Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 302 Nirvana Will Definitely Lose! Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah

Judging Lian is still the leader's job, he wants to draw the hatred of the plague of witches to Fang Han.

Otherwise, there is no way to complete the final lore against Fang Han.

This lore is already brewing.

Everything is brewing in secret.

[You have been selected by the monsters of the Guild of the Sorcerer's Calamity, hatred value +1]

[You have been selected by the monsters of the Guild of the Sorcerer's Calamity, hatred value +1]


Fang Han laughed out loud when he saw that his hatred had increased by more than 1 million points in an instant.

Directly used [Wings of the Sun] to fly to Judgment Lian's side.

"You little characters of the Witch's Calamity, you don't need to be so crazy. Even if the hatred is full and you can't cause damage to me, Nirvana, it can be used as a bird."

This guy is so arrogant, I really want to kill him~

He didn't pay attention to our Wu clan at all, so hate~

Why did such a terrifying existence finally become the enemy of the Lich Clan?

It's this crazy guy again, the horror of the last battle with the City-State Alliance is still spreading in the demon body...

[Let's release, the supreme spellcasting of the Lich Clan]

【Destroy, the enemy chosen by spellcasting】

[The supreme spell from the Witch Clan: Voodoo Lightning has been successfully released]

[The supreme spell from the Witch Clan: Blood Thunder has been successfully released]

[The supreme spell from the Witch Clan: Mass Luck has been successfully released]


As soon as Judgment Lian summoned the group skills, countless Wu clan masters around him followed suit.

At the moment when countless witchcraft were released, all the Warriors of the Bloodland Alliance turned passively into defense.

With their defensive power, there is really no way to fight a fair battle, because the Wu tribe has completely surpassed them in terms of number and level.


There are exceptions to everything.

Especially after Fang Han, who had the aura of "Nirvana" on his head, took the shot, this kind of hegemony witchcraft, which changed the tilt of the war balance, instantly became a burden.


The secret method gushed out from Fang Han's hands, turning into streaks of dazzling light that appeared above the war domains, and successfully poured into the witch clan's spellcasting.

From the perspective of the Wu Clan and the Warriors of the Bloodland Alliance on the battlefield, this is God Nirvana releasing high-level spells.

[The skill you released was hit by a mysterious force, and the voodoo lightning was blocked...]

[The skill you released was hit by a mysterious force, and the bloody thunderbolt was blocked...]

[The skill you released was hit by a mysterious force, and the group's curse luck was blocked...]


All senior wizards were dumbfounded.

Fang Han laughed out loud, and at the same time waved his wings, sending a signal to Long Yi Zhiyue who had returned to the command phalanx.

Dragon Sniper Moon summons all the Warriors of the Bloodland Alliance and begins a counterattack with the whole army.

"Warriors, witchcraft has no effect on us! God Nirvana blocked the spell of the plague of witches, kill back!"

"The crucial stage of the war for the Bloodland Alliance has arrived, and the fate of the war is in our hands, fight back!"

"The Bloodland League has been defeated and fought repeatedly, and the opportunity to avenge its shame is at hand. With the glorious order of the leader, the whole group will fight back, kill me, and win the final victory!!!"

After receiving the summoning command, the Warrior of the Bloodland Alliance rode the imperial beast, flitted its wings, brandished a hairpin knife and a battle gun, and bravely charged towards the battle formation of the Wu Clan.

[The trap killing formation of Lich monster warriors has been captured...]

[The army in the trap of the Witch Mage regiment was captured...]

[Witch Clan Awakened Guardian Guardian was captured...]


It's all bad news, but Lian, who was sent for trial, remained motionless.

He summoned his Lich Wings and flew to the same airspace as Nirvana.

Then, the big green witch hand stretched out from the sleeve, and a stick of dominance appeared, it was [God King's Scepter]!

And it's a scepter with nine [Eye of the Lich King] inlaid!

Horrible witchcraft circulated endlessly around the scepter.

Fang Han only glanced at the [Scepter of the God King] and then at his staff, and immediately frowned.

What a terrifying existence~

Nine [Eye of the Lich King], guard against everything, and finally got all of them by this old devil.

In the final analysis, I was careless, and I miscalculated. I really didn't expect it.

Fang Han took a deep breath and adjusted his will to fight.

Then, he calmly asked the other party angrily: "Judge Lian, you hide so deeply. I was almost deceived by you."

The other party was a little stunned. Because the only existence named Nirvana, who is the only one who has obtained the title of [Arrogant], just said: I was almost deceived by you.

Haven't I tricked him yet? A little stunned!

"Hahaha~ Great God Nirvana, it's too late to say anything now. I don't know if you have heard of the untold secrets of our Lich Clan [Cage of Witchcraft War], [Lightning of Witchcraft Voodoo], etc. What about domain skills?"

Fang Han shook his head slowly, while paying attention to the dynamics of the battle under his feet, under the golden wings.

He saw that the Warriors of the Bloodland Alliance, led by Dragon Sniper Moon and Lie Yanhou, were still tenaciously participating in the team battle.

The Bloodland Alliance has not shown any sign of shrinking until now, which made Fang Han feel an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

In fact, this kind of emotion was brought by himself, and he knew it.

The Bloodland Alliance was completely suppressed by the disaster of the Mad Witch, but people were willing to believe in him, and they were willing to believe that with his "God Nirvana" joining, the Bloodfield Alliance could win the final victory in this bloody battle.

Will I help the Bloodland Alliance eliminate the plague of mad witches? This is a problem~

"Nirvana, what have you done to my Grand Council of the Lich Clan!"

Seeing that countless spellcastings were interrupted by Fang Han, Judgment Lian's ferociousness was finally revealed without reservation. What he relied on was the powerful [Scepter of the God King] in his hand, which could destroy half of the war domain.

"I'm sorry, Judgment Lian, I originally wanted to delay you later. But now you have exposed the [God King's Scepter]. Therefore, I have also made a decision. I will give you a chance for a fair confrontation."

In the gathering area of ​​the Awakened Lich Master's great power, there was a taunt immediately.

"Nirvana, have you overestimated your ability? This is the [God King Staff] with the ability to destroy the world, and the nine [Eye of the Lich King] gemstones have all been inlaid, and it has awakened the supreme mana , a single mana can destroy your blood body!"

"This Nirvana, relying on his cultivation level is two or three levels higher than our leader, dares to be so crazy, just wait to be devoured by voodoo."

"Trust me, he will definitely lose, and it will be a disastrous one."

"What is the city-state alliance? The last defeat of the Witch's Calamity was nothing more than a war choice. We will eventually win the ultimate victory!"


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