Is this the quality of their Awakened Lich Master?

It seems that these powers of the Lich Clan have been brainwashed by all members~

Fang Han took a deep breath and took out something from his pocket.

Judgment Lian will not stop chasing and killing the Bloodland Alliance because of the confrontation with Fang Han.

He made a beheading motion.

The power of the witch clan, the great witch Mage, and those high-level awakened ones automatically joined the battle, and the whole group began to crush the Warrior of the Blood Alliance.

On this side, Fang Han threw the [Eye of the Lich King] into the air.

A burst of monster light flickered, and the light melted into his [Sun Wings], and then was completely absorbed by the Sun Wings.

Seeing this scene, Judgment Lian narrowed his eyes.

He used the lich mana bestowed by the [Scepter of the God King] to see through the existence of Fang Han.

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory)

[Level]: lv65

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 5

HP: 877.55w/877.55w

Mana: 654330/654330

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5862, Constitution 4216, Agility 3917, Energy 5519, Charm 3740

Attack: 32069 (group soul bonus 30%)

Defense: 59622 (group soul trigger bonus 26%)

Critical rate: 184%

Anti-riot rate: 141%

Movement Speed: 1600%

Damage Passive: 125%

Group Soul Awakening: 12% (lv1)

Light Force: 15


"The Force of Light X15!"

In such a short period of time, his [Sun Wings] changed again, and the light energy produced increased to a terrifying 15!

Judgment Lian felt a little dizzy.

Few people know about this light force.

In the Nine Layers of God's Domain, only the masters of the big forces of the plane like the Calamity of the Mad Witch have a certain chance to decipher the existence of this kind of energy.

Now, he knows everything.

"It turns out that you came to any area that the power of light can reach by relying on the wings of the sun. You are indeed very powerful!"

This was Judgment Lian's unreserved approval.

Before the battle, Judgment Lian actually praised his opponent. You must know that he is holding the [God King Scepter] now.

At the same time, Fang Han also used [Sweeping Light S], coupled with the blessing of light power, to penetrate the opponent's [God King Scepter].

[God King Staff (Power of Judgment, Unidentified)]

[Equipment level: above lv60]

[Introduction: (Mysterious Summoning) The divine king's staff that incorporates the magic weapon of the nine eyes of the Lich King, has the supreme blessing of the five elements of ice, wood, water, fire, and gold, and increases the holder's spellcasting strength by 900% , Increase elemental mana by 354%, ignore enemy damage by 121%, have double effects on critical strikes, serious injuries, heavy blows, and weakening of movement speed. When the subject enters the "blood loss" state, it will be completely immune to any damage for five seconds. This passive takes 500 seconds to recover]

After seeing through the attributes of the [God King Staff], Fang Han was greatly shocked.

If everything is called an artifact, then there is no artifact.

But the magic staff in the opponent's hand can definitely be called a divine weapon, a true divine weapon.

Fang Han's eyes are brightening.

[God King Staff] I really want it!

Mom, the magic weapon in my hand is no longer fragrant in an instant, no, I have to find a way to plunder the [God King Staff].

"Have you read it? God Nirvana, please accept my blessing for you, and let the punishment of death come!"

The most exciting battlefield between the Bloodland Alliance and the Scourge of the Wild Witch has finally come to life.

At this time, even the awakened members of the Lich Clan Presbyterian Council, or the high-ranking legion commanders of the Bloodland Alliance, they were all fighting while staring at this side without exception.

After all, those beings who are completely suppressed by divine power, no matter how they win or lose, have no way to finally determine the dynamic fate of the battlefield.

The only existence who has mastered this mysterious law is the owner of the highest spell, the releaser of the most powerful witch spell, the great god Nirvana from the city-state alliance, and the president of the trial Lian from the plague of witches!

【Witch's Calamity】!

During the confrontation, Judgment Lian faced the "Nirvana" god who was in a defensive posture, and directly used the "God King Staff" to summon the domineering "Mad Witch's Calamity"!

This skill surprised Fang Han.

So that's how the name of the "Wild Witch's Calamity" guild came from!

[You have been plundered by the "Witch's Calamity", and the energy of "Eternal Annihilation" has been weakened by 33%]

[You have been attacked by the "Wild Witch's Calamity", and the "Basic Mana" has been forcibly reduced by 17%]

[You have been cursed by the "Witch's Calamity", and the "basic life" energy has been stripped by 40%]


Seeing this terrifying news, all the cells in Fang Han's body seemed to be ignited.

His guess was not wrong at all, the [God King Staff] inlaid with an [Eye of the Lich King] can exert great power.

Now all nine [Eye of the Lich King] have been found by the opponent, which means that the attack power of each summoned [God King Staff] has been maximized infinitely!

Judging Lian, this old ghost, really didn't disappoint me!

【Wings of the Sun】Up!

A circle of wings shining with golden light tightly encloses its main body.

Then, after a few bursts of [Sorcerer's Calamity] mana passed through his body, Fang Han suddenly spread out the [Sun Wings].

The collision of magic and magic, the duel between lich mana and eternal annihilation, reached its peak at this moment!

With the rebound of Fang Han's [Sun Wings], the limited basic mana skyrocketed again, and quickly recovered to the original level.

What made Judgment Lian even more unbearable was that Fang Han not only withstood the bombardment of several waves of [Warrior's Calamity], but also all the imprisoning effects that came with it were inexplicably lifted.

It must be known that when he blasted out this domineering skill, only part of the energy of the spillover effect damaged about hundreds of Blood Alliance Warriors.

Such a terrifying and astonishing [God King Staff] summoning witchcraft can be described as "destroying the world".

But—why did it fail just at the "Nirvana" master?

Judgment Lian couldn't figure it out, and his eyes showed doubts.

No, the elemental mana of witchcraft has obviously been increased by 354%, that is, the summoned [Mad Witch's Calamity] attacking witchcraft this time, the effect of each ball of energy is about 3.5 times that of usual.

Under the attack of such a terrifying force, even if it is level A, it can kill the existence of a strong person in the Nine Layers of God's Realm.

Why is this guy with the halo of "Nirvana" immune?

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