Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 298 Why Did They Become So Powerful?

"Elder Fa Nan, in addition to the treasures that the leader wants, I estimate that this holy Boos should produce at least one or two artifacts. When Elder Fa Nan is equipped with artifacts, his strength will increase dramatically. At that time, it is only natural for us subordinates to elect the elder Fa Nan as the vice-chairman."

"Hmph, I don't care about a small vice-guildmaster. Not only do I want to be the rightful Guildmaster, but I also want to dominate the entire Nine Layers of God Realm!"

"Okay, with the courage of the veteran, the revitalization of the Lich Clan will surely be in your hands!"

At this moment, a voice interrupted the dreams of the Fa Nan elder and his subordinates.

——Do you want to dominate the entire Nine Layers of God Realm with just you bunch of stinky fish and dogs?

This is the best joke I've ever heard today! ! !

[Boos Guangming Ice Soul Snake Demon King has been instantly killed by you, and you have received a reward of 700 million experience points]

[Boos Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King has been instantly killed by you, and you have been rewarded with the "Eye of the Lich King"]



With the distribution of a large number of rewards, Fang Han who secretly killed Boos immediately retired, and sent the masters of the Blood League to the powerful members of the Guild of the Witch's Disaster.

Fa Nan, a member of the Council of Elders, naturally thought that the Bloodland Alliance squeezed their Boos. Instantly furious.

You must know that this Boos [Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King] is not only related to the income of the Warlock's Calamity, but also the personal catch of the veteran of the law.

More importantly, this Boos carries the president of the Scourge.

One of Judgment Lian's supreme obsessions - using the [Eye of the Lich King] exploded by Boos to fuse with the supreme magic weapon [Scepter of the God King] belonging to the Lich Clan.

I thought that the card point was successful in driving away the Bloodland Alliance and snatching Boos.

But now looking back at the results, the force of the scourge of witches led by the elder Fa Nan was nothing more than making wedding dresses for others.

On the opposite side, the masters of the Blood Alliance led by Lie Yanhou have been teleported to the face of the Fa Nan veteran.

The hostile guilds were extremely jealous when they met.

"The law is difficult, you bitch, you dare to plunder the Boos belonging to the Blood Alliance, you don't take the Blood Alliance too seriously."

Lieyanhou was the first to attack.

An awakened wizard from the Warlock's Disaster Guild sneered: "Hmph, it's clear that your Blood Alliance couldn't defeat our Warlock's Disaster, so you played dirty. Just now you lurked in the [Bright Ice Soul Snake Demon King] The side waited for the opportunity to move, dropped the last drop of Boos' blood in seconds, successfully obtained the Boos explosion, and dared to fight against the plague of the evil witch, it was the opposite!"

One of Lie Yanhou's subordinates readily admitted: "You deserve it."

"What did you say?"

"Want to start a war?"

"Hit and hit, whoever is afraid of whom."

The two sides are at war, and a medium-scale team battle seems inevitable.

The elder Fa Nan directed all his anger at the Bloodland Alliance.

Then, he played the [Summon Snake King, Mad Snake Calamity] skill.

[Summoning the Snake King, Snake Calamity (level 55 wizard advanced skill) This skill requires 32,000 points of lich power. When it is released, hundreds of high-level snake monsters will appear in the space, devouring the enemy, locking blood 542,000 per second, life The value is reduced by 7%, and it has effects such as gravity blessing, stealth immunity, and lucky drop (Note: This skill automatically adds voodoo)]

This skill is very domineering.

As the elder of the Calamity of the Mad Witch, Fa Nan would never allow the Boos he occupied to be snatched away by the Bloodland Alliance.

In the end, not only did he not get the reward from Boos, he even failed to get the quest item [Eye of the Lich King] designated by the leader of the trial Lian.

This is something he cannot tolerate anyway.

Facing the reaction of the elder of the awakened enemy, Lie Yanhou was not panicked at all.

You must know that he was knocked down dozens of times by [Summon the Snake King and the Snake Calamity] in several team battles before, and the brothers around him were killed and injured countless times.

This skill most restrains the Warrior of the Blood Alliance, but this time, the situation seems to be reversed.

Lie Yanhou commanded his subordinates very calmly, counting the numbers loudly before countless high-level demon snakes fell into their camp.

"Steady me. Three, two, one! Fight back!"

【Rage Slashing Flames】!

【Rage Slashing Flames】!

【Rage Slashing Flames】!


The law is difficult for the elders.

[The crazy snake king you released has been instantly killed by the opponent's skills, the number of instant kills is X1]

[The crazy snake king you released has been instantly killed by the opponent's skills, the number of instant kills is X9]

[The crazy snake king you released has been instantly killed by the opponent's skills, the number of instant kills is X56]

[The Crazy Snake King you released has been instantly killed by the opponent's skills, the number of instant kills is X273]

Fa Nan was paralyzed. He was dressed as a veteran and was one of the absolute authorities of the Lich Clan. He saw a scene in front of him that he would never forget.

The Blood Domain Alliance is still the same Blood Domain Alliance, and the opponent is still the same opponent.

But the effect of Marquis Lieyan's team battle command this time is against the sky!

What is the reason?

The law is difficult and the elders are puzzled.

The senior lich master (awakened one) around him was also puzzled.

All in chaos.

"Why is this happening?"

"Strange, Marquis Lieyan seems to be a different person. His will to fight has improved."

"Not only Marquis Lieyan, but even the Warrior of the Bloodland Alliance has become stronger."

"Why did they become so powerful?

I can't believe how many Demon Snake Kings have been killed in just a team battle, just by killing Lie Yan in a team battle..."


Under the leadership of Lie Yanhou, the Bloodland Alliance counterattacked their opponents and played a beautiful one-handed counterattack, immediately winning an unprecedented reputation in the team camp.

But Lie Yanhou and the masters of the Bloodland Alliance knew that all of this was bestowed by Nirvana, without Nirvana's guidance and teaching, they would not have progressed so rapidly.

Now, Lie Yanhou can finally use his strength to be tough in front of this mighty Wu clan who had brutally crushed him several times.

"Father of the Fa, the Warrior of the Blood Alliance did not disappoint you, did he?"

This is sarcasm!

The law is hard to accept.

His hands are tucked into his sleeves, and the storm appears in the sleeves, showing that a new storm of witchcraft is brewing.

"Stop struggling. None of the Awakened masters will be left behind in the scourge of witches in Boos Palace today! This is my promise to that Great God, and it is also the will of our Bloodland Alliance to fight. But I can promise you, Before you die, I will let you know who he is!"

Lie Yanhou of the Bloodland Alliance immediately issued a killing order after saying these few words.


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