Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 297: Blood Domain Alliance

[Boos explosion rate: Silver Realm Gold Items and below, Nine Layers God Realm various middle and upper level props (Dragon Tooth Spear, Eye of the Lich King...)]

Eye of the Lich King! ! !

Fang Han's eyes shone brightly, and he sneered: God's will!

Isn't it because of such a magic weapon that the war between the plague of the mad witch and the blood field alliance started? Hahaha, God's will~

"God Nirvana, three days from now, the decisive battle against the Scourge of Mad Witches is coming. Do you want to train our Bloodland Alliance army now???"

I can't hide the look in my eyes that I want to get help from God Nirvana.

After all, whoever is the leader of the Bloodland Alliance will choose the same request as Long Yizhiyue.

Under the eager eyes of everyone, Fang Han said word by word: "I not only want to improve your combat power, but also use your hands to wipe out the guild plane of the plague of mad witches."

Marquis Lie Yan, one of the leaders of the Bloodland Allied Forces, frowned: "But isn't three days too short, God Nirvana, we may not be able to wait..."

Long Sniper Zhiyue immediately stopped his words, and led all the legion commanders to kneel and swear: "We, the Bloodland Alliance, are willing to serve God Nirvana!"

"Okay, the City-State Alliance and the Bloodland Alliance are officially forming an alliance now! Dragon Sniper Moon, follow my orders..."

Fang Han revealed the long-planned plan to deal with the Guild of the Witch's Calamity to the president of Dragon Sniper Moon.

The light in the other party's eyes gradually increased, and at the end, a powerful and unparalleled self-confidence suddenly appeared.

This is a scene that more than a hundred commanders of the Bloodland Allied Army have not seen for a long time.

"God Nirvana, you are indeed sent by fate to help us. If the Bloodland Alliance succeeds in stopping the massacre of the Mad Witch, God Nirvana will be regarded as the supreme leader of the alliance!"

"I don't care much about the Alliance Supreme, you just have to do what I tell you. Everyone, how about I give the Bloodland Alliance a gift today..."

[Internal Announcement of the Blood Alliance: God Nirvana led the Blood Alliance Army to destroy 552,681 monsters in the Hukou Mountains, and blocked Boos2913... The blood alliance guild points increased by 12,441 points, and the guild was promoted to [three-star] level]

[Blood Alliance Internal Announcement: God Nirvana commanded the Blood Alliance to expand the "war territory", the occupied territory increased by 1452X896 kilometers, the guild prestige increased by 4368 points, and the guild's open upgrade areas increased by X1235]

[Internal Announcement of the Bloodland League: God Nirvana commanded the Bloodland League to complete 573 "guild missions", the guild recruited 192,700 new forces, and the guild's strength increased greatly]

[Blood Alliance Internal Announcement: God Nirvana helps the Commander of the Blood Alliance to practice the team battle skill "Rage to the Sky", and the overall attack power of the Commander of the Blood Alliance increases by 125%]


At the same time, Fang Han led a group of Bloodland Alliance experts.

During the battle against [Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King (Saint of the Witch Tribe)], news was also received from the Calamity of the Witch.

"What, is Dragon Sniper Zhiyue crazy! Two days later it will be the time for the group annihilation battle, and he dared to lead the masters of the Blood Realm Alliance to attack the Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King! Is this guy deprived of poverty by us? I want to get some equipment supplements from the Snake Demon King!"


Members of the Elders' Guild of the Witch's Calamity laughed very happily.

After being severely suppressed by the city-state alliance, they have never laughed so happily.

"Since they have made a move, we can't just sit idly by. My lord, this elder feels that the time has come to carry out your secret plan."

The leader of the Judgment Lian nodded, and handed over this task to the elder Fa Nan, a member of the elders' group, to perform.

"Please rest assured, the leader and colleagues, I will go back if I can't go. Maybe not only can I plunder the [Eye of the Lich King], but I can also kill the leader of the Bloodland Alliance, Long Yizhiyue, and let the Bloodland Alliance Be our slave~"


In order to interrupt the Boos crusade plan of the Bloodland Alliance, the Calamity of the Witch sent two hundred awakened Lich Mage and Lich Warlocks to form a special mixed team.

The elder of the Lich Clan, led by the mixed team, quickly arrived at the Boos Palace where the [Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King] was located.

In the Boos palace, the people of the Bloodland League attacked and killed [Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King] very hard, thousands of Warriors were killed and a third were killed.

Countless people have been injured by Boos freezing skills.

What's worse, Boos' blood volume has now been emptied, leaving only 229,851,900/722,634,100.

According to the current attack speed, with a little more effort, the Bloodland Alliance can do it in less than an hour, and it is estimated that they will be able to attack the demon king.

If it had been the past, when the Warrior of the Bloodland League saw the arrival of the powerful lich group from the Witch's Calamity Guild, he would definitely put down Boos and decide the outcome with the Wizard's Calamity first.

But this time, the Bloodland Alliance retreated as a whole!

"Retreat, retreat! Hurry up, the people of the plague of witches are coming, our archenemy, the power of the Lich clan is coming, retreat, all retreat for me!!!"

"Hahahaha~ The Bloodland Alliance is really cooperative. When they saw you coming, they actually took the initiative to give up Boos. Everyone, clean up the [Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King] and get the treasure designated by the leader [Snake Demon] King’s Eye], go hunt down those rookies from the Bloodland Alliance.”

The elder of the Lich Clan named "Fa Nan" nodded and ordered: "Attack!"

Dozens of sorcerers raised their magical weapons, and they flocked to the Ice Snake Demon King with only 1/3 of its HP remaining.

Fa Nan is only in charge of commanding, and the task is carried out by the 200 awakened witch clan powers under his command.

After the first wave of sorcery strikes, about 80 Lich Warriors, with Whirlwind Slash hidden under a terrifying green light, began to fight the Ice Snake Demon King in close quarters.

[Boos Guangming Ice Soul Snake Demon King was hit by "Lich Slash", and his HP was reduced by 556328 points]

[Boos Guangming Ice Soul Snake Demon King was hit by the combined combat technique "Voodoo Curse", and his HP was reduced by 1,123,690 points]

[Boos Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King was hit by "Continuous Demon Violence", and his HP was reduced by 962013 points]

[Boos Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King was hit by the "Lich Summoned Beast", and his HP was reduced by 604236 points]


Fa Nan was very satisfied to see that Boos was losing blood. It is estimated that in five minutes, this Boos will be dropped in seconds.

After handing in the exploded [Eye of the Lich King], he can distribute the remaining good things at will.



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