Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 309: The Beast Tide Is Coming

Such a location not only spawns monsters frequently, but also usually sees many players leading to distant leveling areas from here.

Fang Han once imagined that if it is a player who does not consider upgrading by killing Boos elite monsters.

If they wanted to develop, this place set up a stall to sell life potions wholesale from the city, and it was guaranteed to make a lot of money.

[Scanning Eye S]!

[Scanning glow spreading——5000X5000 meter area scanning is over, monsters: 0 players: 0]

A big question mark popped up in Fang Han's head.

Then, he expanded the spread area of ​​[Scanning Glow] to ten times its original size.

[Warning, warning! ! 】

[At 11 o'clock at 50,000 meters, a large number of evil monsters are coming in this direction, the number is unknown]


Nima, isn't it, [Scanning Eye S] is also on strike? Why only some functions are enabled? Don't show me the number of all monsters? ? ?

There is only one explanation for such a situation, that is, there are too many monsters, and the scanning skills cannot scan them all, so this situation occurs.

In other words, what he has to face now is a group of monsters, no different from a beast horde.

【Ding! The scanning glow has covered the Boos area, and 1,000,000+ monsters have been detected, coming towards 10:00-11:00. 】

【Ding! The scanning glow has covered the Boos area, and it has been detected that 1,000,000+ lightning demons are coming towards 10:00-11:00. 】


"[Evil Lightning Demon], the beast tide is finally here."

After confirming the existence of the terrifying beast horde, Fang Han was very excited.

After beheading a small group of [Evil Lightning Demons], now it's time for him to return to the city.


The location of the largest bulletin board in the city.

"Yo, I thought Nirvana came, so I dared to tear up the list, so I will take this task!~"

"Joke, hundreds of millions of [Evil Thunder Demons] rushing up together, God Nirvana may not be able to withstand it."

"That's right, this is a task to destroy a large number of monsters. There are too many monsters. If a monster bites you and reduces your mana by a bit, it can empty your power at once. Hundreds of millions of monsters, even the existence of [Disregarding the Nine Gods] Can't stand it."

"I don't care about this. I care more about whether the entire city-state alliance will be swallowed up by this group of beasts. For example, Boos siege the city, for example, monsters occupy the city-state. Then those of us who have to go back to the city for supplies Guild players are about to be kicked out of Misty City, and they don’t even have a place to supply them, so they are waiting to die.”

"Well, what you said makes sense."


"God Nirvana is here again! Look, God Nirvana is here."

"God Nirvana, why did you come back again? Are you still thinking about revealing the list?"

The crowd knew Fang Han's existence and was already shouting at him.

After all, such a large group of monsters appeared in the place covered by the forces of the city-state alliance, whoever is the master of the area will attract attention.

"That's right, I'm here to reveal the list. But this list is too scattered. Eliminating 100 million monsters will score seventy or eighty missions, and it's too troublesome to settle. I want to organize the unions and individuals who release the missions. Everyone Scattered missions are integrated into one mission. Then the challenge will be revealed, so that it will be more orderly, and it will be more convenient to fight monsters."

As Fang Han said, "The news that God Nirvana challenged 100 million [Evil Thunder Demons] immediately spread like wildfire in the city-state alliance.

Then, all the players were boiling.

Alexander and Tie Miansheng led a large group of masters to the largest bulletin board in Misty City, and found the 'God Nirvana' who was eating in the nearby streets.

"Heaven Designated, I heard that you are going to be next on the list by yourself?"

"Could it be a mistake? Kill 100 million [Evil Thunder Demon] by one person?" Tie Miansheng also said after Alexander, in disbelief.

Fang Han finished eating noodles X2, plus 'exquisite sandwiches' X3, and a cup of 'vitality milk tea' X1, then he burped and said: "No way, the players in Yixing City and Misty City are all scared. We If you don't make any more moves, I'm afraid that the players of the City-State Alliance will soon be gone!"

"Impossible!" Tie Miansheng said.

"Tie Miansheng, let me ask you, what would you do if a situation like 100 million monsters attacked the city happened?"

The iron face turned into an iron face, and it was very red. Because he suddenly realized it from the words of Nirvana.

If the beast tide attacks the city, it will indeed be terrifying.

Especially in the beast tide, there are many bosses that cannot be counted.

No matter how loyal the players who joined the city-state alliance were, they didn't want to be abused by these monsters and Boos to the point where life-supplement potions couldn't do it.

Experienced players have heard that they have already begun to consider moving to other world main cities in the Nine Layers of Gods to live.

This put a lot of pressure on the city lord Alexander and the iron-faced city lord.

"Then I'll send my guild to join! At least, one more person and one monster-slaying knife would be good, don't you think?"

Fang Han turned to Alexander and asked, "What about you, what's your attitude?"

"Heaven Designated, I think this suggestion of Iron City Lord is worth considering."

Fang Han directly asked the most crucial sentence: "You two, many of your guilds challenged the beast tide, and all of them got bruised and swollen in the end. You are familiar with it, right?"

The two city lords fell silent for a moment, very embarrassing.

Faced with this difficult task, Fang Han quickly gave a comprehensive opinion.

And then

[Successful integration of Yixing City extermination mission]

[Successful Integration of Misty City Extermination Mission]

[Successful integration of the task of destroying the demons of the strong in the casual repair plane]


【Ding! You have successfully accepted the task of exterminating 100 million "evil lightning demons", the task time limit is five days, the task reward: massive experience, + massive extermination points + massive gold coin reward]

World: God Nirvana has accepted the task of exterminating 100 million evil thunder demons, the current task completion rate: 100 million/100 million.

In the square, the players were all boiling.

"Oh, God Nirvana is really brave, so brave, he dared to single-handedly attack hundreds of millions of evil thunder and lightning demons. I'm afraid I won't be fooled by monsters."

"Don't doubt the ability of God Nirvana, he is the master of the city-state alliance, and he has ways and means that we can't imagine to complete the task."

"That's right, I'm also optimistic about God Nirvana."



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