Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 290 The Surrender Of The Scourge Of The Mad Witch

【Ding! Your "Soul of Team Battle" releases soldiers to defend the Holy Light, and the overall defense of the city-state alliance increases by 160%]

【Ding! Your "Spirit of Team Battle" releases the sacred oath of protection, and the city-state alliance's sacred prayer power increases by 200%]

【Ding! Your "spirit of team battle" unleashes the absolute will of team battles, and the overall combat effectiveness of the city-state alliance increases by 312%]

【Ding! Your "Spirit of Team Battle" releases the shield of immunity to heavy blows, and the overall injury protection of the city-state alliance is increased by 226%]

【Ding! Your "team battle spirit" has awakened to 49% progress. Trigger "Wrath of the Gods"]


"What~, why did I suddenly have an extra skill?"

Facing the surging will to fight, the 200,000 city-state alliance, which had already entered an absolute defensive state, suddenly became extremely swift and fierce like a new force that had just joined the battlefield.

Nirvana master Fang Han's [Spirit of Team Battle] helped them to enter the counterattack stage in their war against the Scourge.

On the forward positions of the millions of witch clan forces, ghosts and wolves howled suddenly, it was horrible.

【Wrath Slashing God Realm】! ! !

Fang Han didn't have time to carefully observe this skill triggered by [Spirit of Team Battle].

He only obeyed the guidance of the will to fight, as if the current body and soul were not his, and he was just a part of the will to fight.

Then, his mental power sublimated to another space, and his instantly sober will began to help him clear all the boundaries of his vision.

The battlefield began to become infinitely clearer.

This increase in strength made Fang Han's blood boil.

[Anger Slashing God's Domain] Under such circumstances, he slashed violently.

A ray of brilliance descended from the sky, this divine skill of furious slashing summoned by nearly infinite mana, directly broke through the sky-supporting barrier of three thousand liches from the middle.


[You have been hurt by the God of Fury, your vitality has been weakened by 99%, you are already in the state of death trial, your movement speed has dropped to 0, and your attack power has dropped to 0...]

[You have been hurt by the God of Fury, and your vitality has been weakened by 78%. You are already in a state of holy imprisonment, the space conversion is 0, and the mana of the lich is reduced to 0...]

[You have been hurt by the God of Fury, your vitality has been weakened by 54%, you are already in the state of infinite gravity, the power of equipment has been reduced to 0, and the release of skills has been reduced to 0...]


"Master, our [Voodoo World] and [Great Barrier] have been destroyed! Our blood volume has been emptied, and our lich power has been imprisoned..."

"Master, why did this happen?"

"Could it be that the "Wild Witch's Calamity" will be destroyed by the small city-state alliance today?"

"Old man, you knew the power of the opponent's [Spirit of Team Battle] tomorrow, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"It's over, everything is over. From its rise to the present, the Calamity of the Wild Witch has never encountered such a fiasco."

"Let's bear with it a little longer, and wait for the mighty aura of [Anger Slashing God's Realm] triggered by [Spirit of Team Battle] to disappear. With the power of the Bane of the Witch, I guess we still have a fight!"

"Yes, our number is five or six times that of the city-state alliance! Our awakened people are dozens of times more than their lv50 and above plane masters. As long as the group controls Nirvana, the rest of the city-state alliance is rotten fish and rotten shrimp, which is not enough for us. Gap between teeth..."

"Then when will we wait? Why hasn't the [Wrath Slashing God Realm]'s confinement disappeared? Ah~"

In the end, the unlucky Lich Da Neng uttered a scream, and was killed alive by the effects of "locking blood", "weak life", and "absolute death" formed by some kind of anti-injury flames from [Rage Slashing God's Domain].

【Ding! You have killed Alsko, the powerful lich, and plundered the opponent's "voodoo staff]

【Ding! You have killed the powerful Lich Saint Elie, and plundered the other party's "Silver Realm Poison Ring"

【Ding! You have killed Rhine, the powerful lich, and looted the other party's "Death Helmet"]

【Ding! You have killed the powerful Lich Kukum, and plundered the other party's "Blood Moon Gambling Palace】


Facing the reality that the Awakened Wizard and Awakened Demon Master were imprisoned and their blood was locked up, Judgment Lian trembled all over.

What kind of devil is this?

Why can the existence of a mere city-state alliance force cultivate a genius who can fight against the great forces of the plane?

Why did this great god named "Nirvana" become so powerful?

Where did his talent come from? How did his skills come from, how did his cultivation base come from?

All of these are like a mystery in the abyss, which makes Judgment Lian unable to figure out the edge.

At this time, the elders of the Lich Clan's "Wild Witch's Calamity" guild threatened the leader of Judgment Lian.

"Guild Master, the team battle blessing of [Soul of Team Battle] and the terrifying destruction of [Rage Slashing God's Domain] have already eroded two-thirds of our existence. If the casualties continue like this, the plague of mad witches will not be able to gain a foothold Yu Jiuchong Shenyu! Surrender immediately, retreat, and preserve your strength is the most important thing!"

Judgment Lian looked tremblingly at the representatives elected by the elders.

"Elder Fa Nan, you said... what did you say? Surrender? Retreat? Return to the plane???"

"Yes, this is not my decision alone, but the will of the entire elders of the Awakened. Please obey the decision of the elders! No matter how late, we will not be able to escape."

After stroking his chest and saluting, this powerful witch named Fa Nan immediately turned around and made a war decision on behalf of the leader.

【Ding! The Calamity of the Witch has sent a request to your city-state alliance for good relations between the states, do you accept it?]

roll! ! !

【Ding! The Calamity of the Witch has sent a request to your city-state alliance for exemption from war, do you accept it?]

Fang Han unceremoniously denied it.

【Ding! The Calamity of the Witch has sent a request for surrender to your city-state alliance, do you accept it?]

This can be considered.

In the end, Fang Han proposed to the Witch's Calamity a plan to make the opponent vomit blood. After the cruel internal debate and struggle of the Witch's Calamity Presbyterian Church, the Wizard's Calamity finally agreed to Fang Han's request.

[Surrender Condition 1: The Calamity of the Mad Witch unconditionally admits defeat]

[Surrender Condition 2: Unconditional payment of tribute to the Alliance by the Scourge of the Wild Witch]

[Surrender Condition 3: The city-state alliance has the right to distribute the income of the Guild of the Witch's Calamity]

[Surrender Condition 4: The Calamity of the Mad Witch compensates the city-state alliance for all team battle losses]

[Surrender Condition Five: The Calamity of the Mad Witch donates the most fertile war territory to the City-State Alliance]

[Surrender Condition Six: The Calamity of the Wild Witch recognizes the supremacy of the City-State Alliance]


Humiliation! ! !

Blood loss! ! !

Desperate! ! !



[Announcement: The city-state alliance won the bloody battle against the guild of the mad witch, expanding the territory of the alliance to the domain of the witch clan]


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