the Lich's Great Barrier, and your healing ability has lost 87%]

[You have been damaged by the Lich's Great Barrier, and the power of confinement has been weakened by 99%]


The number of wounded soldiers increased suddenly, and the vanguard team was hit hard. As the lord of the city, Tie Mian Sheng and Alexander were dumbfounded at the same time.

What's worse, twelve [War Totems] lost their luster at the same time.

The totem effects of healing, healing, anti-damage, and combat power bonuses that fed back to them disappeared.

"The ones in front stand up to me! I am your city lord! I am the same as you, and I will always be with God Nirvana! God Nirvana is always watching us from behind!"

"Don't be afraid, don't back down, don't hesitate, I, Alexander, swear as the lord of Yixing City, that the plague of witches will not destroy us. As long as we continue to persevere, the final victory must belong to every warrior blessed by God Nirvana!"

At this time, the warriors of the 200,000 city-state alliance sang battle songs, stepped on the land of the war domain, and continued to charge, fall, charge, and fall again on the fallen corpses in front of them.

The collision of blood and fire, the clash of knives and swords, and the blooming of fighting sparks all condensed into the most powerful team battle will.



The war will of the city-state alliance has reversely enhanced the brilliance of [Spirit of Team Battle].

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