Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 304 Nirvana Finally Died? Not Dead Ah Ah Ah

The hesitation of several eyes made Judgment Lian's inner shock towards Fang Han deepen again.

"Enjoy the blowing of the solar storm!"

At this moment, the [Sun Wings] on Fang Han's back suddenly flapped, and the violent solar storm, under the blessing of Eternal Annihilation Mana, turned the sky of War Realm into a huge golden beam.

The other side of the beam is connected to the awakened members of the Warlock Guild.

The entire guild of the Witch's Disaster was shaken, and countless awakened people began to run and call.

"The master of the city-state alliance is crazy. He is summoning the power from the God of Light. Everyone is temporarily hiding."

"The powerful Lich Shield, it's time to use the power to protect the Lich Clan."

"Then let the "solar storm" come more violently."

"Hmph, with the God King's scepter, the witch clan will never be drowned!"


Most of the lich masters who have been promoted to the rank of awakened have powerful lich mana, and their level is at least lv51 or above.

Such a team, even if they only summon the Lich Shield, can withstand the attack of [Solar Storm].

However, these Awakened Liches who were in a defensive posture ignored Fang Han's spellcasting this time and used [Sun Wings] as a guide.

In the spell, 17 points of light energy were fused into it.

A mere 1 point of bright energy increases the strength of spellcasting and the damage effect, both of which can increase terror by 10%. What's more, 17 points of bright energy are a full 17 times that of 1 point of bright energy! ! !

【You have been raided by a solar storm and are currently imprisoned, unable to move...】

【You have been raided by a solar storm and are currently in a petrified state, unable to move...】

[You have been raided by a solar storm, and are currently in a state of immobilization, unable to move...]

[You have been raided by a solar storm, and are currently in a "poisoned" state, and your movement has weakened...]


Damn, who the hell saw me? The witch clan's spells are the most powerful, and I actually got hit by the same imprisonment spell? ? !

Impossible, this must be an illusion~

But why can't I move half a step, I can't even summon witchcraft~

Seeing the countless awakened lich masters imprisoned around him, Judgment Lian's eyes began to be filled with murderous intent.

He couldn't stand Fang Han's 【Sun Wing】 anymore.

You want to use it to plunder the Awakened of the Scourge, right? Then I will break your wings so that you can no longer fly.

Judgment Lian held up the [Scepter of the God-King], and the curse and the secret method of the witch tribe resounded between his lips and teeth, like an evil storm passing through the valley, making a humming sound.

【Hellfire Strike】!

A ghastly green glow, like a hellfire blasted from the space of hell, was summoned by the [Scepter of the King of God].

The moment the movement speed appeared from the opening in the space, it was in a state of full movement speed in an instant, and in a short while, the group of "underworld fire" had already reached the top of Fang Han's head.

"Hahaha, wait to be dragged away by the god of death in hell, this is a gift from me, please accept it!"

Boom! ! ! ~

Boom! ! ! …

The underworld fire attack is really powerful.

In the sky above where Fang Han stood with the "Nirvana" halo above his head, the surrounding 10x10 meter space was completely destroyed and distorted.

In the space, there are shouts from hell everywhere, like countless evil spirits from the plane of hell roaring, demanding their lives!

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Dragon Sniper Moon of the Bloodland Alliance couldn't help but stop the blade of war in his hand.

Endure being slaughtered by the enemy, but also pay attention to the war dynamics on Nirvana's side.

"I don't care about others, but the leader of this guild believes that this one, only God Nirvana, can save my blood alliance from falling!"

After uttering his inner cry, Long Sniper Zhiyue held up his war blade and shouted: "Nirvana will never die! The Bloodland Alliance will win!"

Around, the Warriors of the Bloodland Alliance also hinted at the movements in their hands.

Whatever the host shouted, they shouted.

"Nirvana will never die! The Bloodland Alliance must win!"

"Nirvana will never die! The Bloodland Alliance must win!"

"Nirvana will never die! The Bloodland Alliance must win!"


The most exciting team battle moment of the two major plane guilds has arrived! ! !

In the space hit by the underworld fire, Fang Han, who disappeared, seemed to never appear again.

After the ravages of the underworld fire, the space slowly returned to calm, and the space that was originally stretched had been backfilled by the space of the Nine Layers of Gods.

Looking at the place where "Nirvana" Kanbaru came to stand, there was no one there. Judgment Lian immediately opened his eyes wide, trying to predict whether the opponent was really dead.

This is the most important job for him.

Nothing can stir up the "bad luck" of the Witch's Scourge more than that great power named Nirvana.

Suddenly, those awakened people who had been "poisoned", "petrified", "imprisoned", and "speed deprived" suddenly recovered at this moment.

The confinement that was placed on them mysteriously disappeared.

I don't know which high-powered person it is, but he raised his arms and shouted among the awakened: "Aha~ Nirvana, the strongest enemy of the Guild of the Mad Witch's Disaster, has been killed by the guild master Judgment Lian's fire attack!!!"

"Nirvana is dead!"

"My God, Nirvana is finally dead."

"Hahaha, the divine king's staff is indeed boundless in witchcraft, and the master is indeed terrifying!!!"

However, the carnival of the awakened ones did not infect Judgment Lian.

As the leader of the Witch's Disaster Guild, the more carnival his subordinates were, the more serious his face was.

Finally, the line of his jaw suddenly stopped stretching.

The space torn apart by a gradually gathering "Underworld Fire" surged slightly.

Then, a ray of golden wings radiated fiercely.

The surrounding space, as if the clouds were completely dyed, turned into a golden color, and the war field in sight was already full of treasure and light!

Nirvana is not dead!

Nirvana, the god of the city-state alliance, is not dead at all!

Damn, my Awakened Lich Master subordinates, they are too happy too soon.

What a mockery~

Judgment Lian trembled all over, but the next moment he quickly stabilized his figure.

The divine king's scepter waved in the sky again, preparing to continue to summon the deadly "Supreme Spell of the Witch Clan" to serve the most terrifying existence in the Nine Layers of God Realm.


[You have been hit by the freezing ray, and your right hand of the Lich is already in the "lost state, losing the ability to attack witchcraft]

This sudden change made Judgment Lian tremble as if a bucket of ice water had been poured all over his body.

He clearly felt that Nirvana was playing tricks, but there was no sense of the most powerful enemy in his sight.



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