"God Nirvana, you are finally here. Our guild master is already waiting for you in the guild hall! You see, after taking over the territory of the Mad Witch, the power of the Bloodland Alliance has increased unprecedentedly. Now we have become members of millions of forces." The guild exists."

As soon as Lie Yanhou saw Fang Han coming, he immediately accompanied him warmly.

With strides, Fang Han was escorted all the way into the main hall of the guild.

"God Nirvana, hahaha, look, I wear the costume of the star city lord, does it look like that!"

Long Yi Zhiyue Dama Jindao came out to greet him, and walked towards the main seat by the arm of Fang Han like an old friend.

"Please take a seat!"

Fang Han was also polite, and sat in the seat that originally belonged to the leader of the Bloodland League.

After all, his current identity is the master of the city-state alliance.

The Bloodland Alliance is one of the guilds under the City-State Alliance. It belongs to the existence of one super multi-power.

"Dragon Sniper's Moon, congratulations on taking over the territory of the Mad Witch's Calamity, and upgrading the Bloodland Alliance to a star-level city on the plane. Marquis Lie Yan, congratulations on becoming the vice president."

Long Yi Zhiyue and Lie Yanhou were overjoyed.

"God Nirvana, this is the tribute that the Bloodland Alliance should pay to the City-State Alliance. Look at the amount."

Fang Han opened it and looked, my good fellow, the number of gold coins paid to the City-State Alliance in Dragon Sniper Moon is actually as much as 250 million gold coins!

"Well, good, good!"

Long Sniper Zhiyue said in amazement: "God Nirvana, are you not satisfied? If so, then we can increase the tribute that should be handed over to the City-State Alliance to 70%, or even 90%."

Fang Han shook his head.

"That's not what I meant. I've got a problem, you two."

Dragon Sniper Moon and Lie Yanhou's vice-chairman vibrated at the same time.

"God Nirvana, did the forces from the main cities of other worlds threaten the city-state alliance? So you are a little worried? If so, after the Bloodland Alliance digests all the territory of the Mad Witch Disaster, the Bloodland Alliance can immediately gather millions Warrior, cooperate with you to sweep away any hostile world guilds."

Fang Han said: "This is just one aspect, but it is not the main aspect. You two, I wonder if you have heard of [Boos bone (excellent)] This material?"

Then, Fang Han expressed his idea of ​​transforming the 【God King Staff】.

Dragon Sniper Zhiyue frowned: "The material that God Nirvana needs, even if we can't get it, we have to find a way to get it, but this material is too special. I only heard about it from the elders of the previous generation of the Blood Alliance. , and it was many years ago."

But Lie Yanhou said with surprise on his face: "God Nirvana, the leader, the remaining 9/10 [Boos skeleton (excellent) blood domain alliance can provide. And the quantity is not too much, it is exactly 9 yuan.]"

"Brother Lie Yan, you are not making fun of me, are you?"

Long Sniper Moon solemnly reminded at this time: "I am afraid that the Blood Field Alliance has not yet challenged the strength of Boos above lv100 in the Nine Layers of Gods. Vice President, you must speak responsibly. You can't deliberately take over the impossible because you want to thank God Nirvana." task. This will harm God Nirvana."

Fang Han nodded and said: "Although the words are a bit harsh, but the truth is the truth."

Lie Yanhou smiled wryly and spread his hands: "Hey, I really didn't say that on purpose to claim credit. The leader, God Nirvana, you two may not know. There is no more, no less, there are exactly 9 [Boos bones (excellent)]”

Fang Han stood up all of a sudden.

"Take me to see." The sense of surprise spread throughout the body, and the whole person became happy.

It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.

[Boos' Bones (Excellent)] Quantity X9


Fang Han accepted the gift from the Bloodland Alliance very comfortably, and while laughing loudly, used the power of light to teleport back to [Piao Miao City, the Great City of the World].

In a dark tavern.

"Heaven Designated, thank you for bringing me the superb [Boos skeleton]. It takes at least three days to reverse the equipment attributes. I will inform you when the reversal is successful."

If it weren't for the "mysterious old man" who was there to take on the task.

Fang Han was really worried that he ran away with his equipment wrapped up~funny~

back to town.

Fang Han saw many people gathering around the "bulletin board" to inquire about news.

Fang Han squeezed into the crowd to have a look.

"[Evil Lightning Demon] Extermination Mission" immediately came into view.

This is the task issued by the players of Misty City (World City).

It's just a small entrusted task, why are there so many players pointing here? Fang Han was a little curious.

After a careful look, it turned out that after the planes were opened up, the foreign race [Evil Thunder Demon] invaded the Boos area of ​​Misty City and Yixing City.

Looking at the number of entrusted kills again, Fang Han's eyes widened.

...The number of entrusted kills is X100 million!

a lot~

At this time, two old faces also squeezed into the crowd.

"God Nirvana, so you are here, we are looking for you everywhere. You should have seen the announcement, it's a big deal~"

It's two casual players. Judging from their equipment level, they should be some key figures in the guild under Misty City. Their level is between lv55-57, and they can be regarded as strong planes.

"If it's this task, I have to hand it over to the trade union. It should be more appropriate."

The player on the left heard Fang Han's suggestion and immediately shook his head: "No, several guilds have tried it before. But they all ended in failure. The large number of evil thunder demons is not easy to deal with at all."

Another player went on to say: "The main reason is that this kind of monsters are called 'ruthless planes' to sneak attacks on players who are alone. [Evil Lightning Demon] not only has a high level, but also sneaks up on players silently. It is highly poisonous and comes with the power of lightning. It has caused many players who are alone to suffer. Many high-level lone wolf players are now afraid to go to the Boos area to practice and equip."

A question came to Fang Han's mind.

[Evil Lightning Demon] Is it really so 'smooth'?

If not, run over and take a look in person, and you will know the answer.

[World Teleportation Stone]!

A ray of light traveled through time and space, and the next second brought the character to the teleportation zone.

[Hint: You have entered the "Thunder and Lightning Demon Nest" area]

There was a wind blowing on the hillside, and there were some traces of battle on both sides of the road. Fang Han didn't see a monster in the Boos area, nor did he see a player in this area. This scene was indeed a bit special.

After all, the location he teleported to now is a traffic center outside Piao Miao City.

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